

Scattering Amplitudes from Superconformal Ward Identities

Johannes M. HennJohannes M. HennE. SokatchevE. SokatchevE. SokatchevDmitry Chicherin


Physics010308 nuclear & particles physicsDifferential equation[PHYS.HTHE]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]hep-thGeneral Physics and Astronomyanomalydifferential equationshep-phsingularity: collinear16. Peace & justice01 natural sciencesSymmetry (physics)Scattering amplitudesymmetry: conformal[PHYS.HPHE]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]0103 physical sciencesGravitational singularityAnomaly (physics)010306 general physicsWard identity: conformalParticle Physics - TheoryMathematical physicsParticle Physics - Phenomenology


We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Because of on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is obtained from lower-loop information. We show that in the five-particle case, the solution to the equations is uniquely fixed by the expected analytic behavior. We apply the method to a nonplanar two-loop five-particle integral. We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Due to on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is obtained from lower-loop information. We show that in the five-particle case, the solution to the equations is uniquely fixed by the expected analytic behavior. We apply the method to a non-planar two-loop five-particle integral.
