Christiane Deparis

Type II narrow double barrier quantum well structures : Γ-X coupling and interface effects

Photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation and time resolved PL experiments have been performed on Al0.42Ga0.58As/AlAs/GaAs symmetric double barrier quantum wells (DBQW) with only one or two AlAs monolayers constituting the intermediate barriers. In agreement with the envelope function predictions we show that such DBQW's undergo a type I - type II transition when the GaAs thickness is reduced below 7 and 5 monolayers for 2 and 1 AlAs molecular planes respectively. In type II configuration the PL decay time is found to be strongly dependent on the energy difference between AlAs Xz - and GaAs Γ - electron confined states and the coupling parameter of the Γ and Xz valleys can be deduced (4.2 meV o…

research product

Hybrid multiple diffraction in semipolar wurtzite materials: (0112)-oriented ZnMgO/ZnO heterostructures as an illustration

X-ray diffraction has been widely used to characterize the structural properties (strain and structural quality) of semiconductor heterostructures. This work employs hybrid multiple diffraction to analyze r-oriented Zn1xMgxO layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on ZnO substrates. In such a low-symmetry material system, additional features appear in symmetric reflection scans, which are described as arising from hybrid multiple diffraction. First, the Bragg conditions necessary for these high-order processes to occur are introduced and applied to explain all the observed satellite reflections, identify the planes that contribute and compute a priori the angles at which they are observed. F…

research product

Hybrid multiple diffraction in semipolar wurtzite materials: (\bf 01\overline{1}2)-oriented ZnMgO/ZnO heterostructures as an illustration

X-ray diffraction has been widely used to characterize the structural properties (strain and structural quality) of semiconductor heterostructures. This work employs hybrid multiple diffraction to analyzer-oriented Zn1−xMgxO layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on ZnO substrates. In such a low-symmetry material system, additional features appear in symmetric reflection scans, which are described as arising from hybrid multiple diffraction. First, the Bragg conditions necessary for these high-order processes to occur are introduced and applied to explain all the observed satellite reflections, identify the planes that contribute and computea priorithe angles at which they are observed. Fur…

research product

Controlled type-I–type-II transition in GaAs/AlAs/AlxGa1−xAs double-barrier quantum wells

We show that the insertion of extremely narrow AlAs layers in double-barrier GaAs/AlAs/${\mathrm{Al}}_{\mathrm{x}}$${\mathrm{Ga}}_{1\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}\mathrm{x}}$As quantum wells results in a variety of electronic configurations, thus providing a powerful tool for tailoring the electronic transitions in GaAs heterostructures. In particular, the transition from type-I to type-II recombination is shown to occur in correspondence with variations by a single monolayer in the thickness of the AlAs and/or GaAs layers. Drastic changes in the recombination lifetimes are correspondingly observed; at the same time, the photoluminescence efficiency is found to be almost independent of the type-I-…

research product