Franco Vaccina


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Mobilità del turismo regionale incoming. Aspetti socioeconomici dei comportamenti e delle motivazioni. Il disegno della ricerca

the research question that have lead to the empirical research on tourism mobility are presented. Then, briefly, the methods and the instruments planned are discussed. At the end, expected result of the project are illustrated.

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Seasonal pattern and amplitude: a logical framework to analyse seasonality in tourism. An application to bed occupancy in Sicilian hotels

Many studies have investigated seasonality in tourism in terms of its causes and impacts, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. However, the definition of seasonality and, most of all, its application and measurement have not received the same degree of attention. In recognizing that seasonality has two main facets – pattern and amplitude – this paper critically examines the main seasonality measures proposed in the tourism literature, classifying them according to their properties and their most appropriate use. The framework then proposed is used to analyse a standard and comparable efficiency measure, such as the bed occupancy rate of Sicilian accommodation establishments, pla…

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Viaggi multi-destinazione in Sicilia: principali determinanti ed effetti distorcenti nelle statistiche sul turismo

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Introduzione alla tavola rotonda

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Un-observed tourism: approaches and case studies in Sicily

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Multi-destination pleasure trip behaviors in Sicily

Many pleasure trips are often characterized by the visit of more than a single destination. The topic is well documented in literature (Cooper 1981; Mings & McHugh, 1992), but the main determinants and consequences of multi-destination trips have not been adequately analyzed (McKercher & Lew, 2004). Moreover, the empirical studies on this topic are limited to a few pioneering studies (Lau & McKercher, 2007; Mings & McHugh, 1992; Wu & Carson, 2008). This lack may be attributable to the failure of tourism organizations to collect data on multi-destination trip behaviors, as it results, for example, from European statistics on tourism (according to the Council Directive 59/95 EC), where no inf…

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Sulla valutazione di efficacia di un progetto per la partecipazione giovanile nel Comune di Centuripe.

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Unobserved tourism

Having more reliable statistics is essential for policy-makers to be able to make effective decisions. Nevertheless, measuring the number of tourists in a given destination is not an easy task. After reviewing the main problems affecting official statistics on tourism, this paper proposes a general framework by formalizing a theoretical model in which tourism nights and trips in a given destination are broken down into observed and unobserved components, according to the European system of tourism statistics. The main approaches related to the measurement of unobserved tourism are discussed, and some empirical findings in Sicily (Italy) are presented in order to highlight the actual magnitu…

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Relational Ethnic Tourism in Sicily. Linguistic minorities and rural development.

Mass tourism has contributed to the spread of English throughout the world, and to portrait local traditions and languages as archaic and folkloristic cultural traits, not a part of real life. Under globalization and the thrust to linguistic homogeneity, local minority language communities are going to weaken their cultural heritage, when conforming to English speaking mass tourists expectations. This is not, however, necessary nor unavoidable. Evidence of the contrary exists: in some cases tourism plays a fundamental role to preserve minority languages (Greathouse-Amador 2005). In the past, languages were not considered as attractors in tourist markets; they showed their potentialities to …

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Unobserved Tourism: Conceptual Aspects and Estimates

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Il ruolo dello statistico sociale nel turismo: dalle statistiche sul turismo alle statistiche per il turismo

Il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di analizzare il ruolo dello statistico sociale nell’ambito dell’analisi dei fenomeni turistici. In particolare, lo statistico (applicato) usa e crea statistiche in funzione di obiettivi conoscitivi e operativi e, a parte l’estensione evidente delle conoscenze e degli ambiti operativi di un fenomeno come quello turistico, allo stato attuale, il contributo più urgente sul piano operativo sembra essere quello di evidenziare, ai gestori del settore, l’assenza di un adeguato livello statistico dell’informazione, nonché le distorsioni interpretative più evidenti nell’utilizzo delle statistiche esistenti. Viene inoltre illustrato come il piano conoscitivo off…

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Il disegno campionario e il piano di rilevazione nell’indagine sui turisti incoming in partenza dalla Sicilia e dalla Sardegna: il campionamento spazio-temporale per popolazioni hard to reach

This paper aims to describe the sample design and the survey plan used in the survey on incoming tourism in Sicily and Sardinia. The specific goals of the survey are related: a) to the measurement and the analysis of un-observed tourism; b) to the evaluation of tourist mobility within the two Islands; c) to the analysis of some key-factors related to the holyday experience of tourists. It is well known that regional tourists are very difficult-to-reach populations and the problems in sampling human mobile populations derive from the absence of a list of units component units (frame). Despite these issues are well-known in literature under the broader categories of hard to reach, or hidden, …

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Referring to space and time when using territorial data: the case of touristic arrivals

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Multi-Destination Trips and Tourism Statistics: Empirical Evidences in Sicily

Abstract The knowledge of the actual magnitude and main features of tourism flows in a given destination is an essential prerequisite for the evaluation of tourism impacts and externalities. Indeed, many pleasure trips are often characterized by the visit to more than a single destination. Although the topic is well-documented in literature, the empirical results are limited to a few pioneering studies. The lack may be attributable to the failure of tourism organizations to collect data on multi-destination trip behaviour. This can be seen, for example, in the system of European statistics on tourism (according to the Council Directive 95/57 EC), where information on the average number of v…

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Fase Intermedia

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Methodological issues and first results of a study to identify and evaluate the error of some tourism statistics

Il lavoro evidenzia il problema legato ad un utilizzo improprio di alcune statistiche del turismo costruite aggregando dati spazio-temporali che, nel processo di aggregazione subiscono alcune modifiche che non permettono più il loro riferimento all'unità elementare di rilevazione. Si propongono alcuni semplici soluzioni e si presentano i risultati preliminari di una indagine volta al dimensionamento del problema in questione.

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La qualità percepita dai clienti della Grande distribuzione: disegno di ricerca e tecnica di campionamento

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La soddisfazione degli utenti interni delle aziende ospedaliere: considerazioni su uno strumento di misura

The paper proposes the application of two different methodologies, based on the Traditional Test Theory (TTT) and on the Modern Test Theory (IRT), to select the items of a questionnaire administered in the year 2000 to the personnel of the Hospital Firm “Careggi” in Florence, in order to analyse the satisfaction of “internal consumers”. Such methodologies provide very different results, depending on the assumptions of the different models used.

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Tourist arrivals are often wrongly interpreted as the number of tourists. The non-agreement between arrivals and tourists (Parroco and Vaccina, 2006) produces a large overestimation of the number of tourists really present at the destinations (tourists replication), so determining heavy consequences on economic and territorial planning. In order to get a first estimate of replications and to analyse the typical tourist tours throughout Sicily, in summer 2005 a census research was made on 8.883 tourists intercepted at 13 hotels in Cefalù, a well-known bathing resort in the Northern coast of Sicily (Italy).

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Some Remarks on Nonresponses in Exit Polls

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The Proximity Tourism: Behaviours of Sicilian Tourists on Holiday in Cefalù

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Turismo incoming in Sicilia: criticità e primi risultati di un’indagine ad hoc

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Viaggi multi-destinazione e percorsi turistici in Sicilia

The topic of tourist mobility within a single destination and between destinations during a single trip has received much attention among several researches since long time. However, from the empirical point of view, the analysis of tourists paths, and of the main determinants of multi-destination trips, have not still been adequately investigated. Information collected thanks to the Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) on mobility and tourists behaviors in Sicily and Sardinia, allow to analyse the main tourists paths in the two Islands. The present work aims to analyse multi-destination trip in Sicily and to illustrate the main tourists routes undertaken by incoming tourists in Sic…

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Customer satisfaction within a large scale retail trading group: research design and control

Even in contexts where Customer Management techniques are not very advanced, the need for relations with customers is as strong as to suggest expensive ad hoc researches able to simultaneously measure the satisfaction levels, to detect the eventual inadequacy of selling actions, to investigate the relations of customers with competitors. This is why the Grande Migliore Group in Palermo commissioned a research from the University of Palermo. The research was made in year 2008 at 10 Grande Migliore shops in Palermo and in other Western Sicily towns. The multipurpose nature of the research and the features of the customers population suggested the adoption of an ad hoc research design, the fea…

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The Service Charter of Palermo Airport: Identification of Populations and Selection of Sample Units

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Relational ethnic tourism and the role of linguistic minorities for rural development

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Pluralità, localizzazione e durata dei soggiorni nei viaggi effettuati dai turisti incoming in Sicilia: il processo di calibrazione delle stime

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Turismo e mobilità: aspetti di ricerca e principali implicazioni per le statistiche del turismo

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Una rilevazione a latere per la valutazione della divergenza tra arrivi e turisti

In this paper it is discussed a typical tourism statistical problem: the substitution of an elementary unit of observation (the tourist) with an indicator, making use of an empirical research. Therefore the necessity to consider the quality of some aggregates in addition to the quality of individual measurements, is stressed.

research product

Aspetti di qualità delle statistiche sul turismo: effetti distorcenti derivanti dall'uso di alcune statistiche

Il tema affrontato è relativo alla qualità delle statistiche sul turismo, in particolare alla non coincidenza tra arrivi e turisti. Si analizza la questione della misura del numero di turisti attraverso gli arrivi e si propongono alcune soluzioni per la stima del numero dei turisti mediante l'ausilio di informazioni ausiliarie.

research product

Multi-destination trips: A survey on incoming zourism in Sicily

Many pleasure trips are often characterized by the visit of more than a single destination. Despite the topic is well documented in literature, the empirical studies are limited to a few pioneering studies. This lack may be attributable to the failure of tourism organizations to collect data on multi-destination trip behaviors, as it results, for example, from the system of European statistics on tourism (according to the Council Directive 95/57 EC), where no information on the average number of destinations visited within a single trip are provided. This paper aims to analyze the main implications of multi-destination trips both on tourism statistics and in tourism planning, and to describ…

research product

Aspetti e qualità delle statistiche sul turismo: effetti distorcenti tra misura e utilizzo di alcune statistiche

Si affronta il tema della qualità delle statistiche sul turismo, mettendo in evidenza la mancata corrispondenza tra arrivi e turisti, e proponendo alcune soluzioni per la stima del numero dei turisti attraverso l'ausilio di informazioni ausiliarie.

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