Esa Sirkkunen

What is immersive journalism?

Immersive technologies are opening gateways to virtual realities that might change journalism forever. In the virtual world, journalism balances on the edge between imaginary approaches to fact-based creation and extended options for fakes. The journalistic maneuverings between reality and virtual reality are particularly intriguing to work with because they put the truth-seeking values of journalism into play. How can immersive technologies be applied to improve meaningful reporting and investigate storytelling in journalism? How can skills and knowledge of virtual reality empower news professionals? And how can journalism codes of ethics help shape the new platforms, shape a future in whi…

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Virtual Reality Journalism

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Assisting immersive virtual reality development with user experience design approach

In our study we explored how to design a biography of a late Finnish artist as a VR experience. We conducted a development process assisted by user experience (UX) design methods, which increased the process efficiency, and resulted in a research prototype. Through previous research and our development process, we identified components affecting the user experience. These components are: Immersion, Presence, Disorientation, Sense of Control, Pleasantness, Exploration and Simulator Sickness. From our user study with 13 participants, we were able to draw implications that relate to these components. While the set of components could be incomplete or subject to change, shows that further resea…

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Immersive journalism as storytelling

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Journalism in virtual reality : opportunities and future research challenges

This paper presents a state-of-the-art overview on journalism and its opportunities and challenges in virtual reality. First we take a look at what kind of real-life journalistic experiments there have been made in this field so far, then we analyze the research literature on journalistic VR. The paper proceeds to discuss the emergence of virtual reality and immersive journalism explored in the latest reports in the fields of HCI and VR design. In order to analyse VR-journalism further, early draft of analysis model is being developed based on sample of three VR-productions and four VR-applications. The paper concludes to discuss the results of the analysis and outlines more advanced and in…

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Forecasting future trajectories for immersive journalism

In this book we have critically explored the emerging practices of immersive journalism. In the news business, experimenting with new forms of storytelling has become the new normal. After spending a decade to get familiar with simple virtual reality tools, however, the future of immersive journalism is still considered uncertain. Immersive storytelling appears to become more concentrated on special events and locations. Journalistic virtual reality skills are increasingly crafted away from the newsrooms by small and specialized subcontractors. Sponsoring VR by the big tech companies tends to diminish in parallel with a growing move towards augmented reality investments. peerReviewed

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Exploring the immersive journalism landscape

Current drivers of 360-degree journalism have been mostly curious about the new medium, its possibilities, and are exploring business opportunities. The early adoption of such technology is often a matter of brand-building – that is, news organizations experimenting with virtual reality (VR) want to demonstrate that their digital strategies are forward-thinking (Watson 2017). After interviewing representatives from leading US newspapers, Bosworth and Sarah (2019, 226) also conclude, “among major media companies that failing to experiment in immersive and experimental stories will mean losing a race”. peerReviewed

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Arvio teoksesta: Andrejevic, Mark. 2020. Automated Media. New York & London: Routledge, 172 s. publishedVersion Non peer reviewed

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