Peter P. Kleemann

Secretion of neutral and acid DNases in cultivated human lymphocytes after incubation with DNA; possible consequences for inhalation anesthesia.

Abstract After incubation with DNA human lymphocytes release neutral and acid DNase activities into the culture medium; the release depends on DNA concentration and time of cultivation. The electrophoretic mobility of the released neutral DNase activity is in accordance with DNase I and the electrophoretic mobility of the released acid DNase activity with DNase II. The released DNase activities do not originate from dead cells and are not influenced by blast cell formation. The anesthetic halothane can inhibit the released neutral and acid DNase activities. Inhalation anesthesia can possibly disturb the correlation between DNA and DNases in human blood.

research product

Coping variables as predictors of perioperative emotional states and adjustment

Abstract Surgery, regardless of its kind and severity, can be regarded as a major stress situation for any patient. High preoperative emotional arousal may negatively influence adaptation during surgery and, consequently, rate of postoperative recovery. In a series of previous studies, our research group analyzed the influence of dispositional and actual coping on subjective and objective stress indicators before, during, and after surgery. The present study investigates the influence of the dispositional coping variables vigilance and cognitive avoidance on actual surgery-related coping, state anxiety, and indicators of intra- and postoperative adjustment. The sample consisted of 42 male a…

research product

Heated breathing tubes affect humidity output of circle absorber systems.

Abstract Study Objective: To verify whether the airway climate in circle systems can be improved with heated breathing tubes. Design: Randomized, controlled, prospective clinical study. Setting: Operating theater of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery. Patients: 26 adult patients undergoing prolonged anesthesia. Interventions: A total of 26 prolonged anesthetics were conducted in adult patients using a minimal fresh gas flow rate (0.6 L/min) and silicon breathing tubes (16 mm internal diameter) containing a heated coil. Group 1 ( n = 10 patients) was the control group; breathing tubes were unheated. In Group 2 ( n = 10 patients), breathing tubes were heated to 30°C. In Group 3 ( n = 6 p…

research product