

Influence of nanoscale order–disorder transitions on the magnetic properties of Heusler compounds for spintronics

Simone FabbriciGerhard H. FecherJulie KarelPeter WernerFranca AlbertiniSiham OuardiBenjamin BalkeEckhard PippelClaudia FelserStuart S. P. ParkinJulia FischerPeter AdlerM. Vinicius CastergnaroJonder Morais


Materials scienceSpintronicsAnnealing (metallurgy)02 engineering and technologyGeneral Chemistryengineering.material021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyHeusler compound01 natural sciencesDark field microscopyALLOYS; DESIGNSpectral lineX-ray absorption fine structureCrystallographyK-edgeChemical physics0103 physical sciencesScanning transmission electron microscopyMaterials Chemistryengineering010306 general physics0210 nano-technology


Modifications in nanoscale chemical order are used to tune the magnetic properties, namely T-C, of Co2FeSixAl1-x (0 < x < 1). High-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) with Z-contrast reveals nanoscale regions of L2(1) order within a B2 matrix in the off-stoichiometry samples. Perhaps surprisingly, the latter, more chemically disordered structure, exhibits a higher T-C. Upon annealing, the off-stoichiometry samples become more homogeneous with the fraction of L2(1) order decreasing. The short-range order was also investigated using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements at the Co and Fe K edges. Since the local atomic environments of Co atoms in the L2(1) and B2 structures are identical, the features presented in the Co K edge XAFS data are the same in both cases. By contrast, the L2(1) and B2 structures exhibit different signatures at the Fe K edge owing to the different chemical environments. Fitting of these spectra confirms the nanoscale chemical disorder observed by HAADF-STEM and the expected role this disorder plays on T-C. Our results point to a methodology that might be extended to modify the magnetic and electronic properties of any Heusler compound; chemical disorder can be an engineering tool to realize highly tailored properties.
