Jyrki Torniainen
The Origins of Northern European Autographa Gamma Individuals Evaluated Using Hydrogen Stable Isotopes
1. Many insect species are migratory. As the spring progresses, adults gradually depart from their over‐wintering habitats and arrive in northern zones where they reproduce during the summer. Understanding this transgenerational and highly adaptive migratory behaviour is crucial when interpreting life cycle dynamics of many insect pests. 2. Origins of migratory silver Y moths, Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758), captured from Finland, were studied with stable hydrogen analysis of their wings (δ2Hw). 3. The difference between spring and autumn generation δ2Hw values indicate different geographical natal origins. The probability surface map shows that the spring generation probably emerged in …
The origins of northern European Autographa gamma individuals evaluated using hydrogen stable isotopes
Influence of the marine feeding area on the muscle and egg fatty-acid composition of Atlantic salmonSalmo salarspawners estimated from the scale stable isotopes
Fatty acids in muscle tissue and eggs of female Atlantic salmon Salmo salar spawners were analysed to evaluate the dietary quality of their final feeding areas in the Baltic Sea. The final likely feeding area was identified by comparing stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of the outermost growth region (final annulus) of scales of returned S. salar with that of reference S. salar caught from different feeding areas. Some overlap of stable-isotope reference values among the three areas, in addition to prespawning fasting, decreased the ability of muscle tri-acylglycerols to discriminate the final likely feeding area and the area's dietary quality. Among three long-chained polyunsa…
Different trophic positions among social vespid species revealed by stable isotopes
The social vespid wasps are common insect predators and several species behave in unison in the same biotopes. It is commonly accepted that social wasps are mainly opportunistic generalist predators without differences in prey selection and hence they compete for the same food resources. Trophic positions of six vespid wasp species and their potential prey from four sites in Finland and one in the UK were evaluated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The difference in isotope values indicated different trophic positions among species. In general, Dolichovespula spp. showed higher δ15N values than Vespula spp., which suggests that Dolichovespula forage on higher trophi…
Oxygen and carbon isoscapes for the Baltic Sea : Testing their applicability in fish migration studies
Conventional tags applied to individuals have been used to investigate animal movement, but these methods require tagged individuals be recaptured. Maps of regional isotopic variability known as “isoscapes” offer potential for various applications in migration research without tagging wherein isotope values of tissues are compared to environmental isotope values. In this study, we present the spatial variability in oxygen (δ18OH2O) and dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) isotope values of Baltic Sea water. We also provide an example of how these isoscapes can reveal locations of individual animal via spatial probability surface maps, using the high-resolution salmon otolith isotope data fr…
Stable isotopes in monitoring terrestrial arthropods
Monitoring of arthropods focuses typically on changes in population and range size over time. Yet, there are a myriad of other aspects that could and should be monitored under the ongoing global and local environmental change. Stable isotope analysis, widely employed in short-term ecological studies, has potential in long-term monitoring of arthropods. Here we discuss the use of stable isotopes in monitoring terrestrial arthropods, provide some empirical examples of the use of bulk tissue samples in stable isotope analysis, and outline future directions in using compound-specific stable isotope analysis in monitoring. We performed a literature search for 2012–2021 to see if stable isotopes …
Benthic‐pelagic coupling and trophic relationships in northern Baltic Sea food webs
Understanding marine ecosystem structure and functioning is crucial in supporting sustainable management of natural resources and monitoring the health of marine ecosystems. The current study utilized stable isotope (SI) mixing models and trophic position models to examine energy flow, trophic relationships, and benthic‐pelagic coupling between food web components. Roughly 1900 samples from different trophic levels in the food web, collected during 2001–2010 from four northern and central sub‐basins of the Baltic Sea, were analyzed for SI ratios of carbon and nitrogen. Trophic structure of the food webs among the sub‐basins was consistent, but there were differences between the proportions …
Natural recruitment contributes to high densities of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) in Western Europe
Introductions of grass carp, well known for their potentially negative ecosystem effects, have been performed in several countries around the world. As the species was considered unable to reproduce naturally under non-native environmental conditions, little attention was initially given to its invasive potential. We studied an area in northern-Italy where, contrary to expectations, introductions that were performed in the early 80s still exert a considerable pressure on aquatic macrophytes. In order to reveal whether the observed population dynamics are the result of natural events or stocking we analysed the density, age- and size-structure of the grass carp population and the migration p…
Migratory connectivity amongst Baltic Sea salmon
First Fennoscandian record of the gall midge Janetiella glechomae Tavares, 1930 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Janetiella glechomae (Tavares, 1930) -äkämäsääski ilmoitetaan ensimmäisen kerran Suomesta. Havainto on samalla koko Fennoskandian alueelle uusi. Havainnon ja määrityksen teki tanskalainen tutkija, tohtori Hans Henrik Bruun, 18.6.2016 ollessaan vierailemassa vastaväittäjänä Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Varsinainen havaintopaikka sijaitsee ES: Joutsan Taka-Ikolassa. Habitaatti on reheväkasvuinen ja ruohoinen laidun, jolla ei juuri lajin löytö- hetkellä ollut karjaa. Janetiella glechomae elää vain maahumalalla (Glechoma hederacea). Lajin toukat aiheuttavat äkämän maahumalan kypsyvään lohkohedelmään. Yhden tai kahden toukan asuttama yksittäinen lohko (merikarppi) paisuu voimakkaasti ja äkämä ulottu…
Short sea migration and precocious maturation in reared Atlantic salmon post-smolts in the northern Baltic Sea
Abstract Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) display significant variation in life history traits, including migration patterns and age at maturity. Hatchery rearing has been shown to affect the life history, and rearing-induced changes may include unfavourable consequences, e.g. shortened sea migration period and smaller size at maturity. We report on a new phenomenon of life history of reared Atlantic salmon in the Baltic Sea area: small-sized salmon returning to freshwater only a few months after release as smolts. These “one-sea-summer (1SS)” salmon were ca. 35 cm in length and weighed ca. 400 g, being clearly larger than smolts, but substantially smaller than one-sea-winter (1SW) salmon f…
Migratory connectivity of two Baltic Sea salmon populations: retrospective analysis using stable isotopes of scales
Abstract Torniainen, J., Vuorinen, P. J., Jones, R. I., Keinänen, M., Palm, S., Vuori, K. A. M., and Kiljunen, M. 2014. Migratory connectivity of two Baltic Sea salmon populations: retrospective analysis using stable isotopes of scales. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71: 336–344. Migratory connectivity refers to the extent to which individuals of a migratory population behave in unison, and has significant consequences for the ecology, evolution and conservation of migratory animals. We made a retrospective assessment of the migratory connectivity of River Simojoki and River Kymijoki populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. by using stable isotope analysis of archived scales to iden…
Environmentally driven changes in Baltic salmon oxidative status during marine migration.
The fitness and recruitment of fish stocks can be markedly affected by environmental disturbances including global warming, eutrophication and contamination. Understanding the effects of environmental stressors on salmon physiology during marine residence is of a global concern as marine survival has decreased. We present a unique combination of physiological responses - antioxidant defence and oxidative damage biomarkers, stable isotopes and contaminant exposure biomarkers - measured from adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) collected at the Baltic Sea and studied in relation to environmental variables and fitness estimates. The results demonstrate that feeding populations of salmon display…
Developing response-ability in human-wasp encounters
Learning to live with unloved others is crucial in the ecological crisis. Unloved wasps are feared and disliked for their sting. Understanding of their ecological importance is increasing, however. Human-wasp encounters are changing with environmental changes, and strategies for multispecies cohabitation are needed. This multispecies study highlights features of wasp biology affecting human-wasp encounters and analyzes how conflicted human-wasp relations could be mitigated. The geographical focus is Finland, in the Northern boreal region. Biological analysis specified spatiotemporal aspects affecting human-wasp encounters: human and wasp habitats and preferences overlap ubiquitously. From a…
All-day activity of Dolichovespula saxonica (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) colonies in Central Finland
In social vespid wasps, colony activity varies at many temporal scales. We studied the peak season activity (number of individuals entering the nest per min) of colonies of the social vespine wasp Dolichovespula saxonica in its native range in boreal Finland. Six colonies were monitored non-stop for a full day, starting before sunrise and ending after sunset. Shorter monitoring was carried out before and/or after the full-day monitoring. All colonies were active before sunrise and after sunset, and the overall activity was positively linked with colony size. Activity showed irregular minute-to-minute cycles in all colonies. The broader within-day dynamics were idiosyncratic among the coloni…
Study sites geography and climate information from Different trophic positions among social vespid species revealed by stable isotopes
The social vespid wasps are common insect predators and several species behave in unison in the same biotopes. It is commonly accepted that social wasps are mainly opportunistic generalist predators without differences in prey selection and hence they compete for the same food resources. Trophic positions of six vespid wasp species and their potential prey from four sites in Finland and one in the UK were evaluated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The difference in isotope values indicated different trophic positions among species. In general, Dolichovespula spp. showed higher δ15N values than Vespula spp., which suggests that Dolichovespula forage on higher trophi…
Social Wasps (Vespinae) in Urban Gardens and Woods
Global change, including urbanization, affects species ecology. Social wasps (Vespinae) are ubiquitous in urban areas, which increases their encounters with humans. We studied social wasps in urban gardens and nearby urban woods in central Finland, using beer traps. Social wasps were common in gardens and woods, and overall wasp abundance was higher in the woods. Also, the most abundant and frequent species Vespula vulgaris was more abundant in the woods than in the gardens. Variation in the overall abundance and the abundance of V. vulgaris was great among trap locations, which likely results from wasps’ social nesting habits. Neither the abundance of all social wasps nor that of V. vulgar…
Potential predation pressure of littoral mysids on herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) eggs and yolk-sac larvae
The predation potential of littoral mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) eggs and yolk-sac larvae was studied experimentally. The results showed that littoral mysids feed actively on both eggs and yolk-sac larvae. It was shown that Neomysis integer preys on eggs, which are not attached to the substrate. Alternative food (yolk-sac larvae or zooplankton) did not decrease feeding rate on eggs. Only gravel as a bottom material lowered the ingestion rate to nearly zero. The largest of the mysid species Praunus flexuosus ate yolk-sac larvae more than other mysids and most efficiently. Mysids switched to feed on eggs when larvae and eggs were offered simultaneou…
Rannan halkoisjalkaisäyriäisten (Mysidacea) silakan (Clupea harengus v. membras L.) mätimuniin ja vastakuoriutuneisiin poikasiin kohdistama saalistus
Invasive catfish in northern Italy and their impacts on waterbirds
Predatory fish have occasionally been observed preying on birds, sometimes repeatedly, but few studies were able to unravel the overall significance of avian prey in fish diet and the predation impacts on bird populations. We used a control/impact study setup, using a Nature Reserve in northern Italy and a nearby control area, to determine: 1) the contribution of waterbirds to wels catfish diet in the Reserve, 2) the population density of wels catfish in the Reserve and control area and 3) the potential impacts of waterbird depredation by wels catfish on waterbird population trends. Our stable isotope Bayesian mixing model indicated that birds contributed 12.2% (5–27.9%, 50% confidence inte…
New national and regional biological records for Finland 11 : Contributions to Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta 10
Ten species of mosses (Bryophyta: Entosthodon obtusus, Entosthodon ulvinenii, Eurhynchiastrum diversifolium, Hedwigia emodica, Hedwigia mollis, Hygrohypnum styriacum, Plagiothecium rossicum, Polytrichum perigoniale, Tortella alpicola and Ulota intermedia) are presented as new for Finland. Cephalozia lacinulata, previously considered to be regionally extinct from Finland, is reported to being found again. New records in biogeographical provinces for 67 species of mosses and 34 species of liverworts are listed. Finally, 6 occurrences in provinces are removed due to misidentifications or missing specimens. peerReviewed
Supplementary material 1 from: Milardi M, Green AJ, Mancini M, Trotti P, Kiljunen M, Torniainen J, Castaldelli G (2022) Invasive catfish in northern Italy and their impacts on waterbirds. NeoBiota 72: 109-128. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.72.80500
Figures and Tables
Supplementary material 1 from: Komonen A, Torniainen J (2022) All-day activity of Dolichovespula saxonica (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) colonies in Central Finland. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 89: 157-170. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.89.79306
Tables S1, S2, Figures S1–S4
Measured stable isotopes (C, N) of wasps and their prey from Different trophic positions among social vespid species revealed by stable isotopes
The social vespid wasps are common insect predators and several species behave in unison in the same biotopes. It is commonly accepted that social wasps are mainly opportunistic generalist predators without differences in prey selection and hence they compete for the same food resources. Trophic positions of six vespid wasp species and their potential prey from four sites in Finland and one in the UK were evaluated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The difference in isotope values indicated different trophic positions among species. In general, Dolichovespula spp. showed higher δ15N values than Vespula spp., which suggests that Dolichovespula forage on higher trophi…
Data from: Oxygen and carbon isoscapes for the Baltic Sea: testing their applicability in fish migration studies
Conventional tags applied to individuals have been used to investigate animal movement, but these methods require tagged individuals be recaptured. Maps of regional isotopic variability known as “isoscapes” offer potential for various applications in migration research without tagging wherein isotope values of tissues are compared to environmental isotope values. In this study, we present the spatial variability in oxygen (math formula) and dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) isotope values of Baltic Sea water. We also provide an example of how these isoscapes can reveal locations of individual animal via spatial probability surface maps, using the high-resolution salmon otolith isotope da…