Nicolas Franck
Mesure du déficit de reconnaissance des émotions faciales dans la schizophrénie. Étude préliminaire du test de reconnaissance des émotions faciales (TREF)
Resume L’alteration de la cognition sociale associee a la schizophrenie, dont fait partie la perception des emotions faciales, a fait l’objet d’une recente meta-analyse qui a revele son impact majeur sur l’insertion sociale et professionnelle. Or l’utilisation de programmes de remediation cognitive portant sur le traitement des emotions faciales est freinee par un manque d’outil permettant d’identifier et de quantifier les troubles pour un sujet donne. Le test de reconnaissance des emotions faciales (TREF) permet d’evaluer la capacite a reconnaitre 6 emotions universelles (joie, colere, tristesse, peur, degout et mepris), presentees a neuf intensites d’expression s’etalant de 20 % a 100 %. …
Facial emotion space in schizophrenia
Introduction. Previous studies show that patients with schizophrenia have a deficit in facial emotion recognition. In the framework of emotion categorisation theories, the purpose of the present study was to test if this impairment could result from abnormal boundaries between emotions (whether these boundaries are shifted along continuums or are less sharpened). Method. Twenty-six schizophrenic patients and the same number of healthy participants were required to perform a facial emotion recognition task and an emotion categorisation task with different emotion intensities obtained using morphing techniques. Results. The main results indicate that schizophrenic patients exhibited an emotio…
Matching emotional expressions of faces within an olfactory context: Does my own feeling matter?
Électrophysiologie du traitement visuel des expressions faciales dans la microdélétion 22q11.2 : un nouveau marqueur sensible, spécifique et implicite
The role of configural information in facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia
International audience; The schizophrenia deficit in facial emotion recognition could be accounted for by a deficit in processing the configural information of the face. The present experiment was designed to further test this hypothesis by studying the face-inversion effect in a facial emotion recognition task. The ability of 26 schizophrenic patients and 26 control participants to recognize facial emotions on upright and upside-down faces was assessed. Participants were told to state whether faces expressed one of six possible emotions (happiness, anger, disgust, fear, sadness, neutrality) in two sessions, one with upright faces and the other with upside-down faces. Discriminability and t…
Perspectives actuelles dans la microdélétion 22q11.2 : prise en charge du phénotype neurocomportemental
Resume La microdeletion 22q11.2 est le syndrome microdeletionnel le plus frequent de la population generale. Le phenotype associe des anomalies de l’appareil pharynge embryonnaire a un phenotype neurocomportemental. La presentation clinique du syndrome est extremement variable d’un individu a l’autre, quelle que soit la taille de la deletion, et plus de 180 manifestations ont ete decrites, aucune n’etant pathognomonique. Les symptomes psychiatriques, particulierement de nature psychotique, sont frequents dans la microdeletion 22q11.2 et de nombreux psychiatres sont amenes a rencontrer ces patients. La prise en charge doit tenir compte des particularites du syndrome. L’evaluation de la neuro…
Comparison of RK and confidence judgement ROCs in recognition memory.
author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF; International audience; Several indicators have been used to differentiate familiarity and recollection processes. One dualist theory stipulates that it is possible to decide whether memories come from a feeling of knowing or from a conscious retrieval of the encoding and storage conditions (remembering). Another dualist theory is based on an indirect estimation of familiarity and recollection via the subjective confidence associated with recognition responses, and from an analysis of the derived receiver operating characteristics (ROC). In the present study, participants were presented with target words or faces that they subsequently had to r…