Concetta Arcadipane

Valutazione delle conoscenze in materia di rischi e prevenzione da parte dei lavoratori e dei datori di lavoro: indagine condotta in alcuni cantieri edili della provincia di Agrigento

research product

Rischio alcolico e possibili interventi di prevenzione: indagine conoscitiva in alcuni cantieri edili del territorio agrigentino

research product

Monitoraggio biologico nei lavoratori esposti ad EBDC in un’azienda vitivinicola siciliana

research product

Esposizione professionale a gas anestetici in sala operatoria: monitoraggio ambientale e biologico.

research product

Halogenated Anesthetics Determination in Urine by SPME/GC/MS and Urine Levels Relationship Evaluation with Surgical Theatres Contamination

In this work, a new sensitive analytical method has been developed and evaluated for the determination of the most commonly used gaseous anesthetics, desflurane, sevoflurane, and this latter’s hepatic metabolite hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) in the urine. In addition, an evaluation of anesthetics exposition on the urine levels of a small population of surgical operators has been performed and results are briefly discussed.

research product

Analisi del fenomeno infortunistico nei cantieri edili: correlazione tra rischi ed inadempienze normative riscontrate nei cantieri di Palermo

In the last years the building firm underwent real boom for investiments and workers but not for safety measures. In the building sector there is a great accidents risks for falls from the top. The aim of present study is to analyze trend of accidents at work in building yards according to INAIL DATA and we will identify causes and risks then we will correlate these risks with frequent law defaults that we noticed in the province of Palermo. At the end we will value possible preventive measures to avoid this phenomenon. DATA INAIL of period 2001-2005 about building sector show us a reduction of denounced accidents at work but this phenomenon is changeable. Palermo is the first Sicilian prov…

research product