Mehdi Neek-amal
Thermal rippling behavior of graphane
Thermal fluctuations of single layer hydrogenated graphene (graphane) are investigated using large scale atomistic simulations. By analyzing the mean square value of the height fluctuations $$ and the height-height correlation function $H(q)$ for different system sizes and temperatures we show that hydrogenated graphene is an un-rippled system in contrast to graphene. The height fluctuations are bounded, which is confirmed by a $ H(q) $ tending to a constant in the long wavelength limit instead of showing the characteristic scaling law $ q^{4-\eta} (\eta \simeq 0.85)$ predicted by membrane theory. This unexpected behaviour persists up to temperatures of at least 900 K and is a consequence o…
Spiral graphone and one sided fluorographene nano-ribbons
The instability of a free-standing one sided hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene nano-ribbon, i.e. graphone/fluorographene, is studied using ab-initio, semiempirical and large scale molecular dynamics simulations. Free standing semi-infinite arm-chair like hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene (AC-GO/AC-GF) and boat like hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene (B-GO/B-GF) (nano-ribbons which are periodic along the zig-zag direction) are unstable and spontaneously transform into spiral structures. We find that rolled, spiral B-GO and B-GF are energetically more favorable than spiral AC-GO and AC-GF which is opposite to the double sided flat hydrogenated/fluorinated graphene, i.e. graphane/fluorographene…