Dmitry Chicherin
Analytic result for a two-loop five-particle amplitude
We compute the symbol of the full-color two-loop five-particle amplitude in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, including all non-planar subleading-color terms. The amplitude is written in terms of permutations of Parke-Taylor tree-level amplitudes and pure functions to all orders in the dimensional regularization parameter, in agreement with previous conjectures. The answer has the correct collinear limits and infrared factorization properties, allowing us to define a finite remainder function. We study the multi-Regge limit of the non-planar terms, analyze its subleading power corrections, and present analytically the leading logarithmic terms.
Analytic result for the nonplanar hexa-box integrals.
In this paper, we analytically compute all master integrals for one of the two non-planar integral families for five-particle massless scattering at two loops. We first derive an integral basis of 73 integrals with constant leading singularities. We then construct the system of differential equations satisfied by them, and find that it is in canonical form. The solution space is in agreement with a recent conjecture for the non-planar pentagon alphabet. We fix the boundary constants of the differential equations by exploiting constraints from the absence of unphysical singularities. The solution of the differential equations in the Euclidean region is expressed in terms of iterated integral…
Yangian Symmetry for Fishnet Feynman Graphs
Various classes of fishnet Feynman graphs are shown to feature a Yangian symmetry over the conformal algebra. We explicitly discuss scalar graphs in three, four and six spacetime dimensions as well as the inclusion of fermions in four dimensions. The Yangian symmetry results in novel differential equations for these families of largely unsolved Feynman integrals. Notably, the considered fishnet graphs in three and four dimensions dominate the correlation functions and scattering amplitudes in specific double scaling limits of planar, gamma-twisted N=4 super Yang-Mills or ABJM theory. Consequently, the study of fishnet graphs allows us to get deep insights into the integrability of the plana…
Wilson Loop Form Factors: A New Duality
We find a new duality for form factors of lightlike Wilson loops in planar $\mathcal N=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. The duality maps a form factor involving an $n$-sided lightlike polygonal super-Wilson loop together with $m$ external on-shell states, to the same type of object but with the edges of the Wilson loop and the external states swapping roles. This relation can essentially be seen graphically in Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace where it is equivalent to planar graph duality. However there are some crucial subtleties with the cancellation of spurious poles due to the gauge fixing. They are resolved by finding the correct formulation of the Wilson loop and by careful analyti…
Implications of nonplanar dual conformal symmetry
Recently, Bern et al observed that a certain class of next-to-planar Feynman integrals possess a bonus symmetry that is closely related to dual conformal symmetry. It corresponds to a projection of the latter along a certain lightlike direction. Previous studies were performed at the level of the loop integrand, and a Ward identity for the integral was formulated. We investigate the implications of the symmetry at the level of the integrated quantities. In particular, we focus on the phenomenologically important case of five-particle scattering. The symmetry simplifies the four-variable problem to a three-variable one. In the context of the recently proposed space of pentagon functions, the…
Bootstrapping pentagon functions
In PRL 116 (2016) no.6, 062001, the space of planar pentagon functions that describes all two-loop on-shell five-particle scattering amplitudes was introduced. In the present paper we present a natural extension of this space to non-planar pentagon functions. This provides the basis for our pentagon bootstrap program. We classify the relevant functions up to weight four, which is relevant for two-loop scattering amplitudes. We constrain the first entry of the symbol of the functions using information on branch cuts. Drawing on an analogy from the planar case, we introduce a conjectural second-entry condition on the symbol. We then show that the information on the function space, when comple…
The two-loop five-particle amplitude in $\mathcal{N}=8$ supergravity
We compute for the first time the two-loop five-particle amplitude in $\mathcal{N}=8$ supergravity. Starting from the known integrand, we perform an integration-by-parts reduction and express the answer in terms of uniform weight master integrals. The latter are known to evaluate to non-planar pentagon functions, described by a 31-letter symbol alphabet. We express the final result for the amplitude in terms of uniform weight four symbols, multiplied by a small set of rational factors. The amplitude satisfies the expected factorization properties when one external graviton becomes soft, and when two external gravitons become collinear. We verify that the soft divergences of the amplitude ex…
Scattering Amplitudes from Superconformal Ward Identities
We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Because of on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is obtained from lower-loop information. We show that in the five-particle case, the solution to the equations is uniquely fixed by the expected analytic behavior. We apply the method to a nonplanar two-loop five-particle integral. We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Due to on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is …
Amplitudes from superconformal Ward identities
We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Due to on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is obtained from lower-loop information. We show that in the five-particle case, the solution to the equations is uniquely fixed by the expected analytic behavior. We apply the method to a non-planar two-loop five-particle integral.
Analytic form of the full two-loop five-gluon all-plus helicity amplitude
We compute the full-color two-loop five-gluon amplitude for the all-plus helicity configuration. In order to achieve this, we calculate the required master integrals for all permutations of the external legs, in the physical scattering region. We verify the expected divergence structure of the amplitude, and extract the finite hard function. We further validate our result by checking the factorization properties in the collinear limit. Our result is fully analytic and valid in the physical scattering region. We express it in a compact form containing logarithms, dilogarithms and rational functions.
All Master Integrals for Three-Jet Production at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order
We evaluate analytically all previously unknown nonplanar master integrals for massless five-particle scattering at two loops, using the differential equations method. A canonical form of the differential equations is obtained by identifying integrals with constant leading singularities, in D space-time dimensions. These integrals evaluate to Q-linear combinations of multiple polylogarithms of uniform weight at each order in the expansion in the dimensional regularization parameter and are in agreement with previous conjectures for nonplanar pentagon functions. Our results provide the complete set of two-loop Feynman integrals for any massless 2→3 scattering process, thereby opening up a ne…