Isabelle Jouffroy-bapicot
Le mobilier instrumentum du puits 1515 du site du “Faubourg d’Arroux” à Autun (71)
National audience
History and environmental impact of mining activity in Celtic Aeduan territory recorded in a peat-bog (Morvan – France)
International audience; The present study aims to document early mining and smelting activities by means of geochemical and pollen analyses performed in a peat-bog core collected around the Bibracte oppidum (Morvan, France), the largest settlement of the great Aeduan Celtic tribe (ca 180 BC -25 AD). The anthropogenic Pb profile indicates local mining operations starting from the Late Bronze Age, ca cal. 1400-1300 BC. Lead inputs peaked at the height of Aeduan civilization, and then decreased after the Roman conquest of Gaul, when the site was abandoned. Other phases of mining are recognised from the 11th century to Modern Times. They have all led to modifications in plant cover, probably re…
Paléométallurgie dans le Morvan : l'apport des analyses polliniques et géochimiques
National audience
Ancient mining near the Bibracte oppidum and its impact on ecosystems: a multidisciplinary approach
International audience
Les Éduens producteurs et pollueurs
National audience
La plaine de la Tille (Côte-d’Or, Bourgogne), du Néolithique à l’Antiquité. Étude pluridisciplinaire du remplissage de struc tures archéologiques en creux
National audience; À l’occasion des récentes fouilles archéologiques réalisées dans la plaine de la Tille, au sud-est de Dijon (Bourgogne), une approche luridisciplinaire croisant micromorphologie, palynologie et paléoparasitologie, a été mise en oeuvre. Son objet était d’exploiter au mieux les informations piégées dans le remplissage de structures creusées entre le Néolithique moyen et l’Antiquité, sachant que ces structures constituentsouvent les seuls vestiges de ces occupations passées. Les premiers résultats de cette approche permettent de discuter différents points touchant aux modalités d’occupation et à la dynamique environnementale.
Des faînes, des glands et des châtaignes. Regards croisés sur la forêt morvandelle et son exploitation
National audience
Landscape and Settlement Evolution during the Sixteenth Century: A multidisciplinary study of two mountain areas (Eastern France)
International audience
L’exploitation de la forêt du Morvan, de l’Âge du Fer au Moyen Âge
International audience
Le Bronze moyen et le début du Bronze final dans le nord de Rhône-Alpes et le sud de la Bourgogne
International audience
Paléométallurgie dans le Morvan : l’apport des analyses polliniques et géochimiques
Palaeometallurgical activities in the Morvan: the contribution of pollen and geochemical analyses Palaeoenvironmental research was carried out on three peat cores collected in the Morvan mid-level mountain (burgundy, France), documenting early palaeometallurgical activities from the 2nd millennium bc. Pollen and geochemical analyses show contemporaneous clearings of forests in close connection with metallic contaminations. the comparison between each of the three sites shows that this kind of study in such an environment documents a local impact of paleometallurgy. studying many sequences allows the reconstruction of the regional history of the Morvan Mountain. thus, the Morvan could have b…
Tracking archaeological and historical mines using mineral prospectivity mapping.
13 pages; International audience; The present study proposes a technological transfer from modern mining prospection to the field of archaeology, providing a methodology to facilitate the discovery of ancient mining sites. This method takes advantage of the thousands of geochemical analyses of streambed sediments, performed by national geological surveys to inventory mineral substances. In order to delineate geochemical anomalies, the datasets are treated following two different approaches: Exploratory Data Analysis and a fractal-based method often recognised as more powerful. Mineral prospectivity maps are then obtained by combining the results with a geographical information system. The s…
Observations of land use transformations during the Neolithic using exploratory spatial data analysis: contributions and limitations
International audience; The settlement pattern analysis in archaeology implies some methodological questions. In this paper, we question some issues about the use of geostatistical methods for the observation of land use transformations during the Neolithic. We have developed two examples in Burgundy (France): the first one on a regional scale and the second one on a micro-regional scale. Using different ESDA approaches (Ripley’K function, Nearest Neighbour Distance, Kernel Density Estimation), we would like to underline what the methodological and archaeological contributions and their limits are. Both experiences point out that the results obtained depend not only on the analytical scale,…
Environmental impact of early palaeometallurgy: pollen and geochemical analysis
International audience
A history of mining activity in Celtic Aeduan territory, and its environmental impact (Morvan-France)
International audience
Le Canal du Touron
National audience
La lecture des archives naturelles : une histoire de la métallurgie autour de Bibracte
National audience; La confirmation archéologique de l’importante activité métallurgique dans la ville celtique, située au cœur d’une région riche en minerais, a conduit les archéologues à s’interroger sur le rôle de l’exploitation métallurgique dans l’installation et laprospérité du site de Bibracte, à la fin de l’âge du Fer.
Prospections autour de Bibracte. Paléoenvironnement du Mont-Beuvray
Rapport annuel d'activité 2006 BIBRACTE Centre archéologique européen Rapport annuel d'activité 2006 Société anonyme d'économie mixte nationale
History and Environmental Impact of Mining Activity in Celtic Aeduan Territory Recorded in a Peat Bog (Morvan, France)
The present study aims to document historical mining and smelting activities by means of geochemical and pollen analyses performed in a peat bog core collected around the Bibracte oppidum (Morvan, France), the largest settlement of the great Aeduan Celtic tribe (ca. 180 B.C. to 25 A.D.). The anthropogenic Pb profile indicates local mining operations starting from the Late Bronze Age, ca. cal. 1300 B.C. Lead inputs peaked at the height of Aeduan civilization and then decreased after the Roman conquest of Gaul, when the site was abandoned. Other phases of mining are recognized from the 11th century to modern times. They have all led to modifications in plant cover, probably related in part to…
Palaeoecological and geochemical evidences of early metallurgy in Burgundy (Morvan and Nivernais - France)
Detecting human impacts: non-pollen palynomorphs as proxies for human impact on the environment
International audience; Abstract Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) are widely used to detect human activities, in addition to the anthropogenic indicators used in palynology. This paper first tries to determine the best way to approach most probable number (MPN) counting for young scientists. It then looks at the anthropogenic indicators and the different types of human activity that can reveal the studied taxa. Among the different fungal spores, coprophilous fungi are very useful to evidence pastoral activities and grazing pressure. Numerous taxa related to dung are also indicators of decaying organic matter and deserve our attention. Erosion processes due to human activities increase the rep…
Le Néolithique du bassin versant Seine-Yonne
National audience
Evolution de la végétation du massif du Morvan : résultats des premières analyses polliniques et mise en évidence de l'impact des activités paléométallurgiques
L'oppidum de Bibracte (Mont Beuvray, France). Bilan de 10 années de recherches (1996-2005)
International audience
Evolution de l’environnement et de l’exploitation minière en Morvan. Palynologie, géochimie et prospections (intervention 557, chantier 303).
Rythmes et mobilité d'occupation du massif du Morvan du second âge du Fer au haut Moyen Âge. Spatialisation et croisement des données archéologiques et paléoenvironnementales
Du plomb chez les Gaulois du Morvan
Étude paléoenvironnentale des tourbières autour du Mont Beuvray. Premiers résultats
International audience