Arto Hautala

Biomanipulating the drinking water reservoir of Estonia's capital city: Prospects for success

The possibility of utilizing biomanipulation to improve the water quality of Tallinn's drinking water reservoir (Lake Ulemiste) was analysed on the basis of water quality data, test fishing by different methods, and earlier studies on aquatic plants, light climate and sediments. Eutrophic, polymictic Lake Ulemiste is characterized by a prevalence of high filamentous cyanobacteria biomass, rotifers in the zooplankton community, mature bream in the fish biomass, and a high density of planktivores (YOY perch). Several prerequisites for being a potential target for biomanipulation were identified, including (i) decreased external total phosphorus (TP) loading; and (ii) a sufficient stock of pis…

research product

Pain fingerprinting using multimodal sensing: pilot study

Abstract Pain is a complex phenomenon, the experience of which varies widely across individuals. At worst, chronic pain can lead to anxiety and depression. Cost-effective strategies are urgently needed to improve the treatment of pain, and thus we propose a novel home-based pain measurement system for the longitudinal monitoring of pain experience and variation in different patients with chronic low back pain. The autonomous nervous system and audio-visual features are analyzed from heart rate signals, voice characteristics and facial expressions using a unique measurement protocol. Self-reporting is utilized for the follow-up of changes in pain intensity, induced by well-designed physical …

research product

Physical activity, screen time and the incidence of neck and shoulder pain in school-aged children

This study investigated the associations of accelerometer-measured physical activity, sedentary time and screen time with the incidence of neck and shoulder pain in school-aged children over a two-year follow-up. Children (aged 10–15) were measured at baseline 2013 (T0) (n = 970) and at follow-ups 2014 (T1) and 2015 (T2). Neck and shoulder pain frequency and screen time were determined with a web-based questionnaire. Daytime moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time were measured with an accelerometer. Logistic regression was applied, and the results were adjusted for age, gender, body mass index and bedtime. Accelerometer-measured physical activity or sedentary time at base…

research product

Liikunta – stressin laukaisija vai lataaja?

research product

COVID-19-taudin suhde fyysiseen kuntoon

Elimistö voi saada tukea hyvästä kestävyys- ja lihaskunnosta rakentaessaan puskuria vakavaa COVID-19-tautimuotoa vastaan kaiken ikäisillä. Liikunta auttaa jaksamaan sekä fyysisesti että henkisesti pitkittyneen pandemian oloissa. Yksilöllisesti annosteltuna sillä on tärkeä merkitys myös sairaudesta toipuessa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Tiedolla toimiminen johtamisen tukena

research product

Arjen pieniä tekoja

research product

Säännöllinen liikunta tehostaa todennäköisesti koronarokotteen vaikutusta

Liikunta vahvistaa tutkitusti rokotusten tehoa. Liikuntaharrastus pienentää myös riskiä sairastua vakavaan koronatautiin. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Standing time and daily proportion of sedentary time are associated with pain-related disability in a one month accelerometer measurement in adults with overweight or obesity

Abstract Objectives The association between the subjective experience of pain-related disability (PRD) and device-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in overweight and obese adults is not well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations of pain markers with accelerometer-measured SB duration and different intensities of PA among physically inactive middle-aged adults with overweight or obesity. Methods This cross-sectional analysis included 72 subjects (27 men) with mean age of 57.9 (SD 6.7) years and mean BMI of 31.6 (SD 4.1) kg/m2. SB and standing time (ST), breaks in sedentary time, light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physic…

research product