Brunella Franco

CiliaCarta: An integrated and validated compendium of ciliary genes

The cilium is an essential organelle at the surface of mammalian cells whose dysfunction causes a wide range of genetic diseases collectively called ciliopathies. The current rate at which new ciliopathy genes are identified suggests that many ciliary components remain undiscovered. We generated and rigorously analyzed genomic, proteomic, transcriptomic and evolutionary data and systematically integrated these using Bayesian statistics into a predictive score for ciliary function. This resulted in 285 candidate ciliary genes. We generated independent experimental evidence of ciliary associations for 24 out of 36 analyzed candidate proteins using multiple cell and animal model systems (mouse…

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Autosomal recessive IFT57 hypomorphic mutation cause ciliary transport defect in unclassified oral-facial-digital syndrome with short stature and brachymesophalangia

The 13 subtypes of oral-facial-digital syndrome (OFDS) belong to the heterogeneous group of ciliopathies. Disease-causing genes encode for centrosomal proteins, components of the transition zone or proteins implicated in ciliary signaling. A unique consanguineous family presenting with an unclassified OFDS with skeletal dysplasia and brachymesophalangia was explored. Homozygosity mapping and exome sequencing led to the identification of a homozygous mutation in IFT57, which encodes a protein implicated in ciliary transport. The mutation caused splicing anomalies with reduced expression of the wild-type transcript and protein. Both anterograde ciliary transport and sonic hedgehog signaling w…

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Oral, facial, digital, vertebral anomalies with psychomotor delay: a mild form of OFD type Gabrielli?

A girl with oral, facial, and digital anomalies presented at birth with a large cleft palate filled by a nasopharyngeal mass and was found later to have several vertebral anomalies and mental retardation. A similar phenotype has been previously reported in a sporadic male patient [Gabrielli et al., 1994: Am J Med Genet 53:290-293], suggesting a new variant form of oral-facial-digital syndrome.

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An organelle-specific protein landscape identifies novel diseases and molecular mechanisms.

Cellular organelles provide opportunities to relate biological mechanisms to disease. Here we use affinity proteomics, genetics and cell biology to interrogate cilia: poorly understood organelles, where defects cause genetic diseases. Two hundred and seventeen tagged human ciliary proteins create a final landscape of 1,319 proteins, 4,905 interactions and 52 complexes. Reverse tagging, repetition of purifications and statistical analyses, produce a high-resolution network that reveals organelle-specific interactions and complexes not apparent in larger studies, and links vesicle transport, the cytoskeleton, signalling and ubiquitination to ciliary signalling and proteostasis. We observe sub…

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OFD1mutations in males: phenotypic spectrum and ciliary basal body docking impairment

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SYSCILIA, “A systems biology approach to dissect cilia function and its disruption in human genetic disease”

Primary cilia are basically signaling hubs, harboring amongst others the noncanonical WNT, Hedgehog,and PDGF signaling systems, and their disruption leads to striking developmental defects. Some ciliopathy-associated proteins have recently been revealed to be physically or functionally associated in several distinct groupings, with limited connections to other crucial biological processes. Early proteomics studies have also suggested a discrete repertoire of about 1000 proteins within the organelle (i.e. <5% of the proteome) that are still in need of organisation into pathways and networks. Small, relatively isolated systems are often targeted by systems biology approaches under the assumpt…

research product

Detailed clinical, genetic and neuroimaging characterization of OFD VI syndrome.

Oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI (OFD VI) is characterized by the association of malformations of the face, oral cavity and extremities, distinguished from the 12 other OFD syndromes by cerebellar and metacarpal abnormalities. Cerebellar malformations in OFD VI have been described as a molar tooth sign (MTS), thus, including OFD VI among the "Joubert syndrome related disorders" (JSRD). OFD VI diagnostic criteria have recently been suggested: MTS and one or more of the following: 1) tongue hamartoma(s) and/or additional frenula and/or upper lip notch; 2) mesoaxial polydactyly of hands or feet; 3) hypothalamic hamartoma. In order to further delineate this rare entity, we present the neuro…

research product

Update on oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS)

Oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS) represent a heterogeneous group of rare developmental disorders affecting the mouth, the face and the digits. Additional signs may involve brain, kidneys and other organs thus better defining the different clinical subtypes. With the exception of OFD types I and VIII, which are X-linked, the majority of OFDS is transmitted as an autosomal recessive syndrome. A number of genes have already found to be mutated in OFDS and most of the encoded proteins are predicted or proven to be involved in primary cilia/basal body function. Preliminary data indicate a physical interaction among some of those proteins and future studies will clarify whether all OFDS prote…

research product

OFIP/KIAA0753 forms a complex with OFD1 and FOR20 at pericentriolar satellites and centrosomes and is mutated in one individual with oral-facial-digital syndrome

Item does not contain fulltext Oral-facial-digital (OFD) syndromes are rare heterogeneous disorders characterized by the association of abnormalities of the face, the oral cavity and the extremities, some due to mutations in proteins of the transition zone of the primary cilia or the closely associated distal end of centrioles. These two structures are essential for the formation of functional cilia, and for signaling events during development. We report here causal compound heterozygous mutations of KIAA0753/OFIP in a patient with an OFD VI syndrome. We show that the KIAA0753/OFIP protein, whose sequence is conserved in ciliated species, associates with centrosome/centriole and pericentrio…

research product

The oral-facial-digital syndrome gene C2CD3 encodes a positive regulator of centriole elongation

Centrioles are microtubule-based, barrel-shaped structures that initiate the assembly of centrosomes and cilia(1,2). How centriole length is precisely set remains elusive. The microcephaly protein CPAP (also known as MCPH6) promotes procentriole growth(3-5), whereas the oral-facial-digital (OFD) syndrome protein OFD1 represses centriole elongation(6,7). Here we uncover a new subtype of OFD with severe microcephaly and cerebral malformations and identify distinct mutations in two affected families in the evolutionarily conserved C2CD3 gene. Concordant with the clinical overlap, C2CD3 colocalizes with OFD1 at the distal end of centrioles, and C2CD3 physically associates with OFD1. However, wh…

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MOESM1 of Update on oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS)

Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of mutations identified in OFDI patients.

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Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition) 1

Contains fulltext : 232759.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to…

research product


In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide…

research product

Fifteen years of research on oral-facial-digital syndromes: from 1 to 16 causal genes

Oral–facial–digital syndromes (OFDS) gather rare genetic disorders characterised by facial, oral and digital abnormalities associated with a wide range of additional features (polycystic kidney disease, cerebral malformations and several others) to delineate a growing list of OFDS subtypes. The most frequent, OFD type I, is caused by a heterozygous mutation in theOFD1gene encoding a centrosomal protein. The wide clinical heterogeneity of OFDS suggests the involvement of other ciliary genes. For 15 years, we have aimed to identify the molecular bases of OFDS. This effort has been greatly helped by the recent development of whole-exome sequencing (WES). Here, we present all our published and …

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MOESM2 of Update on oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS)

Additional file 1: Table S2. Mutations identified in OFD genes other than OFD1.

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