Maarit Karhula
Effectiveness of constraint-induced movement therapy on activity and participation after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Objective: To examine the effect of constraint-induced movement therapy and modified constraint-induced movement therapy on activity and participation of patients with stroke (i.e. the effect of different treatment durations and frequency) by reviewing the results of randomized controlled trials. Data sources: A systematic literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PEDro, OTSeeker, CENTRAL and by manual search. Review methods: Randomized controlled trials for patients over 18 years old with stroke and published in Finnish, Swedish, English or German were included. Studies were collected up to the first week in May 2011. The evidence was high, moderate, low or no evidence a…
Kuntoutujan osallistaminen tavoitteenasettamisprosessiin ja tavoitteiden saavuttamisen arviointiin. Loppuraportti
Kuntoutujan osallisuus omassa kuntoutumisprosessissaan on ensiarvoisen tärkeää, jotta kuntoutumista edistävät toimet nivoutuvat osaksi kuntoutujan arkea ja kuntoutuja motivoituu ja sitoutuu muutokseen. Tässä Kelan rahoittamassa vuosina 2015 ja 2016 toteutetussa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuntoutujan osallistamista kuntoutumistavoitteiden asettamiseen ja tavoitteiden seurantaan Goal Attainment Scaling -menetelmällä (GAS). Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli 1) tarkastella kuntoutujan osallisuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tavoitteita asettaessa, 2) arvioida tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä sekä 3) vertailla kahden kuntoutujaryhmän yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia tavoi…
Psychometric evaluation of the Finnish version of the impact on participation and autonomy questionnaire in persons with multiple sclerosis
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the impact on participation and autonomy (IPA) questionnaire. The Finnish version of IPA (IPAFin) was translated into Finnish using the protocol for linguistic validation for patient-reported outcomes instruments. Methods: A total of 194 persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) (mean age 50 years SD 9, 72% female) with moderate to severe disability participated in this study. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to confirm the four factor structure of the IPAFin. The work and educational opportunities domain was excluded from analysis, because it was only applicable to 51 persons. Internal consistency…
Predictors of Participation and Autonomy in People With Multiple Sclerosis.
Abstract Importance: Because multiple sclerosis (MS) affects many life areas, it is important to know how participation and autonomy are associated with the perceived impact of MS on everyday life. Objective: To investigate how perceived quality of life, disease impact, gender, and disease severity predict participation and autonomy in people with MS. Design: Cross-sectional study in which structural equation modeling was used to evaluate relationships between measured variables. Settings: Outpatient clinics in three areas and one inpatient rehabilitation center in Finland. Participants: Convenience sample of 194 people with MS. Outcomes and Measures: Participants completed the Impact on Pa…
Rehabilitees perspective on goal setting in rehabilitation : a phenomenological approach
Purpose: Setting meaningful goals for the rehabilitation process after acute illness is essential for rehabilitees recovery. The aim of this study was to understand the meanings of the goal setting situation with professionals from rehabilitees point of view. - Method: We included 20 acute stroke and back pain rehabilitees (mean age 66 y) who set goals with a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. Data was collected by interviewing the rehabilitees after the goal setting situations. A qualitative analysis from a phenomenological perspective using Spiegelberg’s seven-phase meaning analysis was performed to reveal meanings. - Results: The five meanings were identified as: (i) “trust in the re…
Conceptions of healthcare professionals about rehabilitees’ participation in goal setting in an acute hospital : a phenomenographic study
Purpose: In acute care, effective goal-setting is an essential phase of a successful rehabilitation process. However, professionals’ knowledge and skills in rehabilitee-centered practice may not always match the ways of implementing goal-setting. This study aimed to describe the variation in how acute hospital professionals perceive and comprehend rehabilitee participation in rehabilitation goal-setting. Methods: Data were collected by interviewing 27 multidisciplinary rehabilitation team members in small groups shortly after rehabilitation goal-setting sessions. A qualitative research design based on phenomenography was implemented. Results: We identified four conceptions of rehabilitee pa…
The activities and participation categories of the ICF Core Sets for multiple sclerosis from the patient perspective.
Purpose: To validate the activities and participation components of The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 113 Finnish community-dwelling persons with MS were assessed using a semi-structured interview provided by the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) to capture participants’ self-perceived problems in everyday activities and participation. Problems were linked to the ICF categories. Results: Participants identified 527 of the most important occupational performance problems. They covered all chapters of the ICF Activities and Participation components. Forty-one categories out of a total 53 ICF act…
Feasibility and psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the measure of processes of care for adults
To assess the psychometric properties and feasibility of the Finnish translation of the measure of processes of care for adults (MPOC-A) when used in an inpatient rehabilitation setting.A feasibility study.Inpatient rehabilitation settings.A total of 858 people with severe neurological disabilities, musculoskeletal problems, and mental disorders were recruited to the study.The MPOC-A questionnaire is a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 34 items in five-factorial domains. The construct validity of the translated questionnaire was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. To compare the fit of the model to the fit of the independent null-model Comparative Fit Index was used. I…