Scambia Giovanni
Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection
WOS:000613461600006 PubMed ID: 32926494 Objectives To evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods This was a multinational retrospective cohort study including women with a singleton pregnancy and laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, conducted in 72 centers in 22 different countries in Europe, the USA, South America, Asia and Australia, between 1 February 2020 and 30 April 2020. Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined as a positive result on real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay of nasopharyngeal swab specimens. The primary outcome was a composite measure of maternal mortality and morbidity…
Italian survey on the residents' surgical level in gynecology and obstetrics
Purpose: The present study aims to investigate the number of surgical procedures performed by Italian residents and their confidence to carry out different surgeries in obstetrics and gynecology. Methods: The present study is a national survey including all Italian gynecology and obstetrics senior residents. A questionnaire including 25 questions was provided. The free Google Forms site was used to create the survey. The study was conducted from April to October 2019. The survey started from the University Hospital of Parma, a tertiary hospital, and was sent to all the Italian post-graduation medical school in gynecology and obstetrics. An e-mail was sent to all representative residents in …
Trattato di chirurgia ostetrica e ginecologica
L’endometriosi è una malattia benigna e cronica caratterizzata dalla presenza di tessuto endometriale funzionale (ghiandole endometriali e stroma) al di fuori dell’utero (1). La presenza di malattia endometriosica è un problema sociale significativo, in quanto causa nelle donne affette deficit di fertilità, dolore pelvico cronico, dispareunia, disuria e dischezia (2). Con il termine neuropelveologia si intende quel complesso di pratiche mediche che si occupano delle patologie che interessano l’innervazione pelvica nel suo complesso. La disciplina, nata da un’intuizione di Possover all’inizio degli anni 2000, ha preso prepotentemente piede negli ultimi anni come sub-specialità trasversale ai…