

Using self-assessment to enhance self-regulated learning : an intervention study in a Finnish lower secondary school

Toni MäkipääOlli-pekka Salo


itsearviointikieltenopetusitsesäätely (psykologia)ruotsin kieliyläkoululaisetinterventiotutkimuskielen oppiminen


The aim of this intervention study was to explore how the emphasised use of self-assessment in Swedish language classes affects ninth graders’ perceptions of self-regulated learning and their self-assessments in Finland. The dataset includes the survey responses of 36 students and their written self-assessments. The results suggest that the quality of the self-assessments increased during the intervention, although the level of reflection was still superficial. The students exhibited more positive perceptions of their skills in self-regulated learning at the end of the intervention. The results indicate that incorporating self-assessment into teaching boosts students’ perceptions of self-regulated learning and enhances the quality of their self-assessments. Swedish language teachers should consider the extent to which they use self-assessment in courses and whether their practices could be adjusted to promote reflection and self-regulated learning. peerReviewed
