

Self-consistent variational approach to the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions

Luca MarottaFabio Siringo


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsElectroweak gauge sector quantum field theoryMass generationScalar (mathematics)Electroweak interactionHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyFOS: Physical sciencesSymmetry (physics)Theoretical physicsHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)Variational methodHiggs bosonInvariant massSymmetry breaking


The problem of mass generation is addressed by a Gaussian variational method for the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions. Without any scalar bidoublet, the Gaussian effective potential is shown to have a minimum for a broken symmetry vacuum with a finite expectation value for both the scalar Higgs doublets. The symmetry is broken by the fermionic coupling that destabilizes the symmetric vacuum, yielding a self consistent fermionic mass. In this framework a light Higgs is only compatible with the existence of a new high energy mass scale below 2 TeV.
