Olli-pekka Salo

Miten tehdä hyvästä kielenopetuksesta entistä parempaa?

Opetushallitus arvioi keväällä 2013 perusopetuksen päättövaiheessa olleiden oppilaiden kielitaitoa A-ruotsissa ja neljässä tavallisimmin opiskellussa vieraassa kielessä. Arvioinnilla selvitettiin, miten opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (2004) ilmaistut oppimistavoitteet on saavutettu, ja mitkä oppilaan taustatekijät ja oppimisympäristön piirteet selittävät oppimistuloksia. Vaikka kielelliset tavoitteet saavutettiin pääosin hyvin, niin kehittämistarpeita havaittiin erityisesti oppituntien työtavoissa ja oppilaiden käsityksissä. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Using self-assessment to enhance self-regulated learning : an intervention study in a Finnish lower secondary school

The aim of this intervention study was to explore how the emphasised use of self-assessment in Swedish language classes affects ninth graders’ perceptions of self-regulated learning and their self-assessments in Finland. The dataset includes the survey responses of 36 students and their written self-assessments. The results suggest that the quality of the self-assessments increased during the intervention, although the level of reflection was still superficial. The students exhibited more positive perceptions of their skills in self-regulated learning at the end of the intervention. The results indicate that incorporating self-assessment into teaching boosts students’ perceptions of self-re…

research product

Metaforia, piirroksia ja akronyymeja : työkaluja kieltenopettajan käyttöteorian rakentamiseen ja vahvistamiseen ohjatussa harjoittelussa

research product

Raportti harjoittelukoulujen valtakunnallisesta ohjauskyselystä 2016-2019

research product

Mediaatio : mitä se on?

Mediaatio on merkitysten välittämistä ja rakentavaa vuorovaikutusta. Mediaatiotaitoja on harjoiteltu kieltenopetuksessa jo pitkään - nyt ne on koottu yhden käsitteen alle. nonPeerReviewed

research product

In Teachers We Trust – the Finnish Way to Teach and Learn

Finland has received very good results in international student achievement tests such as PISA and ICCS in the 21st century. Consequently, education authorities and researchers from all over the world have attempted to find reasons for Finland’s success. In this article, we are looking at Finnish education from the inside, from the perspective of Finnish teachers and schools. Our hypothesis is that Finnish teachers, who have a high-quality academic education and who work as trusted professionals, have played a key role in making such results possible. Thus, we will concentrate on Finnish teachers, their role in education as well as teacher education and training in this article. peerReviewed

research product

Dialogues on Bakhtin : interdisciplinary readings

The ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin have received a great amount of scholarly interest both in his homeland and in the West, giving rise to a special discipline devoted to the study of the legacy of the Bakhtin Circle. Despite the huge amount of material published on Bakhtin, the appropriation of Bakhtin’s ideas has remained a rather controversial issue, and thus, there are competing views, especially between Russian and Western scholars, on what Bakhtin’s project was. Furthermore, the relevance of Bakhtin is not limited to ’Bakhtinology proper’, nor to literary criticism, cultural studies, and philosophy, which are traditionally considered Bakhtin’s home ground. It has become trendy to apply Bakh…

research product