Validierung der Messung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität mittels des Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) in einer deutschen Normstichprobe
Matthias MorfeldElmar BrählerElmar BrählerHeide GlaesmerKarin DrixlerMarkus Wirtzsubject
Ordinal dataSocial supportQuality of life (healthcare)Convergent validity05 social sciencesNormative0501 psychology and cognitive sciences050108 psychoanalysisPsychologyMental healthStructural equation modelingConfirmatory factor analysisClinical psychologydescription
Validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 (SF-12 Version 2.0) assessing health-related quality of life in a normative German sample Objectives: Convergent and divergent validation of the Short-Form-Health-Survey-12 assessing HRQoL by analyzing its associations with depressiveness (PHQ-9), social support (OSS-3) and satisfaction with life (SWLS). Methods: A normative German sample (N = 2.524) was analyzed using correlation, regression as well as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling for ordinal data. Results: The SF-12-scale Mental Health is associated most strongly with the validation criteria (PHQ: r[scales/constructs] = -.73/-.88, OSS-3: r = .35/.55, SWLS: r = .47/.62). Mental Health (β = .36) and Social Support (OSS-3; β = .25) allow to explain a significant amount of variance of the SWLS (R2 = .28). On construct level Emotional Role Functioning (β = .28) proved to be significant additionally. Conclusions: The SF-12 scales are associated with the validation criteria as expected. The SF- 12 proved to be suitable for modelling core components of HRQoL within a biopsychosocial framework aiming at predicting satisfaction with life.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2020-09-02 | Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie |