Sébastien Zito
Impact du changement climatique sur l'oïdium de la vigne : cas de la Champagne.
Climate vs grapevine pests and diseases worldwide: The first results of a global survey
<p class="Abstract"><strong>Aim:</strong> This paper aimed to address the relationship between grapevine disease, pest occurrences and climate. The extremely large extension of viticulture worldwide offers the possibility to evaluate the impacts of climate variability on many aspects of the grape growing system. For this, we initiated a global survey to retrieve the most important diseases and pests in many grape growing regions worldwide and to identify the risk of exposure to pests and diseases of viticulture as a function of climate.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Methods and results:</strong> Based on the answer of respondent about the main repo…
Urban Heat Island and air quality, Dijon, winter 2014-2015.
For the 2014-2015 Winter, thetemperature patterns and the Air Quality measured over the Grand Dijon urban area are studied together.Meteorological conditions favoring the development of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) are distinguished fromthose giving rise to pollution episodes. Winter UHI are next characterized, with radiative situations followedafter the sunset by relatively strong UHI (about 3°C), and days with no insolation during which anthropogenicheat is suspected to produce a small UHI (few tenths of °C).
How relevant are local climate zones and urban climate zones for urban climate research? Dijon (France) as a case study.
17 pages; International audience; Several typologies of urban surface properties have been proposed, in recent years, for urban heat island studies and climate modeling. Some were specifically developed for cities and urban climate issues, like the Urban Climate Zones, and the more recent Local Climate Zones. The initial objective of this paper is to evaluate the capacity of these two typologies to identify thermal environments in and around cities, and to determine which typology best captures the daily spatio-temporal patterns of surface and urban canopy heat islands. To simulate urban climate with a model, LULC data based on a given typology are required. To avoid circularity, we combine…
Impact du changement climatique sur l’oïdium de la vigne : cas de la Champagne
Powdery mildew, one of the most widespread grapevine disease, causes damage to the plant foliage, reduces yields and altersquality of grapes. This fungus development is strongly controlled by climate conditions and viticulture requires in many regionslarge quantities of pesticides for disease control. Projecting the impacts of climate change on these disease and developinga better understanding of future disease risk is crucial, given the increasing societal pressure for pesticide reduction andsustainability. This study focused on (i) the elaboration of an empirical model that establishes links between monthly climate dataand annual powdery mildew pressure in Champagne and (ii) the use of t…
Climate change impacts on phytosanitary risk evolution in north-eastern France vineyards : observations and modeling : The case of powdery mildew
From now on, agriculture must adapt and anticipate climate change, whose impact has already been observed on the biology of crops and their production. Beyond plants, this climate change also impacts pathogen development and therefore host/pathogen interactions. Thus, building adaptation strategies requires considering not only the crops but also the organisms with which they interact.The objective of this thesis is to characterize the impact of climate change on the phytosanitary risk related to grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) in the wine regions of Burgundy and Champagne. More particularly, it questions two central aspects related to the epidemic risk: the grapevine sensitive …
Évaluation des effets thermiques des leviers d'action visant à réduire l'îlot de chaleur urbain : l'exemple de Dijon.
Climate Change and Urban Heat Island (UHI) combine their effects and lead to increased frequencies and intensities of heat waves in urban environments. Considering the associated public health issues, several actions are possible: the color of the materials, the development of water surfaces or urban vegetation. In Dijon, a network of 60 stations makes it possible to evaluate the potential of these three actions. Analysis of the warm summer 2016 season reveals that the refreshing role of water only occurs during daytime, the effect of bright surfaces (concrete versus bitumen) on the air temperature is only a few tenths of a degree, while vegetation offers the largest refreshing potential. I…
Urban Heat Island (UHI) and heat waves: what relations?
With four years of measurements and alarge sample of stations, the MUSTARDijon network allows for a detailed characterization of the Urban HeatIsland (UHI), a warm season phenomenon. But UHI and maximum temperature values are out of phase at twodistinct time-scales. Seasonally, the maxima of UHI occur from May to July, i.e. before the annual peak oftemperature (July to August). At a daily time-scale, analysis of the two heat waves of July 2015 shows a lag of afew days between the peak of UHI and the heat wave. Two hypotheses are suggested to explain these lags:changes in radiative conditions and/or energy fluxes between the ground surface and the atmosphere.