Cristina Serrano
Nanostructured medical sutures with antibacterial properties
Bacterial repellence in suture materials is a desirable property that can potentially improve the healing process by preventing infection. We describe a method for generating nanostructures at the surface of commercial sutures of different composition, and their potential for preventing biofilm formation. We show how bacteria attachment is altered in the presence of nanosized topographies and identify optimum designs for preventing it without compromising biocompatibility and applicability in terms of nanostructure robustness or tissue friction. These studies open new possibilities for flexible and cost-effective realization of topography-based antibacterial coatings for absorbable biomedic…
Future-oriented coping: Dispositional influence and relevance for adolescent subjective wellbeing, depression, and anxiety
Abstract Extensive literature has explored the predictive role of personality in the use of coping strategies. However, proactive and preventive coping that aim to take action before stressful events occur currently remain largely unexplored. This study examined the associations between proactive and preventive coping and personality (domains and facets) and subjective wellbeing, depression, and anxiety. The results obtained in 934 Spanish adolescents showed that all personality domains were predictors of both types of coping, except for Extraversion, which did not predict preventive coping. Attention to the facets allowed increases in the predicted percentage of variance and a greater unde…
Psychometric Properties of Spanish Version Student Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES–S–9) in High-school Students
AbstractThe Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) is a self-report instrument widely used, both in the original and its abbreviated version of nine items, to assess the work -UWES, UWES–9– and academic engagement -UWES-S, UWES–S–9–. The present study examines factor structure of the UWES–S–9 using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), its convergent validity and invariance across sex and age groups in a sample of 626 Spanish high school students. The results support an unidimensional conceptualization of engagement (S-Bχ2/df = 5.29; CFI = .96; NNFI = .94; RMSEA = .083; IFI = .96; AIC = 82.21; BIC = 267.38), revealed an essentially invariant structure of the UWES–S–9 across the sex, ΔS-Bχ2(Δ6) …
Perceived Emotional Intelligence, Subjective Well-Being, Perceived Stress, Engagement and Academic Achievement of Adolescents // Inteligencia emocional percibida, bienestar subjetivo, estrés percibido, engagement y rendimiento académico en adolescentes
El presente estudio extiende la investigacion previa sobre inteligencia emocional percibida (IEP), al examinar las conexiones entre IEP, estres percibido, bienestar subjetivo, engagement academico, rendimiento, edad y sexo en una muestra de adolescentes; al tiempo que explora si estres percibido, bienestar subjetivo y/o engagement academico median la asociacion IEP y rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos en una muestra de 626 participantes de entre 13 y 18 anos muestran la existencia de relaciones entre IEP y todas las variables analizadas, a excepcion de edad y rendimiento; al tiempo que todas las variables hipotetizadas como mediadoras si se asocian con el rendimiento academico. El efecto…
Does optimism mediate the relationship between Big Five and perceived stress? A study with Spanish adolescents
Los resultados de investigación han mostrado la existencia de relaciones entre los Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad, Optimismo y Estrés Percibido. El objetivo del estudio es explorar, mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, el posible papel mediador que se ha sugerido podría desempeñar Optimismo en esta relación. También, se explora a través de un análisis multi-grupo la invarianza por sexo de los resultados. Un total de 611 adolescentes españoles completaron de forma anónima los cuestionarios BFQ, LOT-R y PSS. Optimismo se asoció positivamente asociado con los rasgos de personalidad y negativamente con Estrés Percibido. El Estrés se relacionó negativamente con Estabilidad Emoc…