Xavier Sòria-perpinyà

The use of zooplankton metrics to determine the trophic status and ecological potential: An approach in a large Mediterranean watershed.

In the European Water Framework Directive, zooplankton was not included as a Biological Quality Element despite its important place in the aquatic trophic web. In the present study on zooplankton abundances and biomasses, we used several metrics to test their ability to detect differences among trophic statuses and ecological potential levels, and collected a large sum of data in more than 60 reservoirs at Ebro watershed, on more than 300 sampling occasions over 10 years. Our results indicate that most zooplankton metrics are correlated to environmental variables that determine reservoirs’ trophic states, especially chlorophyll a and total phosphorus. The metrics with better sensitivity to …

research product

Evolución de la conductividad en la Albufera de Valencia entre 1985 y 2018

La laguna costera de la Albufera de Valencia es una masa de agua oligohalina rodeada de un antiguo marjal, transformado en cultivo del arroz desde hace más de 200 años. La presión de las aportaciones superficiales mantiene la conductividad en valores estables en torno a la media anual, modificada puntualmente al alza sólo en los periodos de sequía. La concentración de cloruros es la variable más relacionada con la conductividad. En el estudio de la serie temporal se observa que en el último decenio hay una tendencia significativa al aumento de los valores mínimos de la conductividad, lo cual indicaría una disminución de la cantidad de agua dulce que llega a la laguna. La medida de esa varia…

research product

Multitemporal water quality study in Sitjar (Castelló, Spain) reservoir using Sentinel-2 images

[EN] Water quality is a subject of intense scientific inquiry because of its repercussion in human’s life, agriculture or even energy generation. Remote sensing can be used to control water masses by analyzing biophysical variables. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and Total Suspended Solids (SS) are a well-known feature of water quality. These variables have been measured in Sitjar reservoir (Castelló, Spain) as a part of the project Ecological Status of Aquatic Systems with Sentinel Satellites (ESAQS), in order to compare the results with satellite reflectance data. Two processes were compared to correct atmospherically the level 1C Sentinel 2 (S2) images. The results show that Case 2 Regional Coast…

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Residence Time Analysis in the Albufera of Valencia, a Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon, Spain

The Albufera of Valencia is a coastal lagoon located in the western area of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Iberian Peninsula. It has an area of 23.1 km2 and an average depth of only 1 m, with a maximum depth of 1.6 m. This lagoon is the remnants of an original and more extensive wetland of about 220 km2 which is now mostly dedicated to rice cultivation. Surface water is supplied through several main and many secondary canals for a total of 64 water entry points and three exit points to the sea. It is difficult to evaluate the residence time due to the lack of reliable measurements of the inflow or outflow, as well as continuous measurements. Between 1988 and 2018, several procedures were use…

research product

Noves tecnologies per a la determinació de la qualitat ecològica de l'aigua en embassaments.

La qualitat de les aigües superficials i subterrànies té un protagonisme creixent, ja que l’aigua és un element essencial per a la vida i, amb l’augment de la població, la contaminació, i les conseqüències del canvi global, està convertint-se en un be escàs. Especialment a l’Europa meridional, on els models climàtics preveuen un augment dels períodes de sequera i unes pluges més concentrades i torrencials. Aquesta situació provocarà que els embassaments de zones amb dèficit hídric, amb gran importància per a la provisió d’aigua potable, siguen encara més indispensables per a la població, i en conseqüència siga fonamental mantenir la qualitat ecològica dels embassaments en el millor estat po…

research product

Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons Review: Sites to Visit before Disappearance

Coastal lagoons are an established priority habitat in the European environment because of the biological communities that inhabit them. Their origin is related to the transport of sediments from a nearby river or the movement of sands by the marine currents that produce the closure of a gulf. Therefore, they are recent geological formations, which also disappear quickly if environmental conditions change. The 37 coastal lagoons with a surface area greater than 10 km2 located in the Mediterranean basin have been identified. Fishing has been the traditional use of these lagoons, in addition to their use as a navigation harbor when they are open to the sea. Pollution, quality problems and the…

research product

Assessment of Sentinel-2-MSI Atmospheric Correction Processors and In Situ Spectrometry Waters Quality Algorithms

The validation of algorithms developed from in situ reflectance to estimate water quality variables has the challenge of atmospheric correction (AC) when applied to satellite images. Estimating water quality variables from satellite images requires an accurate estimation of remote sensing reflectances (Rrs) which vary according to the AC applied. Validation processes for both Rrs and water quality algorithms were carried out, relating the in situ Rrs (convoluted to Sentinel-2-MSI spectral response function) with the satellite Rrs coming from different ACs (C2RCC, C2X, C2XC, and Polymer), and also relating the in situ water quality variable data with estimated water quality variable values, …

research product

A comparative study of four indexes based on zooplankton as trophic state indicators in reservoirs 2019. Volumen 38 (1): 291-302

This study aims to examine four recently conducted trophic state indices that are based on the density of zooplankton and designed for estimating the trophic state of inland waters. These indices include two with formulations based on quotients or ratios, the Rcla and the Rzoo-chla, which were proposed and validated in the European project ECOFRAME, and two with formulations based on the incorporation of a statistical tool comprising canonical correspondences analysis (CCA), the Wetland Zooplankton Index proposed in 2002 by researchers from McMaster University of Ontario and the Zooplankton Reservoir Trophic Index, an index recently designed by the Ebro Basin Authority and on which this man…

research product

Remote sensing of cyanobacterial blooms in a hypertrophic lagoon (Albufera of València, Eastern Iberian Peninsula) using multitemporal Sentinel-2 images

Eutrophy in Albufera of Valencia (Eastern Iberian Peninsula) is a quite old problem since after the intense eutrophication processes throughout the 1960s. The system shifted to a turbid stable state consolidated by the virtual disappearance of macrophytes by the early 1970s. The lagoon has been studied extensively since the 1980s, but efforts to revert the system to a clear state have not yielded the expected results because cultural eutrophication due to the growth of population in its area of influence and the effects of climate change, decreasing rainfall and increasing evaporation. This has driven to an increase in water retention times in the lagoon in recent years, resulting in a phyt…

research product

Turbidez y profundidad de disco de Secchi con Sentinel-2 en embalses con diferente estado trófico en la Comunidad Valenciana

[ES] En los estudios de calidad de aguas por teledetección, uno de los principales indicadores es la transparencia o turbidez del agua. La transparencia puede ser medida in situ mediante la profundidad del disco de Secchi (SD), y la turbidez con un turbidímetro. En las últimas décadas se han utilizado diferentes relaciones entre bandas de diferentes sensores obtenidas por teledetección para la estimación de estos parámetros. En este trabajo, a partir de datos de campo obtenidos a lo largo de 2017 y 2018 en embalses de la cuenca del Júcar con gran variedad de estados tróficos, se han calibrado diferentes índices y bandas para poder estimar la transparencia a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2 (S2…

research product

Influence of chlorophyllaquantification methods in ecological quality indices

Chlorophyll a concentration in aquatic ecosystems is strongly related to the phytoplankton community biomass, the growth of which depends on nutrient availability. Thus, chlorophyll a concentration...

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Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) chlorophyll-a and turbidity estimation with Sentinel-2

Mar Menor is a Mediterranean Coastal lagoon with high environmental and social value, but has suffered important episodes of contamination in recent years due to heavy rains, sediment dragging and polluting substances mainly from agriculture as well as the entry of mining waste, causing an increase in eutrophication. Water quality variables such as chlorophyll-a concentration [Chl-a] and turbidity, can be studied through its optical properties by remote sensing techniques. In this work, a methodology is proposed for monitoring [Chl-a] and the turbidity of the Mar Menor using Sentinel-2 images. For this purpose, an extensive database of both variables was used consisting of data taken on dif…

research product

Phytoplankton Reservoir Trophic Index (PRTI): a new tool for ecological quality studies

The Phytoplankton Reservoir Trophic Index (PRTI), based on the relative abundance of phytoplankton in reservoirs, was applied to 62 reservoirs, all in the territorial division of the Ebro River Basin, Spain. We compared the results of the PRTI to the Carlson Trophic State Index (TSI), based on the concentration of chlorophyll a in an integrated water sample through the photic depth. The PRTI allows assessment of the trophic status of different reservoirs based on phytoplankton densities from an aliquot of a vertically integrated sample. The occurrence of each phytoplankton species in relation to eutrophication was derived from a canonical correspondence analysis between the phytoplankton sp…

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