Fabio Di Trapani
Seismic vulnerability of structures and infrastructures: Strategies for assessment and mitigation
Seismic engineering is constantly looking for new strategies and methods that provide designers with the opportunity to get more and more efficient solutions both from the performance and from the economic point of view. In this context, the scientific community is called not to miss its support and to face the new challenges coming from the observation of the damage caused by the recent earthquakes. This Special Issue of “Ingegneria Sismica” collects some works focusing the theme of the seismic vulnerability, some of them specifically refer to mitigation strategies while others address modeling strategies. Obviously, for the multiplicity of aspects involving the theme of "seismic vulnerabi…
Strength and ductility of confined concrete columns under axial load and biaxial bending
The behaviour of prismatic reinforced concrete columns under increasing eccentric compression load was experimentally investigated and analytically modelled. Columns with distributed longitudinal reinforcement and closely spaced transverse reinforcement were tested up to failure, considering different values and directions of eccentricity. Preliminary tests were carried out under concentric compression in order to validate the choice of the stress-strain laws adopted for the confined concrete and the longitudinal steel bars in compression. In the paper, closed form expressions able to approximate the experimental results in the case of uniaxial bending are presented. Finally, a fibre numeri…
Vibration Tests and Structural Identification of the Bell Tower of Palermo Cathedral
Background: The recent seismic events in Italy have underlined once more the need for seismic prevention for historic constructions of architectural interest and in general, the building heritage. During the above-mentioned earthquakes, different masonry monumental buildings have been lost due to the intrinsic vulnerability and ageing that reduced the structural member strength. This has made the community understand more that prevention is a necessary choice for the protection of monuments. Objective: The paper aims at demonstrating a strategy of investigation providing the possibility of health judgment, identifying a computational model for the assessment of structural capacity under se…
Prediction of the Fundamental Period of Infilled RC Frame Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks
The fundamental period is one of the most critical parameters for the seismic design of structures. There are several literature approaches for its estimation which often conflict with each other, making their use questionable. Furthermore, the majority of these approaches do not take into account the presence of infill walls into the structure despite the fact that infill walls increase the stiffness and mass of structure leading to significant changes in the fundamental period. In the present paper, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used to predict the fundamental period of infilled reinforced concrete (RC) structures. For the training and the validation of the ANN, a large data set i…
Empirical Equations for the Direct Definition of Stress–Strain Laws for Fiber-Section-Based Macromodeling of Infilled Frames
Equivalent strut macromodels are largely used to model the influence of infill walls in frame structures due to their simplicity and effectiveness from a computational point of view. Despite these advantages, which are fundamental to carrying out seismic simulation of complex structures, equivalent struts are phenomenological models and therefore have to conventionally account for the influence of really large amounts of geometrical and mechanical variables with a relatively simple inelastic response. Mechanical approaches, generally used to evaluate the force-displacement curve of a strut, are based on hypothesizing the damage mechanism that will occur for an infill-frame system subject to…
Influenza dei Fenomeni Attritivi nella Risposta Strutturale di Colonne in c.a. Rinforzate con Incamiciatura in Acciaio: Confronto numerico-sperimentale e Predizione Analitica della Capacità
L'incamiciatura metallica di pilastri in c.a. mediante angolari e calastrelli (steel jacketing) è una tecnica comunemente adottata, per migliorare la capacità resistente e deformativa di edifici esistenti. Nel caso in cui gli angolari non siano direttamente posti in contatto con le zone nodali (in corrispondenza di travi e solai), la definizione del modello computazionale della sezione trasversale deve essere gestita con cautela poiché differente è il regime di trasferimento degli sforzi che si instaura. Nel caso di applicazione di uno strato intermedio di malta fra acciaio e calcestruzzo, l'effettiva capacità di carico degli angolari è funzione della pressione di laterale confinamento, del…
Seismic Performance of Masonry Infilled RC Structures via N2 Pushover Assessment Procedures: Outcomes under Different Modeling Hypotheses of a Case Study
The assessment of the capacity of RC masonry infilled RC structures constitutes nowadays a still debated issue. Pushover based procedures for the evaluation of seismic performance, such as N2 method, are largely used in practice and in force in several technical codes. The latter has proved to be reliable for a large number of structural typologies, however in the case of infilled frames, the choices made on the modelling strategy may radically modify the outcomes observable from the capacity curves and the consequent performance levels achievable. In the paper, the extent of different modelling choices on the results of the application of N2 procedure is investigated by the deep analysis o…
Parameters affecting the fundamental period of infilled RC frame structures
Despite the fact that the fundamental period appears to be one of the most critical parameters for the seismic design of structures according to the modal superposition method, the so far available in the literature proposals for its estimation are often conflicting with each other making their use uncertain. Furthermore, the majority of these proposals do not take into account the presence of infills walls into the structure despite the fact that infill walls increase the stiffness and mass of structure leading to significant changes in the fundamental period numerical value. Toward this end, this paper presents a detailed and in-depth analytical investigation on the parameters that affect…
Strutture intelaiate e tamponate in c.a.: sperimentazione e sviluppi nella modellazione analitica e numerica
The presence of masonry infills in RC structures may have a fundamental role in response under seismic excitation, especially in the case of structures designed for gravity loads only and without seismic details. Studies of many authors show important modifications of response in terms of strength, stiffness, ductility and safety evaluation. The recent large development of nonlinear seismic, static and dynamical methods requires a relevant effort in modelling with a reliable, and at the same time easy for practical using, constitutive laws for infill panels. In this context the present study provide an experimental investigation on single story, single bay, half scale frames, fully infilled…
Strength and ductility of RC jacketed columns: A simplified analytical method
Abstract Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is a common method for retrofitting existing columns with poor structural performance. It can be applied in two different ways: if the continuity of the jacket is ensured, the axial load of the column can be transferred to the jacket, which will be directly loaded; conversely, if no continuity is provided, the jacket will induce only confinement action. In both cases the strength and ductility evaluation is rather complex, due to the different physical phenomena included, such as confinement, core–jacket composite action, preload and buckling of longitudinal bars. Although different theoretical studies have been carried out to calculate the confin…
Prediction of the additional shear action on frame members due to infills
Infill masonry walls in framed structures make a significant contribution to the response under seismic actions. With special regard to reinforced concrete (RC) structures, it is known that internal forces modifications caused by the frame–infill interaction may be not supported by the surrounding frame because of the additional shear forces arising at the ends of beams and columns. Such additional forces may lead to the activation of brittle collapse mechanisms and hence their prediction is basic in capacity assessment, especially for structures that disregard the details for seismic zones. In this paper a parametric study is carried out addressed to the prediction of the shear forces ment…
Performance of two innovative stress sensors imbedded in mortar joints of new masonry elements
Abstract Many historical cities enjoy the presence of masonry buildings with inestimable historical, artistic and cultural value. Old masonry buildings often suffer structural deficiencies, design faults and materials aging process. In recent years, many researchers focused their attention on the opportunities that structural health monitoring (SHM) can ensure for the health state of existing masonry structures, where damage can be difficult to be promptly predicted, pontentially causing abrupt collapses, with high risks for the community. This paper presents an experimental study on the effectiveness of two types of stress sensor for SHM of new masonry elements. Ceramic piezoelectric senso…
RC Masonry infilled frames: Experimental results and development of predictive techniques for the assessment of seismic response
La presenza di tamponamenti in muratura all’interno delle maglie di strutture intelaiate induce, in presenza di azioni laterali, una sostanziale modificazione della risposta globale rispetto a quella dei telai nudi in termini di rigidezza, resistenza e capacità di spostamento. La tesi presenta i risultati di una campagna sperimentale su telai tamponati con diverse tipologie di muratura soggetti a prove di carico cicliche. Successivamente viene proposto un criterio per la modellazione semplificata del comportamento ciclico attraverso un macromodello a puntone diagonale equivalente. Una ulteriore indagine numerica è eseguita per valutare l'entità degli effetti locali dovuti all'interazione fr…
Definition of Seismic Vulnerability Maps for Civil Protection Systems: The Case of Lampedusa Island
The opportunity to locate and quantify the major criticalities associated to natural catastrophic events on a territory allows to plan adequate strategies and interventions by civil protection bodies involved in local and international emergencies. Seismic risk depends, most of all, on the vulnerability of buildings belonging to the urban areas. For this reason, the definition, by a deep analysis of the territory, of instruments identifying and locating vulnerability, largely favours the activities of institutions appointed to safeguard the safety of citizens. This paper proposes a procedure for the definition of vulnerability maps in terms of vulnerability indexes and critical peak ground …
Seismic analysis and risk mitigation of existing constructions
Following a thorough and lengthy procedure, we would like to thank all contributors for their highest calibre papers, which comprise the Special Issue on “Seismic analysis and risk mitigation of existing constructions” of the Open Construction and Building Technology Journal. The topic of the Special Issue encompasses a large number of issues spanning the design of special interventions for the reduction of the effects of earthquakes on civil structures and infrastructures, to the structural identification and assessment issues. The field of seismic engineering is continuously looking for new strategies and methods, which empower the designers and make them able to obtain more accurate resp…
Response spectrum analysis of frame structures: reliability-based comparison between complete quadratic combination and damping-adjusted combination
In the framework of seismic design of structures, response spectrum analysis (RSA) is the most commonly used approach in practice. The most popular combination rule is the complete quadratic combination (CQC) which is also prescribed by the most of seismic design codes and is based on the assumptions that the seismic acceleration is a white noise process and the peak factor ratios associated to the total and modal responses are unitary. Recently, the damping adjusted combination (DAC) rule has been developed for base-isolated structures to overcome the aforementioned simplified assumptions. Although it has been proved that the simplifications about peak factors lead to noticeable errors in …
On the definition of seismic vulnerability maps in cross-border Mediterranean areas
The chance to locate and quantify the major risks associated to natural catastrophic events on a territory allows to plan adequate strategies and interventions by civil protection bodies involved in local and international emergencies. The seismic risk depends most of all by the vulnerability of buildings belonging to the urban areas. For this reason the definition, by a deep analysis of the territory, of instruments identifying and locating vulnerability, largely favours the activities of institutions appointed to safeguard the safety of citizens. Seismic and hydro-geological risks constitute the major component of the activities involving assistance actions carried out by civil protection…
Incremental dynamic based fragility assessment of reinforced concrete structures: Stationary vs. non-stationary artificial ground motions
Abstract Artificial and natural records are commonly employed by researches and practitioners to perform refined seismic assessments of structures. The techniques for the generation of artificial records and their effectiveness in producing signals which are significantly representative of real earthquakes are still debated as well as results of the consequent seismic assessment to expect from their application. The paper presents an in-depth comparative study highlighting the effect of employing different typologies of artificial ground motion records on seismic assessment results, especially addressing seismic fragility curves. Three sets of 50 stationary, nonstationary evenly modulated a…
The paper investigates the role of masonry infill walls on the seismic fragility of reinforced concrete structures subject to mainshock/aftershock sequences. An assessment framework aimed at determining aftershock fragility curves of bare frames and infilled frames is presented. The framework is based on a Double Incremental Dynamic Analysis (D-IDA) approach, which provides the adoption of ground motions defined by combining a fixed intensity mainshock with a set of variable intensity aftershocks. Mainshock (MS) intensity is scaled several times and combined with the same set of aftershocks (AS). Chord-rotation and shear limit states are specifically defined to consider the influence of mas…
A macro-modelling approach for the analysis of infilled frame structures considering the effects of openings and vertical loads
During the last decades, several macro-models have been proposed for the modelling of the infill panels' contribution to the lateral strength of frames. Despite all this effort, a robust model, which takes into account the influence of the vertical load, is not yet available. Furthermore, the influence of the very common case of infill walls with openings, such as windows and doors, has been neglected in all the code provisions that have been published so far. In this paper, an updated macro-model, based on the equivalent pin-jointed diagonal compressive strut, is presented. The proposed macro-model is able to represent the stiffening effect of the infill panel with openings by taking into …
FE modeling of Partially Steel-Jacketed (PSJ) RC columns using CDP model
This paper deepens the finite element modeling (FEM) method to reproduce the compressive behavior of partially steel-jacketed (PSJ) RC columns by means of the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) Model available in ABAQUS software. Although the efficiency of the CDP model is widely proven for reinforced concrete columns at low confining pressure, when the confinement level becomes high the standard plasticity parameters may not be suitable to obtain reliable results. This paper deals with these limitations and presents an analytically based strategy to fix the parameters of the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model. Focusing on a realistic prediction of load-bearing capacity of PSJ RC column…
Monitoring of stress distribution in damaged small-scale masonry walls by using two innovative sensors
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) represents a strategic solution for the preservation of cultural heritage buildings. Existing masonry structures often suffer reductions in mechanical performances due to physiological aging of material constituents, external actions, and effect of catastrophic natural events. In many cases, the prompt prediction of damage in masonry elements is difficult and it can cause sudden collapses, compromising the safety of people. The proposed experimental study examines the effectiveness of two low-cost and innovative stress sensors, i.e. piezoelectric and capacitive stress sensors, for SHM of masonry structures. To this scope, the sensors were embedded in the m…
Strutture intelaiate in c.a. con tamponamenti: Analisi degli effetti locali in presenza di azioni sismiche
Masonry infills and RC frames interaction: Literature overview and state of the art of macromodeling approach
The issue of the influence of masonry infills within RC frames structures has been widely investigated in the last decades by several researchers. The large interest addressed to this topic depends on the actual observation that when in presence of seismic events, the response of framed structures is strongly conditioned by the interaction with the infill walls, which however are considered as non-structural elements and not included in the models. The influence of masonry infills role in structural response is so much relevant to affect not only the overall strength and the stiffness but it may also radically change the possible collapse mechanisms of the overall structural complex under t…
A new hybrid procedure for the definition of seismic vulnerability in Mediterranean cross-border urban areas
Assessment of seismic vulnerability of urban areas provides fundamental information for activities of planning and management of emergencies. The main difficulty encountered when extending vulnerability evaluations to urban contexts is the definition of a framework of assessment appropriate for the specific characteristics of the site and providing reliable results with a reasonable duration of surveys and post-processing of data. The paper proposes a new procedure merging different typologies of information recognized on the territories investigated and for this reason called “hybrid.” Knowledge of historical events influencing urban evolution and analysis of recurrent building technologie…
Steel jacketing of RC columns: Reliability of capacity laws for concrete
In the seismic assessment of framed R.C. structures reinforced by steel angles and battens (steel jacketing) the use of proper confinement models for concrete is still a main topic. Really, the capacity of reinforced concrete columns under concentric and eccentric loads strongly depends on confinement exerted by the external reinforcement. Further a proper attribution of concrete stress-strain laws allows obtaining reliable estimations of inelastic capacity of reinforced elements. Moreover the presence (or not) of connections of the angles with the end joints influences their capacity to support vertical loads. In the two cases the mechanical models have to account for buckling or frictiona…
The deformation performance of the base cross sections of reinforced concrete buildings is fundamental when large seismic events occur allowing the structure to have large excursions in nonlinear field and guaranteeing an overall ductile behaviour. It is well known that the axial force acting on columns significantly reduces the curvature capacity of the sections and for this reason the technical codes give design criteria stating a limitation in order to preserve the displacement capacity. It is also recognized that when biaxial bending occur the cross section undergo a loss in strength capacity. Starting the study of from Bresler (1960), which provided suitable expression to predict 3D li…
Optimal design algorithm for seismic retrofitting of RC columns with steel jacketing technique
Abstract Steel jacketing (SJ) of beams and columns is widely employed as retrofitting technique to provide additional deformation and strength capacity to existing reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. The latter are many times designed without considering seismic loads, or present inadequate seismic detailing. The use of SJ is generally associated with non-negligible costs depending on the amount of structural work and non-structural manufacturing and materials. Moreover, this kind of intervention results in noticeable downtime for the building. This paper presents a new optimization framework which is aimed at obtaining minimization of retrofitting costs by optimizing the position an…
La Stima dei Moduli Elastici delle Murature Secondo le Norme Tecniche: il Confronto con la Sperimentazione
Nel presente lavoro viene proposto uno studio sperimentale per la caratterizzazione meccanica di diverse tipologie di muratura. Vengono in particolare valutati i moduli elastici longitudinali e tangenziali che come è noto condizionano la risposta di sistemi murari sotto carichi laterali. I valori sperimentali sono confrontati con quelli stimabili per mezzo dei modelli proposti dalle normative tecniche italiana (DM 14/01/2008) e europea (Eurocodice 6). Lo studio prende spunto dalla questio posta dalla norma americana (MSJC 2008) che, pur proponendo l’uso di tali modelli, riconosce la poca sperimentazione eseguita a supporto della loro validazione. La campagna sperimentale ha incluso prove di…
Cyclic axial testing of columns confined with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix
Influence of column shear failure on pushover based assessment of masonry infilled reinforced concrete framed structures: A case study
Structural frames, constructed either of steel or reinforced concrete (RC), are often infilled with masonry panels. However, during the analysis of the structural frames, it has become common practice to disregard the existence of infills because of the complexity in modeling. This omission should not be allowed because the two contributions (of infills and of frames) complement each other in providing a so different structural system. The use of different modeling assumptions significantly affects the capacity as well as the inelastic demand and safety assessment. In specific, the adoption of equivalent diagonal pin-jointed struts leaves open the problem of the evaluation of the additional…
Out-of-Plane Behavior of URM Infill: Accuracy of Available Capacity Models
The aim of this paper is to check the accuracy of analytical capacity models available for the prediction of out-of-plane strength of unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls. The accuracy of the available models is checked by detailed comparison with the existing experimental results. In doing so, both types of capacity models are evaluated: Type I for the prediction of the strength in the undamaged state, and Type II for the prediction of strength reduction in the in-plane damaged state. Results from the calculations are discussed, and the best among the available models are recommended. Furthermore, the influence of orthotropy of the infill masonry in the out-of-plane capacity predicted b…
Out of plane fragility of infill walls with and without prior in-plane damage
The paper presents the results of a probabilistic assessment framework aimed at evaluating out-of-plane fragility curves of infill walls which have suffered (or not) prior in-plane damage. Out-of-plane incremental dynamic analyses are performed based on a suite of 22 ground motion records. A recently developed in-plane / out-of-plane macroelement model is used to model masonry infills within frames. The outcomes show fragility curves representing the probability of exceeding out-of-plane collapse at a given earthquake intensity as a function of a different combination of geometrical and mechanical parameters, in-plane damage level and supporting conditions.
A Strategy for the Prediction of the Response of Hysteretic Systems: A Base for Capacity Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Load
A statistical non linearization method is used to approximate systems modeled by the Bouc differential equa- tion and excited by a Gaussian white noise external load. To this aim restricted potential models (RPM) are used, which are suitable for an extended number of nonlinear problems as have been proved several times. Since the solution of RPM is known by the probabilistic point of view, all statistical characteristics can be derived at once with advantages by the computational point of view. Hence, this paper discusses the possibility to determine sets of parameters characterizing po- tential models that are valid for describing a hysteretic behavior. In this way the characterization of …
Attendibilità dei modelli per la valutazione dei moduli elastici delle murature suggeriti dalle norme tecniche
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation aimed to the assessment of Young moduli, rigidity moduli and other mechanical properties for different types of masonry are shown. The mechanical characteristics predicted by models proposed by some technical codes were compared against experimental data. This study was motivated by the suggestion of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee's (MSJC) code that, while proposing the use of such models, acknowledges the lack of testing in support of their validation. The experimental investigation has included compressive tests on components (blocks and mortar), diagonal compressive tests and ordinary compressive tests (orthogonally to bed…
Cyclic response of masonry infilled RC frames: Experimental results and simplified modeling
The recent large interest in nonlinear seismic analysis methods, static and dynamic, has required proper strategies of modeling based on reliable, and at the same time easy to use, constitutive laws for the structural elements. Regarding the behavior of framed structures, special attention has to be devoted to infills because of the key role they play in modifying overall stiffness, strength and ductility under seismic excitation. Pointing out the attention on this topic the paper discusses a criteria for modeling the structural behavior of infills based on a macromodeling approach, that is to say on the substitution of infills with diagonal pin jointed struts. Is here shown how multilinear…
Biaxial deformation and ductility domains for engineered rectangular RC cross-sections: A parametric study highlighting the positive roles of axial load, geometry and materials
Abstract Axial load and biaxial bending strongly influence the deformation capacity of column cross-sections, in most cases causing a non-negligible loss of curvature and ductility with respect to the case of pure bending along principal axes, commonly assumed as the basic condition to assess the inelastic capacity. In consideration of this the paper investigates the biaxial deformation performance of RC rectangular cross-sections belonging to one-dimensional elements, focusing on the influence of some parameters as the cross-section aspect ratio and the distribution of the rebars, as well as the mechanical characteristics of concrete and steel and the impact of biaxial/axial stresses. In t…