Naoufel Mzoughi
Overcomplying for profit
To maximize their profit, multinationals can design and implement the same and toughest standard in all locations, regardless of domestic regulations. We discuss this kind of overcompliance and stress its underpinnings. Some potential extensions are suggested.
Public Purchasing and Eco-labelling Schemes: Making the Connection and Reinforcing Policy Coherence
Many governments have promoted eco-labelling schemes as an accurate information-based policy to regulate environmental problems. This paper argues that governments should integrate eco-labelling into their purchasing decisions, both to benefit the environment directly and to reinforce ecolabelling programs as a means to influence private purchasers. Both effects could be quite significant given that governments are large purchasers of goods and services. After reviewing the main barriers and potentialities for greening procurement markets, we explore several ways by which green public procurement can promote the overall diffusion of eco-labelled products. JEL codes: H57; Q 28
Consommer plus ou consommer plus que les autres ? Une analyse empirique des biens de position
International audience; En nous inspirant de la méthodologie employée par Solnick et Hemenway [1998], nous étudions empiriquement l’interdépendance des fonctions d’utilité à partir de données collectées en France. Nos estimations confirment en partie les résultats obtenus par Solnick et Hemenway [1998] et montrent que (1) la position relative est importante dans le choix des individus, (2) les effets positionnels diffèrent selon les domaines, (3) les individus sont plus positionnels sur les biens que sur les maux et (4) les individus sont plus positionnels quand il s’agit de certains choix relatifs à leurs enfants. En outre, la société d’origine est également susceptible d’influer sur l’imp…
Une introduction à l'économie des faux diplomes
International audience; This paper critiques the multifarious ways whereby academic qualifications may be falsified in the international marketplace. The objectives are fourfold : (1) defining the main terms used such as fake degrees and diploma mills ; (2) providing a brief history of fake degrees and identifying the factors that explain their recent development ; (3) developing a theoretical framework to analyze fake degrees ; and (4) exploring the costs and benefits of this activity and its net impact on a given society. Degrees serve instrumental and ceremonial purposes. It is argued that degree holders may be considered as members of a club. They confer to their holders excludable but …
Worldwide Diffusion of ISO 14001 Standard
We conduct an empirical examination of national conditions that promote the diffusion of the ISO 14001 standard. Our estimates confirm earlier studies on several determinants. While environmental considerations are important in the diffusion of the ISO 14001 standard, we show that other factors play a significant role as well, such as the prior diffusion of ISO 9000 and the country’s education level. Our main contribution is to provide empirical evidence for the hypothesis that the participation of a country or an economic sector in the standard-setting process is a major driver of its future adoption of the standard.
Does Ethical Activism Lead to Firm Relocation?1
La premiere generation de l'activisme ethique a conduit les decideurs politiques des pays developpes a imposer des normes ethiques contraignantes sur les industries domestiques. A cause des couts generes par ces pressions ethiques, certaines firmes ont delocalise leurs activites de production vers des pays plus laxistes. La seconde generation d'activisme ethique a directement vise les firmes en menacant leur profit sur les marches de consommation, independamment de leur localisation. Nous montrons que, dans certaines circonstances, cette deuxieme generation peut conduire les firmes a reconsiderer la localisation de leur production. Nous en deduisons que l'activisme ethique peut constituer u…
An introduction to the Economics of Fake Degrees
08045; International audience; This paper critiques the multifarious ways whereby academic qualifications may be falsified in the international marketplace. The objectives are fourfold: (1) defining the main terms used such as fake degrees and diploma mills; (2) providing a brief history of fake degrees and identifying the factors that explain their recent development; (3) developing a theoretical framework to analyze fake degrees; and (4) exploring the costs and benefits of this activity and its net impacton a given society. Degrees serve instrumental and ceremonial purposes. It is argued that degree holders may be considered as members of a club. They confer totheir holders excludable but…
Transaction costs and private provision of public goods: a survey of french speaking literature
The authors survey the French-speaking literature on the private provision of public goods. As it is now accepted that transaction costs are one of the most important factors to analyze market failures, the authors emphasize particularly transaction cost economics research works. They wrote twelve lecture notes (annex).