Larissa Jõgi
Transforming adult education from neo-liberal to holistically inclusive adult education in Baltic States
In this chapter, we explore the data of nation-wide adult education programmes in three Baltic states. These programmes incorporate informal learning elements from the perspective of active participatory citizenship (APC) and, therefore, this provision aims to enhance opportunities for young adults in vulnerable positions. We posit that the concept of active participatory citizenship (EduMAP Concept Note 2017) that aims at developing young adults’ politico-legal, socio-cultural and socio-economic proactiveness could be used for illustrating these educational programmes from the holistic education aspects (Jarvis and Parker 2005). Holistic approach to adult education (AE) denotes that knowle…
The Meaning and Use of Digital Learning Terms in Estonia, Hungary, Romania and Austria
It is widely known that in order to communicate, interact and understand each other in different educational context , it is necessary to agree on the terms to be used and their meanings. The need for such agreements was also apparent at the first meetings of the Erasmus+ project “Framework for an Efficient and Engaging Hybrid Education in Lower Secondary Schools”. The project partners used very different terminology when talking about digital teaching and learning in English. Furthermore, even when using the same terminology, we might not understand each other because the meanings of terms could vary from different educational context and from country to country. This prompted us to collec…