

Search for neutral and charged Higgs bosons in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$= 161 GeV and 172 GeV

P. AbreuW. AdamT. AdyeP. AdzicI. AjinenkoGd AlekseevR. AlemanyPp AllportS. AlmehedU. AmaldiS. AmatoP. AnderssonA. AndreazzaP. AntilogusWd ApelY. ArnoudB. AsmanJe AugustinA. AugustinusP. BaillonP. BambadeM. BarbiDy BardinG. BarkerA. BaroncelliO. BarringMj BatesM. BattagliaM. BaubillierJ. BaudotKh BecksM. BegalliP. BeilliereY. BelokopytovAc BenvenutiC. BeratM. BerggrenD. BertiniD. BertrandM. BesanconF. BianchiM. BigiMs BilenkyP. BilloirMa BizouardD. BlochH. BlumeM. BonesiniW. BoniventoM. BoonekampPsl BoothAw BorglandG. BorisovC. BosioO. BotnerE. BoudinovB. BouquetC. BourdariosTjv BowcockM. BozzoP. BranchiniKd BrandT. BrenkeRa BrennerRca BrownP. BruckmanJm BrunetL. BuggeT. BuranT. BurgsmuellerP. BuschmannS. CabreraM. CacciaM. CalviAjc RozasT. CamporesiV. CanaleM. CanepaF. CarenaL. CarrollC. CasoMvc GimenezA. CattaiFr CavalloV. ChabaudP. CharpentierL. ChaussardP. ChecchiaGa ChelkovM. ChenR. ChiericiP. ChliapnikovP. ChochulaV. ChorowiczJ. ChudobaV. CindroP. CollinsM. ColomerR. ContriE. CortinaG. CosmeF. CossuttiJh CowellHb CrawleyD. CrennellG. CrosettiJc MaestroS. CzellarJ. DahmB. DalmagneG. DamgaardPd DaunceyM. DavenportW. Da SilvaA. DeghorainG. Della RiccaP. DelpierreN. DemariaA. AngelisW. BoerS. BrabandereC. ClercqC. La VaissiereB. LottoA. MinL. PaulaH. DijkstraL. Di CiaccioA. Di DiodatoA. DjannatiJ. DolbeauK. DorobaM. DracosJ. DreesKa DreesM. DrisJd DurandD. EdsallR. EhretG. EigenT. EkelofG. EkspongM. ElsingB. ErzenJp EngelMe SantoE. FalkG. FanourakisD. FassouliotisM. FeindtA. FenyukP. FerrariA. FerrerS. FichetTa FilippasA. FirestonePa FischerH. FoethE. FokitisF. FontanelliF. FormentiB. FranekAg FrodesenR. FruhwirthF. Fulda-quenzerJ. FusterA. GalloniD. GambaM. GandelmanC. GarciaJ. GarciaC. GasparU. GaspariniP. GavilletEn GazisD. GeleJp GerberL. GerdyukovR. GokieliB. GolobP. GoncalvesG. GopalL. GornM. GorskiY. GouzV. GraccoE. GrazianiC. GreenA. GrefrathP. GrissG. GrosdidierK. GrzelakM. GuntherJ. GuyF. HahnS. HahnZ. HajdukA. HallgrenK. HamacherFj HarrisV. HedbergR. HenriquesJj HernandezP. HerquetHi HerrTl HessingJm HeuserE. HigonSo HolmgrenPj HoltD. HolthuizenS. HoorelbekeM. HouldenJ. HrubecK. HuetK. HultqvistJnh JacksonR. JacobssonP. JalochaR. JanikC. JarlskogG. JarlskogP. JarryB. Jean-marieEk JohanssonL. JonssonP. JonssonC. JoramP. JuillotM. KaiserF. KapustaK. KarafasoulisE. KarvelasS. KatsanevasEc KatsoufisR. KeranenY. KhokhlovBa KhomenkoNn KhovanskiB. KingNj KjaerO. KlappH. KleinP. KluitD. KnoblauchP. KokkiniasM. KoratzinosK. KorcylV. KostioukhineC. KourkoumelisO. KouznetsovMh KrammerC. KreuterI. KronkvistZ. KrumsteinW. KrupinskiP. KubinecW. KucewiczK. KurvinenC. LacastaI. LaktinehJw LamsaL. LanceriDw LaneP. LangefeldJp LaugierR. LauhakangasG. LederF. LedroitV. LefebureCk LeganA. LeisosR. LeitnerJ. LemonneG. LenzenV. LepeltierT. LesiakM. LethuillierJ. LibbyD. LikoA. LipniackaI. LippiB. LoerstadJg LokenJm LopezD. LoukasP. LutzL. LyonsJ. MacnaughtonG. MaehlumJr MahonA. MaioTgm MalmgrenV. MalychevF. MandlJ. MarcoR. MarcoB. MarechalM. MargoniJc MarinC. MariottiA. MarkouC. Martinez-riveroF. Martinez-vidalSmi GarciaJ. MasikF. MatorrasC. MatteuzziG. MatthiaeM. MazzucatoM. Mc CubbinR. Mc KayR. Mc NultyG. Mc PhersonJ. MedboC. MeroniS. MeyerWt MeyerM. MichelottoE. MiglioreL. MirabitoWa MitaroffU. MjoernmarkT. MoaR. MoellerK. MoenigMr MongeP. MorettiniH. MuellerK. MuenichM. MuldersLm MundimWj MurrayB. MurynG. MyattT. MyklebustF. NaraghiFl NavarriaS. NavasK. NawrockiP. NegriS. NemecekW. NeumannN. NeumeisterR. NicolaidouBs NielsenM. NieuwenhuizenV. NikolaenkoM. NikolenkoP. NissA. NomerotskiA. NormandA. NygrenW. Oberschulte-beckmannV. ObraztsovAg OlshevskiA. OnofreR. OravaG. OraziS. OrtunoK. OsterbergA. OuraouP. PaganiniM. PaganoniS. PaianoR. PainH. PalkaTd PapadopoulouK. PapageorgiouL. PapeC. ParkesF. ParodiU. ParzefallA. PasseriM. PegoraroL. PeraltaH. PerneggerM. PernickaA. PerrottaC. PetridouA. PetroliniHt PhillipsG. PianaF. PierreM. PimentaE. PiottoT. PodobnikO. PodobrinMe PolG. PolokP. PoropatV. PozdniakovP. PriviteraN. PukhaevaA. PulliaD. RadojicicS. RagazziH. RahmaniPn RatoffAl ReadM. RealeP. RebecchiNg RedaelliM. ReglerD. ReidR. ReinhardtPb RentonLk ResvanisF. RichardJ. RidkyG. RinaudoO. RohneA. RomeroP. RoncheseL. RoosEi RosenbergP. RosinskyP. RoudeauT. RovelliV. Ruhlmann-kleiderA. RuizK. RybickiH. SaarikkoY. SacquinA. SadovskyG. SajotJ. SaltM. SanninoH. SchneiderU. SchwickerathMae SchynsG. SciollaF. ScuriP. SeagerY. SedykhAm SegarA. SeitzR. SekulinL. SerbelloniRc ShellardA. SheridanP. SiegristR. SilvestreF. SimonettoAn SisakianTb SkaaliG. SmadjaOxana SmirnovaGr SmithA. SokolovO. SolovianovR. SosnowskiD. Souza-santosT. SpassovE. SpiritiP. SponholzS. SquarciaD. StampferC. StanescuS. StanicS. StapnesL. StavitskiK. StevensonA. StocchiJ. StraussR. StrubB. StuguM. SzczekowskiM. SzeptyckaT. TabarelliJp TavernetE. TcherniaevO. TchikilevF. TegenfeldtF. TerranovaJ. ThomasA. TilquinJ. TimmermansLg TkatchevT. TodorovS. TodorovaDz ToetA. TomaradzeB. TomeA. TonazzoL. TortoraG. TranstromerD. TreilleG. TristramA. TrombiniC. TronconA. TsirouMl TurluerLa TyapkinMt TyndelS. TzamariasB. UeberschaerO. UllalandV. UvarovG. ValentiE. VallazzaC. Vander VeldeGw ApeldoornP. DamWk DoninckJ. EldikA. LysebettenN. VassilopoulosG. VegniL. VenturaW. VenusF. VerbeureM. VerlatoLs VertogradovD. VilanovaP. VincentL. VitaleE. VlasovAs VodopyanovV. VrbaH. WahlenC. WalckF. WaldnerC. WeiserAm WetherellD. WickeJh WickensM. WielersGr WilkinsonWsc WilliamsM. WinterM. WitekT. WlodekJ. YiK. YipO. YushchenkoF. ZachA. ZaitsevA. ZalewskaP. ZalewskiD. ZavrtanikE. ZevgolatakosNi ZiminGc ZucchelliG. ZumerleCollaboration Delphi


QuarkParticle physicsPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)LOWEST ORDER CALCULATIONSElectron–positron annihilationHigh Energy Physics::LatticeHadronMONTE-CARLO SIMULATIONSTANDARD MODEL2-PHOTON PROCESSES01 natural sciencesPartícules (Física nuclear)Nuclear physicsPHYSICS0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]RADIATIVE-CORRECTIONSNuclear Experiment010306 general physicsEngineering (miscellaneous)SUPERSYMMETRYDELPHIBosonPhysics010308 nuclear & particles physicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologySupersymmetryE+E-ANNIHILATIONLARGE ELECTRON POSITRON COLLIDERMONTE-CARLO SIMULATION; LOWEST ORDER CALCULATIONS; E+E-ANNIHILATION; RADIATIVE-CORRECTIONS; 2-PHOTON PROCESSES; STANDARD MODEL; Z(0) DECAYS; PHYSICS; SUPERSYMMETRYZ(0) DECAYSPARTICLE PHYSICS; LARGE ELECTRON POSITRON COLLIDER; DELPHILarge Electron–Positron ColliderHiggs bosonPARTICLE PHYSICSFísica nuclearHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentParticle Physics - ExperimentLepton


A search for neutral and charged Higgs bosons has been performed in the data collected by the {\sc DELPHI} detector at centre-of-mass energies of 161~GeV and 172~GeV. The analysis assumes either the pair-production of charged Higgs bosons, ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$, or the production of the lightest neutral Higgs boson, h, with either a Z or a neutral pseudoscalar Higgs boson, A. All final state topologies expected from the decay of h and A %neutral Higgs particles into hadrons or a pair of $\tau$ leptons, and from the decay of ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$ %charged Higgs bosons into a pair of quarks or a $\tau \nu_{\tau}$ pair have been considered. %In the case of the associated production with a Z boson, all decay %channels of the Z have been considered. %The case of a %Higgs boson decaying into invisible products has also been studied. %The results are interpreted %in the framework of the Standard Model and of its minimal supersymmetric %extension for the neutral Higgs bosons. %Results for the charged Higgs particles are deduced in the more %general two-doublet scheme. Lower limits at the 95\% confidence level have been obtained on the Higgs boson masses. The limits are 66.2~GeV/$c^2$ for h in the Standard Model, 59.5~GeV/$c^2$ for h and 51.0~GeV/$c^2$ for A in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model and 51.5~GeV/$c^2$ for ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$ in the general two-doublet scheme for ${\mathrm H}^{\pm}$ branching fractions into hadrons below 0.8.
