Luigi Maiolino
Autoimmune ear disease: clinical and diagnostic relevance in Cogan’s sydrome
The autoimmune inner ear disease is a clinical syndrome with uncertain pathogenesis that is often associated to rapidly progressive hearing loss that, especially at the early stages of disease, may be at monoaural localization, although more often it is at binaural localization. It usually occurs as a sudden deafness, or a rapidly progressive sensorineural hearing loss. In this study a particular form of autoimmune inner ear disease is described, Cogan’s syndrome. Cogan’s syndrome is a chronic inflammatory disorder that most commonly affects young adults. Clinical hallmarks are interstitial keratitis, vestibular and auditory dysfunction. Associations between Cogan’s syndrome and systemic va…
Expression pattern of estroprogestinic receptors in sinonasal inverted papilloma
// Agostino Serra 1 , Rosario Caltabiano 2 , Giacomo Spinato 3 , Salvatore Gallina 4 , Salvatore Caruso 5 , Venerando Rapisarda 6 , Paola Di Mauro 1 , Veronica Castro 1 , Angelo Conti 1 , Luisa Licciardello 1 , Luigi Maiolino 1 , Salvatore Lanzafame 2 , Salvatore Cocuzza 1 1 Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Advanced Technologies “G. Ingrassia”, ENT Section, University of Catania, Catania, Italy 2 Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Advanced Technologies “G. Ingrassia”, Section of Anatomic Pathology, University of Catania, Catania, Italy 3 ENT Department, Rovigo Provincial Hospital, Rovigo, Italy 4 Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neurosciences, …
Post laryngectomy speech rehabilitation outcome in elderly patients
The aim of our work has been to evaluate the different options of tracheoesophageal voice rehabilitation in over 70-year-old patients, who had undergone laryngectomy, assessing advantages and drawbacks of this method of vocal recovery. A retrospective study has been carried out. This has included 40 subjects, all aged more than 70 years old, who have been referred to tracheoesophageal voice rehabilitation. It has been realized a phonatory fistula between trachea and esophagus with prosthesis positioning by means of a primary puncture in 18 cases and it has been realized a secondary puncture in 22 cases. The results gathered in these patients were compared with data obtained from a group mad…
Oxidative stress neuroinflammation and cellular stress response in sensorineural hearing loss: novel nutritional therapeutical approaches
This study is intended to validate the hypothesis that changes in the redox state of glutathione, the major endogenous antioxidant, associated with the abnormal expression and activity of cytoprotective vitagenes, which in normal conditions are expressed only at low level may represent a critical factor, involved in the physiopathological changes associated to degenerative damage occurring in cochlear diseases. Moreover modulation of stress responsive vitagenes by nutritional antioxidants can be an effective therapeutic strategy to minimize consequences of oxidative stress associated to the pathogenesis and course of sensorineural hearing loss. One therapeutic approach can be antioxidant su…
Universal newborn hearing screening in the Italian Region of Sicily in 2018
We have clarified the role of Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening (UNHS) for both early diagnosis and rapid treatment in order to improve the prognosis of the deaf child and reduce patient management costs. Although in Sicily UNHS has been progressively implemented, there is scarce data in the literature on this matter. Therefore, the main objective was to collect in the year 2018 the following data: number of newborns screened for hearing loss, number of infants "referred" to transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), number of infants with pathologic auditory brainstem response (ABR) and number of infants affected by permanent hearing loss.UNHS monitoring was conducted through the…