Elena Delgadová
La lectura en el contexto académico: un estudio sobre comprensión lectora en estudiantes de Magisterio
Una de las competencias académicas clave para la sociedad de la información actual es la aptitud para la lectura, una suma de diferentes habilidades que se relacionan de manera compleja y que es fundamental a la hora de generar conocimiento. Con este trabajo pretendemos abordar la competencia lectora de los estudiantes de primer curso de los grados de Magisterio en la Universitat de València, a través de la detección e identificación de sus problemas a la hora de enfrentarse a los textos académicos de uso habitual en sus estudios. Partiremos de un cuestionario con una serie de preguntas básicas y de la entrevista en profundidad con algunos estudiantes seleccionados, con el fin de obtener da…
Language Competencies and Labour Demands: A Comparative Study on Reading Comprehension in Slovak and Spanish University Students
One of the strategic objectives of the European Union is to achieve the best possible quality in the teaching-learning processes, and the ability to read is one of the most important competency for the current information society. The definition of reading competence has been subject to constant modifications to reflect changes in societies, economies, cultures and education levels. It is a complex and functional skill, covering processes related to the decoding and comprehension of the text.With this work we intend to comparative approach to the reading competence of first year students from Alexander Dubcek University of Trencín and from University of Valencia, and to detect and identific…
Univerzitné vzdelanie. Čitateľská gramotnosť: stúdia o čítaní s porozumením v univerzitnom kontexte
One of the strategic and ambitious goals at the Lisbon Summit is to attain the best possible quality of teaching and learning processes. One of the key academic competencies generating knowledge for the current information society is the reading literacy. The main goal of our pre-research project is to carry out a pilot study on reading literacy of the first year students at Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin, to identify their reading literacy level, and their ability to comprehend and work effectively with academic texts, and last but not least to identify their reading literacy deficiencies. The pre-research project will serve as a basis for a follow-up in-depth comparative research.…
Spanish/FL in Slovakia. A historical and Methodological Approach
Abstract The present investigation forms part of the draft of study in comparative perspective of the perception of the target language among students of Spanish from different universities and countries in Europe, from the perspective of teaching languages as a cultural fact and the importance of the social, political and economic factors in the evolution and perception of the importance of SFL learning in the European context. We want to carry out an approach to investigation of various authors on the evolution of the study of Spanish as a foreign language in Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically to the teaching of Spanish at Slovak universities. We have taken as a reference the ev…
La Literatura de tradició oral europea: una proposta de treball col·laboratiu
La proposta es fonamenta en el treball col·laboratiu entre estudiants universitaris valencians i eslovacs en una investigació conjunta sobre els relats de tradició oral europeus, que contribuirà al desenvolupament de diverses competències socials, artístiques i culturals, i de la competència comunicativa en anglès. Pretenem així mateix utilitzar diversos dispositius tecnològics i xarxes socials, i iniciar un debat sobre la pertinència d'aquest tipus de treball col·laboratiu i sobre la seua efectivitat