Juan A. Martı́nez Giménez
On the dimerization of the primitive tRNAs: implications in the origin of genetic code.
RNAs that catalyse their own aminoacylation have been recently selected in vitro. These findings support the notion that the primitive aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases may have been RNAs. In this paper, we propose a structural model for the first aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase consisting of an RNA complex formed between two primitive tRNA molecules through two intermolecular loop-strand interactions, and with implications in the origin of the genetic code.
On the function of modified nucleosides in the RNA world.
Presumably ribosome and transfer RNA (tRNA) evolved from a pre-existing function in the RNA stage of life and were secondarily adapted for protein synthesis. Various possible initial functions of the primitive ribosome (protoribosome) have been suggested. The initial function of the primitive ribosome and primitive genetic translation would have been quite similar. It is possible that, initially, both functions coexisted in the protoribosome. Given that the three-dimensional structure of ribosomal RNAs shows only minor variations throughout time, it is, then, most likely that present ribosomes can still recall (remember) the most important parts of the mechanism of their initial function. A…