A. Tabyaoui
Stimulated Raman and Cars Spectroscopy of ν1 and 2ν2 (A1) Bands of 12CF4
Two experimental coherent Raman techniques, stimulated Raman and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS), were employed to study the Raman spectrum of CF 4 in the 900 cm −1 region. The stimulated Raman and CARS spectra of the ν 1 band of CF 4 were recorded at high resolution. The analysis of these spectra enabled some spectroscopic constants of this band to be refined and higher order constants to be determined for the first time. The first high-resolution CARS spectrum of the 2ν 2 (A 1 ) harmonic band is also presented. The rotational transitions of this band up to J = 40 were assigned and the first set of spectroscopic constants for this sub-level were determined. These results imp…
Analysis of Infrared and Raman-Spectra of 116SnH4 in the 1900 cm-1 Region - Study of the 1000, 0010 Interacting States
Accurate spectroscopic constants of nitrogen determined from stimulated Raman spectra of the fundamental and first hot bands
Nitrogen spectra of the Q-branch of the fundamental and the first hot bands were recorde with a high-resolution stimulated Raman spectrometer at atmospheric pressure and ca. 1300 K. The absolute frequencies of the Raman lines were measured with high accuracy, leading to a refinement of spectroscopic constants. A temperature estimation was also performed from the Raman intensities.