D Veneri

Italian daily platelet transfusion practice for haematological patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy with or without stem cell transplantation: a survey by the GIMEMA Haemostasis and Thrombosis Working Party

Background. Following high-dose chemotherapy/bone marrow transplantation, patients are routinely, prophylactically transfused with platelet concentrates (PC) if they have a platelet count ≤10×109/L or higher in the presence of risk factors for bleeding. However, whether such transfusions are necessary in clinically stable patients with no bleeding, or whether a therapeutic transfusion strategy could be sufficient and safe, is still debated. Materials and methods. The GIMEMA Haemostasis and Thrombosis Working Party sent a questionnaire to Italian haematology departments to survey several aspects of daily platelet transfusion practice, such as the cut-off platelet count for transfusion, the e…

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Nell’anniversario della liberazione del campo di sterminio di Auschwitz da parte dell'Armata rossa, in  quello che viene riconosciuto come Giorno della Memoria “al fine di ricordare tutti coloro la Shoah (sterminio del popolo  ebraico), le leggi razziali, la  persecuzione  italiana  dei  cittadini  ebrei,  gli  italiani che  hanno  subìto  la deportazione, la prigionia, la morte, nonché coloro che, anche in campi e schieramenti diversi, si sono opposti al progetto di sterminio, ed a rischio della propria vita hanno salvato altre vite e protetto i perseguitati.(legge 211 del 20 luglio 2000) l’arch. Peter Eisenman ha voluto essere a Milano per esprimere il suo supporto alla campagna per la co…

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