L. Penzes
HLA DQα Typing of Human Fingernails
In contrast to the extensive knowledge about protein biochemistry of keratinization, little is known about the fate of nuleic acids during these processes (1). It has been suggested that both DNA and RNA completely degenerate in the initial phase of keratinization. However, from electron microscopical studies it is known that nuclear remnants are present (1,3). From these findings and own observations one might expect that nucleic acids should still be available.
Immunenzymatische AB0-blutgruppenbestimmung am einzelhaar
Untersucht wurden markhaltige Einzelhaare von 168 Personen bekannter serologischer Blutgruppenkonstellationen (Blutgruppe A1: n=58; A2: n=11; B: n=28; 0: n=46; A1B: n=16; A2B: n=9). Die immunenzymatische Darstellung der AB0-Blutgruppensubstanz gelang fehlerfrei in allen Fallen am Markkanal des Haares durch Inkubation mit monoklonalen Antikorpern sowohl nach einer Variante des Sternberger-Verfahrens als auch bei Verwendung eines monoklonalen APAAP-Komplexes als Markerenzym. Die Untersuchungen wurden parallel an kunststoffeingebetteten Haarquer- und Haarlangsschnitten und im Flotationsverfahren durchgefuhrt. Mit der Immunenzymtechnik steht eine zweite unabhangige Methode neben dem serologisch…
Sex Determination by Genomic Dot Blot Hybridization and HLA DQα Typing by PCR from Fixed Tissues
Recent advances in molecular biology methods have significantly increased the ability to detect genetic variation at the genomic level for forensic purposes. However, the quality requirements for blood, fresh or frozen tissue as a source of DNA are a practical limitation for typing the victim in order to conduct investigations on unsolved cases. Since paraffin embedded specimens are easily obtainable the ability to study this material would be of great value in current forensic practice.
Bloodtyping in Human Dental Pulp by Immunoenzyme Techniques
Genetically determined markers increase the chances of individual identification of human cadavers, especially in cases in which tests cannot be made by direct methods because of detoriation, in putrefied and skeletonized cadavers.