Climate vs grapevine pests and diseases worldwide: The first results of a global survey
Sébastien ZitoBenjamin BoisAgnes Calonnecsubject
0106 biological sciences[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV.SA.AGRO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences/AgronomyravageurGrowing seasonDistribution (economics)Climate changeDiseasesDiseaseHorticulture01 natural scienceslcsh:Agriculturevitis vinifera[ SDV.SA.AGRO ] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences/Agronomylcsh:BotanyComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSPhytosanitary certification2. Zero hungerchangement climatiqueEcologybusiness.industryAgroforestrylcsh:Sfood and beverages04 agricultural and veterinary sciences15. Life on landviticulturediseases;pests;viticulture;climate change;grapevinegrapevinelcsh:QK1-989[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]Geographyclimate change[SDU.STU.CL]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Climatology13. Climate action[SDE]Environmental Sciences040103 agronomy & agriculture0401 agriculture forestry and fisheriesPEST analysis[ SDU.STU.CL ] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/ClimatologyViticulturevignebusinesspestsPowdery mildew010606 plant biology & botanyFood Sciencedescription
<p class="Abstract"><strong>Aim:</strong> This paper aimed to address the relationship between grapevine disease, pest occurrences and climate. The extremely large extension of viticulture worldwide offers the possibility to evaluate the impacts of climate variability on many aspects of the grape growing system. For this, we initiated a global survey to retrieve the most important diseases and pests in many grape growing regions worldwide and to identify the risk of exposure to pests and diseases of viticulture as a function of climate.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Methods and results:</strong> Based on the answer of respondent about the main reported diseases/pests in their region, a severity index was calculated. Each region was geolocalised and data were compared to the WorldClim gridded climate database to document the range of climate conditions (growing season temperature and rainfall) associated to the main diseases/pests. The potential climatic-induced changes of grapevine disease and pest geography by 2050 are assessed using agro-climate projections from the ARPEGE CNRM model, using the RCP 4.5 scenario. The preliminary results allow to determine the distribution of diseases as function of agroclimatic indicators.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> While the distribution of diseases differs according to the region of the world, the current analysis suggests that mildews remain the major phytosanitary threat in most of the regions. Powdery mildew, trunk diseases and viruses were reported in extremely diverse climatic conditions, including intermediate and wet regions. </p><p><strong>Significance and impact of the study:</strong> This paper present an original methodology to address the relationship between grapevine disease and pest occurrences and climate. Such documentation is scarce in the current literature. Further analysis is currently being performed, including additional survey answers, climate indices and supplementary data collected (spatial extension, frequency of treatments…) to better depict the challenges of grapevine phytosanitary management in a changing climate.</p>
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2016-04-10 |