A. Nomerotski
Search for the pair production of scalar top quarks in the acoplanar charm jet final state in collisions at
A search for the pair production of scalar top quarks, {bar t}, has been performed in 360 pb{sup -1} of data from p{bar p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The {bar t} decay mode considered is {bar t} {yields} c{bar {chi}}{sub 1}{sup 0}, where {bar {chi}}{sub 1}{sup 0} is the lightest supersymmetric particle. The topology analyzed therefore consists of a pair of acoplanar heavy-flavor jets with missing transverse energy. The data show good agreement with the standard model expectation, and a 95% C.L. exclusion domain in the (m{sub {tilde t}}, m{sub {tilde {chi}}{sub 1}{sup 0}}) plane has been determined, exten…
Search for Z0 decays to two leptons and a charged particle-antiparticle pair
Based on a sample equivalent to 365 000 hadronic Z0 decays, the search in DELPHI data for pairs of leptons accompanied by a pair of charged particles is described. A total of 11 events were found in the electron channel, 9 in the muon channel and 7 in the tau channel. Results on lepton pairs with a radiated photon are also presented. The data from all channels are compatible with the expectations from standard processes. However, one event was found in the tau channel with an unusually high mass of the charged particle pair.
Updated precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons
The measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons using inclusively reconstructed secondary vertices has been updated using both an improved processing of previous data and additional statistics from new data. This has reduced the statistical and systematic uncertainties and gives \tau_{\mathrm{B}} = 1.582 \pm 0.011\ \mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.027\ \mathrm{(syst.)}\ \mathrm{ps.} Combining this result with the previous result based on charged particle impact parameter distributions yields \tau_{\mathrm{B}} = 1.575 \pm 0.010\ \mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.026\ \mathrm{(syst.)}\ \mathrm{ps.}
Measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel
We present a measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel based on approximately 370/pb of data collected by the D0 experiment during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We employ two different methods to extract the top quark mass. We show that both methods yield consistent results using ensemble tests of events generated with the D0 Monte Carlo simulation. We combine the results from the two methods to obtain a top quark mass m_t = 178.1 +/- 8.2 GeV. The statistical uncertainty is 6.7 GeV and the systematic uncertainty is 4.8 GeV.
Improved measurements of cross sections and asymmetries at the Z0 resonance
During the 1992 running period of the LEP e+e- collider, the DELPHI experiment accumulated approximately 24 pb-1 of data at the Z0 peak. The decays into hadrons and charged leptons have been analysed to give values for the cross sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries which are significantly improved with respect to those previously published by the DELPHI collaboration. Incorporating these new data, more precise values for the Z0 resonance parameters are obtained from model-independent fits. The results are interpreted within the framework of the Standard Model, yielding for the top quark mass m(t) = 157(-48)+36(expt.)-20(+19)(Higgs) GeV, and for the effective mixing angle sin2 …
Search for scalar leptoquarks in the acoplanar jet topology in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
A search for leptoquarks has been performed in 310 pb{sup -1} of data from p{bar p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The topology analyzed consists of acoplanar jets with missing transverse energy. The data show good agreement with standard model expectations, and a lower mass limit of 136 GeV has been set at the 95% C.L. for a scalar leptoquark decaying exclusively into a quark and a neutrino.
Search for Stopped Gluinos frompp¯Collisions ats=1.96 TeV
Long-lived, heavy particles are predicted in a number of models beyond the standard model of particle physics. We present the first direct search for such particles' decays, occurring up to 100 h after their production and not synchronized with an accelerator bunch crossing. We apply the analysis to the gluino (g), predicted in split supersymmetry, which after hadronization can become charged and lose enough momentum through ionization to come to rest in dense particle detectors. Approximately 410 pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector during Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider are analyzed in search of such "stopped gluinos" decaying in…
Precision measurement of D meson mass differences
Using three- and four-body decays of D mesons produced in semileptonic b-hadron decays, precision measurements of D meson mass differences are made together with a measurement of the D-0 mass. The measurements are based on a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb(-1) collected in pp collisions at 7 TeV. Using the decay D-0 -> K+K-K-pi(+), the D-0 mass is measured to be M(D-0) = 1864.75 +/- 0.15 (stat) +/- 0.11 (syst) MeV/c(2). The mass differences M(D+) - M(D-0) = 4.76 +/- 0.12 (stat) +/- 0.07 (syst) MeV/c(2), M(D-s(+)) - M(D+) = 98.68 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst) MeV/c(2) are measured using the D-0 -> K+K-pi(+)pi(-) and D-(s)(+) -> K+K-pi(+) modes.
Observation and Properties of the Orbitally ExcitedBs2*Meson
We report the direct observation of the excited L=1 state B_{s2}* in fully reconstructed decays to B+K-. The mass of the B_{s2}* meson is measured to be {5839.6 +- 1.1 (stat.) +- 0.7 (syst.) MeV/c^2, and its production rate relative to the B+ meson is measured to be [1.15 +- 0.23 (stat.) +- 0.13 (syst.)] %.
Measurement of theΛbLifetime in the Exclusive DecayΛb→J/ψΛ
We have measured the {lambda}{sub b} lifetime using the exclusive decay {lambda}{sub b}{yields}J/{psi}{lambda}, based on 1.2 fb{sup -1} of data collected with the D0 detector during 2002-2006. From 171 reconstructed {lambda}{sub b} decays, where the J/{psi} and {lambda} are identified via the decays J/{psi}{yields}{mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} and {lambda}{yields}p{pi}, we measured the {lambda}{sub b} lifetime to be {tau}({lambda}{sub b})=1.218{sub -0.115}{sup +0.130}(stat){+-}0.042(syst) ps. We also measured the B{sup 0} lifetime in the decay B{sup 0}{yields}J/{psi}({mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -})K{sub S}{sup 0}({pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}) to be {tau}(B{sup 0})=1.501{sub -0.074}{sup +0.078}(stat){+-}0.050(sy…
Search for exclusive decays of the Lambda_b baryon and measurement of its mass
A search for fully reconstructed \lb beauty baryons is performed using about 3 million Z decays collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The analysis relies on the combined use of the accurate tracking and of the hadron identification capabilities of DELPHI. A total of four events has been found, three in the \lc\ppm channel and one in the \lc\a1m channel over a small background. The \lb beauty baryon mass is measured to be (~ 5668 \pm 16~ ({\rm stat.}) \pm 8~({\rm syst.})~)~ \mv.
Measurement of inclusive K*(0)(892), phi(1020) and K-2*(0)(1430) production in hadronic Z decays
The inclusive production of the neutral vector mesons K-*0(892) and phi(1020), and of the tensor meson K-2(*0)(1430), in hadronic decays of the Z has been mea sured by the DELPHI detector at LEP. The average production rates per hadronic Z decay have been determined to be 0.77 +/- 0.08 K-2(*0)(892), 0.104 +/- 0.008 phi(1020) and 0.079 +/- 0.040 K-2(*0)(1430). The ratio of the tensor-to-vector meson production yields, [K-2(*0)(1430)]/[K-*0(892)] = 0.10 +/- 0.05, is smaller than the [f(2)(1270)]/[rho(0)(770)] and [f'(2)(1525)]/[phi(1020)] ratios measured by DELPHI. The production rates and differential cross sections are compared with the predictions of JETSET 7.4 tuned to the DELPHI data and…
Search for pair production of heavy objects in 4-jet events at sqrt {s}$=130-136 GeV
Results are presented of a search for pair production of heavy objects decaying into four hadronic jets, as expected for example from associated or pair production of MSSM Higgs bosons, hA or H$^+$H$^-$, using a data sample of $5.9\,$pb$^{-1}$ of $e^+ e^-$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=130$-$136\,{\mathrm {GeV}}$ collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP in November 1995. The data and expectations from standard processes agree after four-jet selections. An analysis based on $b$-tagging finds no hA candidate with high mass. A study optimized to search for H$^+$H$^-$ events with mass in the 40-50$\,{\mathrm{GeV}}/c^2$ range also finds no candidate. Finally a comparison is made with a recent ALEPH a…
Lifetime of Charged and Neutral B-hadrons Using Event Topology
The lifetimes of charged and neutral B hadrons have been measured using data collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP between 1991 and 1993. B hadrons are tagged as jets with a secondary vertex and the charge of the B candidate is taken to be the sum of the charges of the particles in the secondary vertex. Approximately 1,434,000 multihadronic \PZz decays yielded 1817 B hadron candidates. The B purity was estimated to be around 99.1\pm0.3\%, and 83\% (70\%) of the events measured as neutral (charged) came from neutral (charged) B's. The mean lifetimes of charged and neutral B hadrons were found to be \TAUBC\pm\ERRBC\;(stat.)\pm\SYSBC\;(syst.)~ps and \TAUBN\pm\ERRBN\;(stat.)\pm\SYSBN\;(syst…
Search for neutral and charged Higgs bosons in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$= 161 GeV and 172 GeV
A search for neutral and charged Higgs bosons has been performed in the data collected by the {\sc DELPHI} detector at centre-of-mass energies of 161~GeV and 172~GeV. The analysis assumes either the pair-production of charged Higgs bosons, ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$, or the production of the lightest neutral Higgs boson, h, with either a Z or a neutral pseudoscalar Higgs boson, A. All final state topologies expected from the decay of h and A %neutral Higgs particles into hadrons or a pair of $\tau$ leptons, and from the decay of ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$ %charged Higgs bosons into a pair of quarks or a $\tau \nu_{\tau}$ pair have been considered. %In the case of the associated production with a Z boson,…
Search for techniparticles in e +jets events at D0
We search for the technicolor process ppbar -> rho_T/omega_T ->W+pi_T in events containing one electron and two jets, in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 390 pb-1, recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. Technicolor predicts that technipions, pi_T, decay dominantly into b-bbar, b-cbar, or bbar-c, depending on their charge. In these events b and c quarks are identified by their secondary decay vertices within jets. Two analysis methods based on topological variables are presented. Since no excess above the standard model prediction was found, the result is presented as an exclusion in the pi_T vs. rho_T mass plane for a given set of model parameters.
Measurement of trilinear gauge boson couplings WWV, (V Z,gamma) in e(+)e(-) collisions at 189 GeV
Measurements of the trilinear gauge boson couplings WWgamma and WWZ are presented using the data taken by DELPHI in 1998 at a centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV and combined with DELPHI data at 183 GeV. Values are determined for Delta(g_1^Z) and Delta(kappa_gamma), the differences of the WWZ charge coupling and of the WWgamma dipole coupling from their Standard Model values, and for lambda_gamma, the WWgamma quadrupole coupling. A measurement of the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moment of the W is extracted from the results for Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The study uses data from the final states jjlv, jjjj, lX, jjX and gammaX, where j represents a quark jet, l an identifie…
Measurement of the ratios of the Z/γ∗+⩾n jet production cross sections to the total inclusive Z/γ∗ cross section in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
We present a study of events with Z bosons and jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The data sample consists of nearly 14,000 Z/G* -> e+e- candidates corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 340 pb-1 collected using the D0 detector. Ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section have been measured for n = 1 to 4 jet events. Our measurements are found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization.
tt¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV
Search for the lightest scalar top quark in events with two leptons in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
Abstract We report results of a search for the pair production of the lightest supersymmetric partner of the top quark, t ˜ 1 , using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb −1 collected by the DO detector at a p p ¯ center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Both scalar top quarks are assumed to decay into a b quark, a charged lepton and a scalar neutrino. The search is performed in the electron plus muon and dielectron final states. The signal topology consists of two isolated leptons, missing transverse energy, and jets. We find no evidence for this process and exclude regions of parameter space in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric…
A measurement of the mean lifetimes of charged and neutral B-hadrons
The decays of B-hadrons have been reconstructed using the charged particles recorded in the DELPHI silicon microstrip detector. The sum of the charges of the secondaries determines the charge of the B-hadron parent. Some 232 114 multihadronic Z0 decays recorded during the 1991 run of LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 88.2 GeV and 94.2 GeV yield 253 B-hadron candidates with well-measured charge. From these the mean lifetimes of neutral and charged B-hadrons are found to be 1.44 +/- 0.21(stat.) +/- 0.14(syst.) ps and 1.56 +/- 0.19(stat.) +/- 0.13(syst.) ps respectively. The ratio of their lifetimes is 1.09(-0.23)+0.28 (Stat.) +/- 0.11 (syst.). Under some assumptions on the abundance and …
Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay $B^{0} \to K^{*0} \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$
The angular distribution and differential branching fraction of the decay B-0 -> K*(0)mu(+)mu(-) are studied using a data sample, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb(-1). Several angular observables are measured in bins of the dimuon invariant mass squared, q(2). A first measurement of the zero-crossing point of the forward-backward asymmetry of the dimuon system is also presented. The zero-crossing point is measured to be q(0)(2) = 4.9 +/- 0.9 GeV2/c(4), where the uncertainty is the sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. The results are consistent with the Standard Model predictions.
Erratum to: “Search for particles decaying into a Z boson and a photon in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV” [Phys. Lett. B 641 (2006) 415]
Search for particles decaying into a Z boson and a photon in collisions p (p)over-bar at root s = 1.96 TeV (vol 641, pg 415, 2006)
Measurement of the isolated photon cross section in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
The cross section for the inclusive production of isolated photons has been measured in p anti-p collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The photons span transverse momenta 23 to 300 GeV and have pseudorapidity |eta|<0.9. The cross section is compared with the results from two next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The theoretical predictions agree with the measurement within uncertainties.
Erratum to: “Measurement of the isolated photon cross section in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV” [Phys. Lett. B 639 (2006) 151]
Measurement of the isolated photon cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV (vol 639, pg 151, 2006)
Search for a Higgs boson produced in association with a Z boson
We describe a search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass of 105 GeV/c(2) to 145 GeV/c(2) in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 450 pb(-1) collected with the D phi detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The Higgs boson is required to be produced in association with a Z boson, and the Z boson is required to decay to either electrons or muons with the Higgs boson decaying to a b (b) over bar pair. The data are well described by the expected background, leading to 95% confidence level cross section upper limits sigma (p (p) over bar -> ZH) x B(H -> b (b) over bar) in the range of 3.1 pb to 4.4 pb.
A measurement of αs from the scaling violation in e+e- annihilation
The hadronic fragmentation functions of the various quark flavours and of gluons are measured in a study of the inclusive hadron production from $\zz$ decays with the DELPHI detector and are compared with the fragmentation functions measured elsewhere at energies between 14 GeV and 91 GeV. A large scaling violation is observed, which is used to extract the strong coupling constant from a fit using a numerical integration of the second order DGLAP evolution equations. The result is \begin{displaymath} \alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.124^{+0.006}_{-0.007}(exp)\pm 0.009 (theory) \end{displaymath} where the first error represents the experimental uncertainty and the second error is due to the factorization a…
Zγ production and limits on anomalous ZZγ and Zγγ couplings in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
We present a study of eey and mu mu gamma events using 1109 (1009) pb-(1) of data in the electron (muon) channel, respectively. These data were collected with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron pp collider at Is = 1.96 TeV. Having observed 453 (515) candidates in the eey (jtAy) final state, we measure the Z gamma production cross section for a photon with transverse energy ET > 7 GeV, separation between the photon and leptons Delta Rey > 0.7, and invariant mass of the di-lepton pair Mee > 30 GeV/(2)(c), to be 4.96 0.30(stat. + syst.) zE 0.30(lumi.) pb, in agreement with the Standard Model prediction of 4.74 0.22 pb. This is the most precise Zy cross section measurement at a hadron col…
Measurement of the transverse spin correlation in Z → τ+ τ- decays
The measurement of the correlation between the transverse spin components of tau(+)tau(-) pairs collected during 1992 to 1994 with the DELPHI detector at LEP1 is presented. A value C-TT = 0.87 +/- 0.20 (stat.)(-0.12)(+0.10) (syst.) was obtained for the correlation parameter, in agreement with the Standard Model expectation. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Search for flavor-changing-neutral-current D meson decays
We study the flavor-changing-neutral-current process c to u mu+ mu- using 1.3 fb^-1 of p p bar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV recorded by the D0 detector operating at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We see clear indications of the Ds+ and D+ to phi pi+ to mu+ mu- pi+ final states with significance greater than four standard deviations above background for the D+ state. We search for the continuum decay of D+ to pi+mu+mu- in the dimuon invariant mass spectrum away from the phi resonance. We see no evidence of signal above background and set a limit of B(D+ to pi+mu+mu-) < 3.9 x 10^-6 at the 90% C.L. This limit places the most stringent constraint on new phenomena in the c to u mu+ mu- t…
Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry via the LLE¯ couplings λ121, λ122 or λ133 in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
A search for gaugino pair production with a trilepton signature in the framework of R-parity violating supersymmetry via the couplings lambda_121, lambda_122, or lambda_133 is presented. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of L~360/pb, were collected from April 2002 to August 2004 with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. This analysis considers final states with three charged leptons with the flavor combinations eel, mumul, and eetau (l=e or mu). No evidence for supersymmetry is found and limits at the 95% confidence level are set on the gaugino pair production cross section and lower bounds on the masses of the …
Searches for violation of lepton flavour and baryon number in tau lepton decays at LHCb
Searches for the lepton flavour violating decay tau(-) -> mu(-)mu(+)mu(-) and the lepton flavour and baryon number violating decays tau(-) -> (p) over bar mu(+)mu(-) and tau(-) -> p mu(-)mu(-) have been carried out using proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb(-1), taken by the LHCb experiment at root s = 7 TeV. No evidence has been found for any signal, and limits have been set at 90% confidence level on the branching fractions: B(tau(-) -> mu(-)mu(+)mu(-) mu(+)mu(-)) p mu(-)mu(-)) (p) over bar mu(+)mu(-) and tau(-) -> p mu(-)mu(-) decay modes represent the first direct experimental limits on these channels.
Search for supersymmetry in di-photon final states at s=1.96 TeV
We report results of a search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with gauge-mediated symmetry breaking in di-photon events collected by the DO experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2006. In 1.1 fb(-1) of data, we find no significant excess beyond the background expected from the standard model and set the most stringent lower limits to date for a standard benchmark model on the lightest neutralino and chargino masses of 125 GeV and 229 GeV, respectively, at 95% confidence.
Search for particles decaying into a Z boson and a photon in pp¯ collisions at s=1.96 TeV
Abstract We present the results of a search for a new particle X produced in p p ¯ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV and subsequently decaying to Zγ. The search uses 0.3 fb−1 of data collected with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We set limits on the production cross section times the branching fraction σ ( p p ¯ → X ) × B ( X → Z γ ) that range from 0.4 to 3.5 pb at the 95% C.L. for X with invariant masses between 100 and 1000 GeV / c 2 , over a wide range of X decay widths.
A combined search for the standard model Higgs boson at s=1.96 TeV
AbstractWe present new results of the search for WH→ℓνbb¯ production in pp¯ collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s=1.96 TeV, based on a dataset with integrated luminosity of 0.44 fb−1. We combine these new results with previously published searches by the D0 collaboration, for WH and ZH production analyzed in the E̸Tbb¯ final state, for ZH (→ℓ+ℓ−bb¯) production, for WH (→WWW) production, and for H (→WW) direct production. No signal-like excess is observed either in the WH analysis or in the combination of all D0 Higgs boson analyses. We set 95% C.L. (expected) upper limits on σ(pp¯→WH)×B(H→bb¯) ranging from 1.6 (2.2) pb to 1.9 (3.3) pb for Higgs boson masses between 105 and 145 GeV, to …
Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from $Z^0$ decays at LEP
A search has been made for pairs and for single production of scalar leptoquarks of the first and second generations using a data sample of 392000 Z0 decays from the DELPHI detector at LEP 1. No signal was found and limits on the leptoquark mass, production cross section and branching ratio were set. A mass limit at 95% confidence level of 45.5 GeV/c2 was obtained for leptoquark pair production. The search for the production of a single leptoquark probed the mass region above this limit and its results exclude first and second generation leptoquarks D0 with masses below 65 GeV/c2 and 73 GeV/c2 respectively, at 95% confidence level, assuming that the D0lq Yukawa coupling alpha(lambda) is equ…
Determination of the $X(3872)$ meson quantum numbers
The quantum numbers of the X(3872) meson are determined to be J(PC) = 1(++) based on angular correlations in B+ -> X(3872)K+ decays, where X(3872) -> pi(+) pi(-) j/psi and J/psi -> pi(+) mu(-). The data correspond to 1.0 fb(-1) of pp collisions collected by the LHCb detector. The only alternative assignment allowed by previous measurements J(PC) = 2(-+) is rejected with a confidence level equivalent to more than 8 Gaussian standard deviations using a likelihood-ratio test in the full angular phase space. This result favors exotic explanations of the X(3872) state.
Experimental Discrimination between Charge2e/3Top Quark and Charge4e/3Exotic Quark Production Scenarios
We present the first experimental discrimination between the 2e/3 and 4e/3 top quark electric charge scenarios, using top quark pairs (ttbar) produced in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV by the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We use 370 pb-1 of data collected by the D0 experiment and select events with at least one high transverse momentum electron or muon, high transverse energy imbalance, and four or more jets. We discriminate between b- and bbar-quark jets by using the charge and momenta of tracks within the jet cones. The data is consistent with the expected electric charge, |q|=2e/3. We exclude, at the 92% C.L., that the sample is solely due to the production of exotic quark pairs QQba…
Properties ofL=1B1andB2*Mesons
This Letter presents the first strong evidence for the resolution of the excited B mesons B-1 and B-2(*) as two separate states in fully reconstructed decays to B+(*())pi(-). The mass of B-1 is measured to be 5720.6 +/- 2.4 +/- 1.4 MeV/c(2) and the mass difference Delta M between B-2* and B-1 is 26.2 +/- 3.1 +/- 0: 9 MeV/c(2), giving the mass of the B-2* as 5746.8 +/- 2.4 +/- 1.7 MeV/c(2). The production rate for B-1 and B-2* mesons is determined to be a fraction (13.9 +/- 1.9 +/- 3.2)% of the production rate of the B+ meson.
Search for single production of scalar leptoquarks in pp¯ collisions decaying into muons and quarks with the D0 detector
We report on a search for second generation leptoquarks LQ_2 which decay into a muon plus quark in p\bar{p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV in the D0 detector using an integrated luminosity of about 300 pb-1. No evidence for a leptoquark signal is observed and an upper bound on the product of the cross section for single leptoquark production times branching fraction beta into a quark and a muon was determined for second generation scalar leptoquarks as a function of the leptoquark mass. This result has been combined with a previously published D0 search for leptoquark pair production to obtain leptoquark mass limits as a function of the leptoquark-muon-quark cou…
Search for W′ boson production in the W′→tb¯ decay channel
We present a search for the production of a new heavy gauge boson W' that decays to a top quark and a bottom quark. We have analyzed 230 pb(-1) of data collected with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. No significant excess of events above the standard model expectation is found in any region of the final state invariant mass distribution. We set upper limits on the production cross section of W' bosons times branching ratio to top quarks at the 95% confidence level for several different W, boson masses. We exclude masses between 200 and 610 GeV for a W' boson with standard-model-like couplings, between 200 and 630 GeV for a W, boson wi…