Nicolas Pineau
Temporal dominance of sensations
International audience; Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret responses to products perceived through the senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It is used to reveal insights into the way in which sensory properties drive consumer acceptance and behaviour, and to design products that best deliver what the consumer wants. It is also used at a more fundamental level to provide a wider understanding of the mechanisms involved in sensory perception and consumer behaviour. Sensory perception of products alters considerably during the course of consumption/use. Special techniques are used in product development to measure these chan…
Multi-bites or multi-sips TDS with untrained subjects: A live demonstration on chocolates
Workshop ; page d'accueil : http://www.pangborn2013.com/
Panel performance in Temporal Dominance of Sensations studies
International audience
Méthodes d'acquisition, de codage et d'analyse de profils sensoriels temporels
National audience; La méthode de Temps-Intensité (TI) consiste à mesurer l’évolution de la perception de l’intensité d’un descripteur au fil du temps de la dégustation d’un produit. Lorsque plusieurs descripteurs sont étudiés (situation du profil sensoriel), cette méthode devient quasiment impraticable car elle nécessite une dégustation par descripteur. Cette communication se propose de synthétiser un ensemble de travaux visant à proposer des méthodes d’obtention de courbes des évolutions temporelles de plusieurs descripteurs simultanément. La première de ces méthodes, Dominance Temporelle des Sensations (DTS) [1], a permis de restituer assez fidèlement les courbes TI de 10 descripteurs pou…
Influence of early weaning practices on acceptance of vegetables in 15 months and 3-4 year-old children
International audience
Temporal dominance of sensations and sensory profiling: A comparative study
Abstract Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) is a recent descriptive sensory method consisting in assessing repeatedly, until the sensations end, which sensation is dominant and in scoring its intensity. Compared to time–intensity, this method considers the multidimensionality of the perceptual space over time. The objectives of this study were first to compare description of gels containing different levels of odorants (peach and mint), citric acid, cooling agent and xanthan gum obtained with TDS and with a conventional descriptive method and then to explore the impact of mint and peach odorant on long lasting perception. TDS provided reliable information close to standard sensory profi…