Olga Kulikova
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Interests of FeverApp Users
The FeverApp Registry is a model registry focusing on pediatric fever using a mobile app to collect data and present recommendations. The recorded interactions can clarify the relationship between user documentation and user information. This initial evaluation regarding features of participants and usage intensity of educational video, information library, and documentation of fever events covers the runtime of FeverApp for the first 14 months. Of the 1592 users, the educational opening video was viewed by 41.5%, the Info Library was viewed by 37.5%, and fever events were documented by 55.5%. In the current sample, the role of a mother (p <
Harmonizing circumpolar monitoring of Arctic fox: benefits, opportunities, challenges and recommendations.
Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17518369.2017.1319602 The biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council has developed pan-Arctic biodiversity monitoring plans to improve our ability to detect, understand and report on long-term change in Arctic biodiversity. The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) was identified as a target of future monitoring because of its circumpolar distribution, ecological importance and reliance on Arctic ecosystems. We provide the first exhaustive survey of contemporary Arctic fox monitoring programmes, describing 34 projects located in eight countries. Monitored populations covered equally the four climate zones of the species’ distribution, and there were large dif…
Das FieberApp Register – ein Weg, um Eltern durch eigene Dokumentation zu einer abgestuften Entscheidung zu führen
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie Die Machbarkeit und Modellhaftigkeit eines App-basierten Eltern-Registers ist aufzuzeigen. Methodik Die FeverApp als interaktives Erfassungsinstrument und die zugrundeliegende Datenstruktur des Registers werden vorgestellt. Die bisherigen Rekrutierungsbemühungen werden veranschaulicht und die Temperaturverteilung, sowie die Verteilung von Fieberereignissen im Jahr 2020 werden analysiert. Ergebnisse Die FeverApp sammelt erfolgreich Daten in ein zentrales Register. Wie jede Studie informiert sie zudem über das aktuelle Wissen. Die naturalistisch erfassten, aktuellen Werte können auf die Krankheitssituation mehrere Ebenen (Messung, Fieberphase, Individuum, Famil…