Dejun Luo
Regularity of solutions to differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients
AbstractWe study the ordinary and stochastic differential equations whose coefficients satisfy certain non-Lipschitz conditions, namely, we study the behaviors of small subsets under the flows generated by these equations.
Flow of Homeomorphisms and Stochastic Transport Equations
Abstract We consider Stratonovich stochastic differential equations with drift coefficient A 0 satisfying only the condition of continuity where r is a positive C 1 function defined on a neighborhood ]0, c 0] of 0 such that (Osgood condition), and s → r(s) is decreasing while s → sr(s 2) is increasing. We prove that the equation defines a flow of homeomorphisms if the diffusion coefficients A 1,…, A N are in . If , we prove limit theorems for Wong–Zakai approximation as well as for regularizing the drift A 0. As an application, we solve a class of stochastic transport equations.
Heat semi-group and generalized flows on complete Riemannian manifolds
Abstract We will use the heat semi-group to regularize functions and vector fields on Riemannian manifolds in order to develop Di Perna–Lions theory in this setting. Malliavinʼs point of view of the bundle of orthonormal frames on Brownian motions will play a fundamental role. As a byproduct we will construct diffusion processes associated to an elliptic operator with singular drift.
Stochastic differential equations with coefficients in Sobolev spaces
We consider It\^o SDE $\d X_t=\sum_{j=1}^m A_j(X_t) \d w_t^j + A_0(X_t) \d t$ on $\R^d$. The diffusion coefficients $A_1,..., A_m$ are supposed to be in the Sobolev space $W_\text{loc}^{1,p} (\R^d)$ with $p>d$, and to have linear growth; for the drift coefficient $A_0$, we consider two cases: (i) $A_0$ is continuous whose distributional divergence $\delta(A_0)$ w.r.t. the Gaussian measure $\gamma_d$ exists, (ii) $A_0$ has the Sobolev regularity $W_\text{loc}^{1,p'}$ for some $p'>1$. Assume $\int_{\R^d} \exp\big[\lambda_0\bigl(|\delta(A_0)| + \sum_{j=1}^m (|\delta(A_j)|^2 +|\nabla A_j|^2)\bigr)\big] \d\gamma_d0$, in the case (i), if the pathwise uniqueness of solutions holds, then the push-f…
Isotropic stochastic flow of homeomorphisms on Rd associated with the critical Sobolev exponent
Abstract We consider the critical Sobolev isotropic Brownian flow in R d ( d ≥ 2 ) . On the basis of the work of LeJan and Raimond [Y. LeJan, O. Raimond, Integration of Brownian vector fields, Ann. Probab. 30 (2002) 826–873], we prove that the corresponding flow is a flow of homeomorphisms. As an application, we construct an explicit solution, which is also unique in a certain space, to the stochastic transport equation when the associated Gaussian vector fields are divergence free.
Transport equations and quasi-invariant flows on the Wiener space
Abstract We shall investigate on vector fields of low regularity on the Wiener space, with divergence having low exponential integrability. We prove that the vector field generates a flow of quasi-invariant measurable maps with density belonging to the space L log L . An explicit expression for the density is also given.