The Image of Spain as Tourist Destination Built Through Fictional Cinema
Fictional cinema is one of the cultural agents that shapes the international image of each country. It colonizes spectators’ imagery, and it can influence their choice of tourist destinations. Spanish cinema’s international diffusion has allowed the exhibition of movies that spread and renew the image of Spain in different ways. In this respect, we propose a three-fold typology of films focusing our attention on their content and the ways in which they build the image of Spain: Icon Films, Pastiche Films, and Tourist Poster Films. These films may stimulate the increase of a cultural tourism very different from the traditional one that inspired many to come to Spain mainly looking for sunny …
Web 2.0 under the light of free software
The development of Web 2.0 has favoured a closer relation between Internet users and the different web applications that facilitate creating, sharing and structuring digital information in a horizontal and collaborative way through so-called social software. Social software includes tools that are familiar to us all, such as chats, forums, blogs, wikis, syndication standards (RSS type), social tagging, multimedia file sharing, social networking, etc. They are tools oriented to give the user a greater capacity of interaction, and a stronger control over the content and the format in which they can be presented.
Luces y sombras del Open Course Ware: hacia el OCW 2.0
El Open Course Ware es una altruista iniciativa orientada a la educacion superior que aporta beneficios tanto a estudiantes y profesores, como a las instituciones que la promueven. Pero tambien tiene ciertas limitaciones que podrian ser paliadas parcialmente si sus gestores miraran al futuro desde una perspectiva mas ambiciosa con el fin de garantizar no solo repositorios abiertos, sino tambien apoyo pedagogico y reconocimiento de titulos. Exigiria soluciones imaginativas y comprometidas para algunas cuestiones clave pero podria convertirse en una respuesta accesible para la inminente demanda global de formacion universitaria. Las bases de esta especie de OCW 2.0 ya estan construidas.
Avaluació formativa i contínua de treballs col.laboratius amb Tiki-Wiki
Taula rodona d'experiències d'innovació Educativa de la Universitat de València. Producción:CREAM (htto:// ( Campus