Suvi Heikkinen
Naisten johtamisuriin kohdistuvat stereotypiat
The aim of this article is to analyze existing research on stereotypes that affect women’s management careers. The research method is content analysis and the period of analysis is 1976−2013. The results of this research suggest that women executives are subjected to stereotypical beliefs, according to which women lack various specific and necessary attributes of leadership. Another stereotype is the belief that people have to manage on their own. A third stereotype holds that female leaders are superior to male leaders. From a historical perspective, the stereotypical assumption that women lack appropriate attributes has been dominant during the period of analysis. The stereotype regarding…
Gendered Work-life Ideologies among IT Professionals
The study investigates the discourses IT professionals use to produce work–life relations. We focus on work–life ideologies and explore the agencies produced, as well as whether and how they are gendered. Our data were collected in interviews with 24 women and men working in the IT industry in Finland. Our results show, first, that work–life relations were constructed discursively through two different work–life ideologies, and second, that these ideologies produced different gendered agencies in reconciling work with life. In our study, work–life talk produced different positions for women and men, which were influenced by gendered norms and social expectations. We conclude that gendered a…
How do male managers narrate their female spouse ' s role in their career?
Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate how male managers make meaning the role of their female spouses along with their careers. Design/methodology/approach – The topic was investigated within a Finnish context by analyzing the narratives of 29 male managers. Common to the men were their managerial position and extensive work experience. All the men had or had had one or more spouses during their careers, and all of them were fathers. Findings – A typology distinguishing four types of female spouses was constructed: supporting, balance-seeking, care-providing, and success-expecting types. These types describe the various roles that are constructed in relation to the female partn…
Women’s Careers in Management : Confronted Problems and Approved Practices
Gender equality has not been achieved anywhere in the world. One persistent, global challenge is that women struggle to advance to management positions in the workplace. This chapter focuses on the area of management as it relates to women’s careers. Well-known metaphors that highlight the complexity of the problems women face in their careers are presented. Additionally, two examples of practices that can be helpful to the advancement of women’s careers, namely, all-women management development programmes and work-family arrangements are discussed. It is concluded that although there has been progress around women’s moving in managerial roles in many places over the years, much still needs…
Miehiseen vallan linnakkeeseen kohdistuu kova muutospaine : urheiluorganisaatiossa vaietaan yhä tärkeistä asioista ja muutos vaatii pitkäjänteistä työtä
Olympiakomitean skandaali ja Mika Lehtimäen ero muistuttavat, että monien urheiluorganisaatioiden toiminnan ihanteiden ja todellisuuden välillä on edelleen usein suuri ero. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vaikka juhlapuheissa puhutaan avoimuudesta, käytännössä esimerkiksi häirinnästä ja sopimattomasta käytöksestä edelleen vaietaan, toteaa apulaisprofessori Suvi Heikkinen. nonPeerReviewed
Collaborative Leadership in the Institutions of Higher Education : A Literature Review
This study aims to review the literature concerning collaborative leadership in the context of institutions of higher education. The study covers empirical research from 2000 to 2021, providing insights into how collaborative leadership in this context is understood. Material for the study consists of 20 articles, which are analysed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis identifies three major categories highlighted in the literature as significant characteristics of collaborative leadership: namely, the participation of diverse people accelerates collaboration, learning transpires through collaboration, and empowerment leads to momentous change. This paper concludes with suggesti…
Career counselling at Indian universities : Cases from different regions
Career studies indicate that individuals are increasingly responsible for their own careers, which seem to be more diverse than ever. This raises a question for universities regarding how they can develop their career counselling services so that students receive the help and guidance they need to manage their careers. Previous studies show that women have more difficulties advancing in a career than men. To increase women’s career opportunities and empower them to participate in working life, ultimately increasing gender equality in society and at work, women’s career counselling at universities needs special attention. In this study, career counselling at Indian universities in different …
Doping and Moral Disapprovals
This paper explores variance in how people morally disapprove wrongs related to doping. The variance may pertain to what type of moral disapproval a person uses or to what they disapprove of. Our exploration is both conceptual and empirical. Conceptually, we distinguish between four types of moral disapprovals that we call blame, judging blameworthy, condemnation and sadness. We elaborate these four moral phenomena through a conceptual scheme that we call the matrix of moral disapprovals. The matrix is the central conceptual innovation of our paper. It depicts how the four moral disapprovals relate to each other and characterises their typical instances. In the empirical part of the paper, …
Narrativity and its application in business ethics research
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a narrative framework for doing empirical research into business ethics and shows, through two examples, how the framework can be applied in practice in this context. The focus is on interview-based research. Design/methodology/approach A theoretical research based on literature review was conducted. Findings In the developed narrative framework, two main kinds of analysis are distinguished: an analysis of the narrative and a narrative analysis. An analysis of the narrative is a matter of classifying and producing taxonomies out of the data. The purpose of a narrative analysis is to construct a story or stories based on the data. Narrative an…
Collaborative Leadership in the Institution of Higher Education: A Sociocultural Context of Pakistan
The need for collaborative leadership to advance knowledge sharing, novel ideas, inclusion and employee engagement has increased in modern organizations, with the aim being to make organizations more effective and responsible. Yet, an interesting question arises about how this kind of leadership model, which is arguably of Western origin, is understood and whether it can be applied in sociocultural contexts where top-down leadership tends to be exercised. This study addresses this question and explores the meaning of collaborative leadership from a cultural viewpoint in Pakistan, where collaborative relationships across hierarchical levels are not common. The applicability of collaborative…
Fathers in focus: two discursive analyses on addressing men, work and care
We introduce in this chapter discourse analysis as a methodological tool for studying work-family issues, particularly those of men and fathers in work and care. Work and family involve complex processes and dynamics, where reconciling different interpretations of events are temporally and contextually changing. Current discourses on involved fatherhood raise many questions about men's work and family relationships and the role of care in their life. Here we present two empirical examples using discourse analysis to study work-family issues from a male gender perspective in the Finnish context. Finally, we discuss the (dis)advantages of using discursive analytical perspectives in work-famil…
Urasiirtymät muuttuvassa työelämässä : analyysi urasiirtymän käsitteestä
Puolison rooli nais- ja miesjohtajien urilla Suomessa
Lectio Praecursoria nonPeerReviewed
Tulevaisuus tähtäimessä : mitä nuoret kauppatieteilijämiehet odottavat uran ja perheen yhdistämiseltä?
Miesjohtajien isyysdiskurssit
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli avata ja purkaa miesjohtajien isyydelle ja johtajuudelle antamia merkityksiä. Erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena oli se, rakentavatko miesjohtajat isyyttään ja johtajuuttaan hyödyntäen perinteisiä ja dominoivia, jopa luonnollisiksi uskottuja totuuksia isyydestä ja johtajuudesta, vai ovatko isyyden ja johtajuuden merkitykset mahdollisesti muutoksessa. Miesjohtajien tutkiminen on tärkeää, koska johtajilla on vaikutusvaltaa organisaatioiden käytäntöihin niiden luojina ja hyväksyjinä. Tutkimuksen aineisto tuotettiin haastattelemalla 29 miesjohtajaa. Aineisto analysoitiin diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Tuloksena tulkittiin neljä isyysdiskurssia: ansaitsija-isyys -dis…
Fathers' Opportunities to Integrate Work and Family
Responsible Human Resource in Practice : Towards a Family-friendly Workplace
The purpose of this case study is twofold. First, a family-friendly development program in a Finnish health care organization is considered a good example of an attempt to develop an advanced workplace regarding work-family integration. The core idea of the program is that in a family-friendly workplace, human resource practices take employees’ varying circumstances into account. Second, the qualitative data gathered from the case are used to explore employees’ perceptions of family-friendliness, as well as the successes and pitfalls of adopting the development program to enhance work-family integration. The results show that the relationship between employees and their immediate superiors …