Monica Strømland

Rettferdighet – også for barn? En teoretisk analyse av John Rawls og Martha C. Nussbaums rettferdighetsteori, sett i forhold til utfordringer det norske samfunnet har med hensyn til barnefattigdom og barns rettssikkerhet.

Masteroppgave offentlig politikk og ledelse- Universitetet i Agder, 2015 Den første utgaven av de Forente Nasjoners Menneskerettighetserklæring(1948) kom i stand etter alvorlige overgrep mot verdens sivilbefolkning under andre verdenskrig. Barnekonvensjonen ble vedtatt av FNs generalforsamling i1989 for å tydeliggjøre for verden det felles ansvaret vi har med hensyn til å gi barn beskyttelse i henhold til artiklene og menneskerettighetene (fn.no, Barns rettigheter). Selv om menneskerettighetene og Barnekonvensjonen er internasjonale lover som skal beskytte barn, vet vi at flere barn lever under forhold som er umenneskelige. Også i Norge. Hvordan kan vi oppnå samme grad av rettferdighet, mul…

research product

In Your Best Interest

We introduce the opportunity for Capability Approach, developed by Martha C. Nussbaum (1997, 2006, 2011), to be used as a guideline to balance the principle of the child’s best interests as formulated in the crc, art. 3 and respect for family life, echr, art. 8, in cases where these principles are drawn in different directions. To contextualize a dilemma, we refer to two stories from the Norwegian courts which illustrate how complex this can be. The stories are similar in the way that they both are related to an evaluation of children`s best interests. We argue conclusively that the list of capabilities could strengthen and supplement the content of the principle of child’s best interests. …

research product

You realise you are better when you want to live, want to go out, want to see people: Recovery as assemblage

Background: The lack of social and material perspectives in descriptions of recovery processes is almost common in recovery research. Aim: Consequently, we investigated recovery stories and how people with mental health and/or addiction challenges included social and material aspects in these stories. Method: We conducted focus group and individual interviews. We investigated how the participants narrated their stories and how they assembled places and people in their recovery stories. Results: We found that narratives of recovery became assemblages where humans and their environments co-exist and are interdependent. Conclusion: As such, narratives about recovery are about everyday assembla…

research product