J. Robert

Spontaneous emission and energy shifts of a Rydberg rubidium atom close to an optical nanofiber

In this paper, we report on numerical calculations of the spontaneous emission rates and Lamb shifts of a $^{87}\text{Rb}$ atom in a Rydberg-excited state $\left(n\leq30\right)$ located close to a silica optical nanofiber. We investigate how these quantities depend on the fiber's radius, the distance of the atom to the fiber, the direction of the atomic angular momentum polarization as well as the different atomic quantum numbers. We also study the contribution of quadrupolar transitions, which may be substantial for highly polarizable Rydberg states. Our calculations are performed in the macroscopic quantum electrodynamics formalism, based on the dyadic Green's function method. This allows…

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Connaissances médicales et paramédicales sur l'antibiorésistance bactérienne et l'application des préventions de transmission

International audience

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Knowledge of French Healthcare Workers about Antimicrobial Resistance: a Large Multicentre Study

International audience

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Spontaneous emission rates and energy shifts of a Rydberg rubidium atom close to an optical nanofiber

The influence of an optical nanofiber on the spontaneous emission rates and Lamb shifts of a Rydberg rubidium atom in its close vicinity is investigated, in view of the implementation of a Rydberg-blockade-based quantum network.

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P259 Identification de nouveaux antagonistes des récepteurs aux endocannabinoïdes à action périphérique susceptibles d’améliorer les paramètres glucido-lipidiques chez la souris obèse

Introduction Le systeme endocannabinoide (SEC) est une cible therapeutique potentielle pour lutter contre l’obesite. Ainsi, le Rimonabant®, un antagoniste des recepteurs aux endocannabinoides 1 (CB1R) diminue la masse corporelle et ameliore les parametres glucido-lipidiques de patients obeses. Neanmoins, ce medicament a ete retire du marche suite a des effets centraux induisant des troubles neuropsychiatriques. L’objectif de cette etude est d’identifier des analogues du Rimonabant® a action peripherique susceptibles d’avoir des effets benefiques sur le metabolisme glucido-lipidique de la souris. Materiels et methodes Des analogues du Rimonabant® ne passant pas la barriere hemato-encephaliqu…

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