T Konsem
VIH et noma au Burkina Faso
Summary Introduction Noma is a “gangrenous” disease beginning in gums and spreading to other parts of the face. It usually occurs in undernourished children with bad orodental hygiene. Its incidence in adults is increasing. HIV infection is very common in African countries. We had for objective to compare noma characteristics in patients with, or without, HIV. Material and methods This retrospective and descriptive study included patients managed for noma in our unit from January 1988 to December 2007. The clinical, epidemiological, and outcome data of patients treated for noma were compared according to HIV infection status. Results Two hundred and twelve patients were included and 14 (6.6…
Deux cas d’histiocytose sinusale ganglionnaire cervicale de Destombes-Rosai-Dorfman
Resume Introduction L’histiocytose sinusale de Destombes-Rosai-Dorfman est une pathologie rare. Sa localisation est ubiquitaire, mais la forme la plus classique reste ganglionnaire cervicale. Observation Nous presentons 2 cas d’histiocytose sinusale ganglionnaire de Destombes-Rosai-Dorfman. Les patients etaient âges respectivement de 9 et 30 ans. Ils ont presente tous les deux une polyadenopathie cervicale bilaterale avec un syndrome compressif cervical dans le premier cas. Le diagnostic de certitude histologique a ete fait grâce a la mise en evidence d’une emperipolese histiocytaire dans le premier cas et dans le second cas par immuno-histochimie. Le traitement a consiste dans les deux cas…