Fabio Siringo

A variational method from the variance of energy

A variational method is studied based on the minimum of energy variance. The method is tested on exactly soluble problems in quantum mechanics, and is shown to be a useful tool whenever the properties of states are more relevant than the eigenvalues. In quantum field theory the method provides a consistent second order extension of the gaussian effective potential.

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Nonperturbative effective model for the Higgs sector of the standard model

A nonperturbative effective model is derived for the Higgs sector of the Standard Model which is described by a simple scalar theory. The renormalized couplings are determined by the derivatives of the Gaussian effective potential that are known to be the sum of infinite bubble graphs contributing to the vertex functions. A good agreement has been found with strong coupling lattice simulations when a comparison can be made.

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General interpolation scheme for thermal fluctuations in superconductors

We present a general interpolation theory for the phenomenological effects of thermal fluctuations in superconductors. Fluctuations are described by a simple gauge invariant extension of the gaussian effective potential for the Ginzburg-Landau static model. The approach is shown to be a genuine variational method, and to be stationary for infinitesimal gauge variations around the Landau gauge. Correlation and penetration lengths are shown to depart from the mean field behaviour in a more or less wide range of temperature below the critical regime, depending on the class of material considered. The method is quite general and yields a very good interpolation of the experimental data for very…

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The Gaussian Effective Potential (GEP) is shown to be a useful variational tool for the study of the magnetic properties of strongly correlated electronic systems. The GEP is derived for a single band Hubbard model on a two-dimensional bi-partite square lattice in the strong coupling regime. At half-filling the antiferromagnetic order parameter emerges as the minimum of the effective potential with an accuracy which improves over RPA calculations and is very close to that achieved by Monte Carlo simulations. Extensions to other magnetic systems are discussed.

research product

Self-consistent variational approach to the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions

The problem of mass generation is addressed by a Gaussian variational method for the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions. Without any scalar bidoublet, the Gaussian effective potential is shown to have a minimum for a broken symmetry vacuum with a finite expectation value for both the scalar Higgs doublets. The symmetry is broken by the fermionic coupling that destabilizes the symmetric vacuum, yielding a self consistent fermionic mass. In this framework a light Higgs is only compatible with the existence of a new high energy mass scale below 2 TeV.

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