Probing the electronic states of high-TMR off-stoichiometric Co2MnSi thin films by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
The tunnel magnetoresistance ratio (TMR) of fully epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions with an off-stoichiometric Co${}_{2}$MnSi Heusler alloy has been shown to exhibit a systematic dependence on Mn content, reaching 1135% at 4.2 K for Co${}_{2}$Mn${}_{1.29}$Si. In this paper, we explain the behavior of the observed TMR ratio using ab initio calculations and hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES). For the Mn-deficient samples, we show that the the drop of the TMR is caused by Co antisite atoms, which impose extra states into the minority-spin band gap. On the other hand, Mn-excess composition shows nearly half-metallic behavior. This result can be intuitively understood since both Co…
Influence of nanoscale order–disorder transitions on the magnetic properties of Heusler compounds for spintronics
Modifications in nanoscale chemical order are used to tune the magnetic properties, namely T-C, of Co2FeSixAl1-x (0 < x < 1). High-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) with Z-contrast reveals nanoscale regions of L2(1) order within a B2 matrix in the off-stoichiometry samples. Perhaps surprisingly, the latter, more chemically disordered structure, exhibits a higher T-C. Upon annealing, the off-stoichiometry samples become more homogeneous with the fraction of L2(1) order decreasing. The short-range order was also investigated using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements at the Co and Fe K edges. Since the local atomic environments of C…
Development of hard x-ray photoelectron SPLEED-based spectrometer applicable for probing of buried magnetic layer valence states
Abstract A novel design of high-voltage compatible polarimeter for spin-resolved hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (Spin-HAXPES) went into operation at beamline BL09XU of SPring-8 in Hyogo, Japan. The detector is based on the well-established principle of electron diffraction from a W(001) single-crystal at a scattering energy of 103.5 eV. It's special feature is that it can be operated at a high negative bias potential up to 10 kV, necessary to access the HAXPES range. The polarimeter is operated behind a large hemispherical analyzer (Scienta R-4000). It was optimized for high transmission of the transfer optics. A delay-line detector (20 mm dia.) is positioned at the exit plane of the…