Hsiao-ping Hsu

What is the order of the two-dimensional polymer escape transition?

An end-grafted flexible polymer chain in three-dimensional space between two pistons undergoes an abrupt transition from a confined coil to a flowerlike conformation when the number of monomers in the chain, $N$, reaches a critical value. In two-dimensional (2D) geometry, excluded-volume interactions between monomers of a chain confined inside a strip of finite length $2L$ transform the coil conformation into a linear string of blobs. However, the blob picture raises questions about the nature of this escape transition. To check theoretical predictions based on the blob picture we study 2D single-polymer chains with excluded-volume interactions and with one end grafted in the middle of a st…

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Coil-bridge transition in a single polymer chain as an unconventional phase transition: theory and simulation.

The coil-bridge transition in a self-avoiding lattice chain with one end fixed at height H above the attractive planar surface is investigated by theory and Monte Carlo simulation. We focus on the details of the first-order phase transition between the coil state at large height H ⩾ Htr and a bridge state at H ⩽ Htr, where Htr corresponds to the coil-bridge transition point. The equilibrium properties of the chain were calculated using the Monte Carlo pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method in the moderate adsorption regime at (H/Na)tr ⩽ 0.27 where N is the number of monomer units of linear size a. An analytical theory of the coil-bridge transition for lattice chains with excluded volume interact…

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Structure of bottle-brush polymers in solution: A Monte Carlo test of models for the scattering function

Extensive Monte Carlo results are presented for a lattice model of a bottle-brush polymer under good solvent or Theta solvent conditions. Varying the side chain length, backbone length, and the grafting density for a rigid straight backbone, both radial density profiles of monomers and side chain ends are obtained, as well as structure factors describing the scattering from a single side chain and from the total bottle-brush polymer. To describe the structure in the interior of a very long bottle-brush, a periodic boundary condition in the direction along the backbone is used, and to describe effects due to the finiteness of the backbone length, a second set of simulations with free ends of…

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Conformational studies of bottle-brush polymers absorbed on a flat solid surface.

The adsorption of a bottle-brush polymer end-grafted with one chain end of its backbone to a flat substrate surface is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model, that previously has been characterized in the bulk, assuming a dilute solution under good solvent conditions. Applying the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice, we vary the backbone chain length $N_b$ from $N_b=67$ to $N_b = 259$ effective monomeric units, the side chain length $N$ from N=6 to N=48, and the grafting density $\sigma=1$, i.e., parameters that correspond well to the experimentally accessible range. When the adsorption energy strength $\epsilon$ is varied, we find that the adsorption tra…

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Understanding the Multiple Length Scales Describing the Structure of Bottle-brush Polymers by Monte Carlo Simulation Methods

Bottle-brush polymers contain a long flexible macromolecule as a backbone to which flexible side chains are grafted. Through the choice of the grafting density and the length of the side chains the local stiffness of this cylindrical molecular brush can be controlled, but a quantitative understanding of these phenomena is lacking. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented and discussed which address this issue, extractingmesoscopic length scales (such as the cross-sectional radius, persistence length, and contour length of these objects). Large-scale simulations of the bond fluctuation model are combined with simulations of the simple selfavoiding walk (SAW) model with flexibility contro…

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Characteristic Length Scales and Radial Monomer Density Profiles of Molecular Bottle-Brushes: Simulation and Experiment

Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are presented for bottle-brush polymers under good solvent conditions, using the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice. Varying the backbone length (from Nb = 67 to Nb = 259 effective monomers) as well as the side chain length (from N = 6 to N = 48), for a physically reasonable grafting density of one chain per backbone monomer, we find that the structure factor describing the total scattering from the bottle-brush provides an almost perfect match for some combinations of (Nb, N) to experimental data of Rathgeber et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 124904], when we adjust the length scale of the simulation to reproduce the experimental gyration r…

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Pulling Single Adsorbed Bottle-Brush Polymers off a Flat Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation

Force versus extension behavior of flexible chains and semiflexible bottle-brush polymers adsorbed from a good solvent on a planar substrate is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of the bond fluctua...

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Scattering function of semiflexible polymer chains under good solvent conditions

Using the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth Monte Carlo algorithm, the scattering functions of semiflexible macromolecules in dilute solution under good solvent conditions are estimated both in $d=2$ and $d=3$ dimensions, considering also the effect of stretching forces. Using self-avoiding walks of up to $N = 25600$ steps on the square and simple cubic lattices, variable chain stiffness is modeled by introducing an energy penalty $\epsilon_b$ for chain bending; varying $q_b=\exp (- \epsilon_b/k_BT)$ from $q_b=1$ (completely flexible chains) to $q_b = 0.005$, the persistence length can be varied over two orders of magnitude. For unstretched semiflexible chains we test the applicability of the Krat…

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A Stevedore's protein knot.

Protein knots, mostly regarded as intriguing oddities, are gradually being recognized as significant structural motifs. Seven distinctly knotted folds have already been identified. It is by and large unclear how these exceptional structures actually fold, and only recently, experiments and simulations have begun to shed some light on this issue. In checking the new protein structures submitted to the Protein Data Bank, we encountered the most complex and the smallest knots to date: A recently uncovered α-haloacid dehalogenase structure contains a knot with six crossings, a so-called Stevedore knot, in a projection onto a plane. The smallest protein knot is present in an as yet unclassified …

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Breakdown of the Kratky-Porod Wormlike Chain Model for Semiflexible Polymers in Two Dimensions

By large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of semiflexible polymers in $d=2$ dimensions the applicability of the Kratky-Porod model is tested. This model is widely used as "standard model" for describing conformations and force versus extension curves of stiff polymers. It is shown that semiflexible polymers in $d=2$ show a crossover from hard rods to self-avoiding walks, the intermediate Gaussian regime (implied by the Kratky-Porod model) is completely absent. Hence the latter can also describe force versus extension curves only if the contour length is only a few times larger than the persistence length. Consequences for experiments on biopolymers at interfaces are briefly discussed.

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Phase Transitions and Relaxation Processes in Macromolecular Systems: The Case of Bottle-brush Polymers

As an example for the interplay of structure, dynamics, and phase behavior of macromolecular systems, this article focuses on the problem of bottle-brush polymers with either rigid or flexible backbones. On a polymer with chain length $N_b$, side-chains with chain length $N$ are endgrafted with grafting density $\sigma$. Due to the multitude of characteristic length scales and the size of these polymers (typically these cylindrical macromolecules contain of the order of 10000 effective monomeric units) understanding of the structure is a challenge for experiment. But due to excessively large relaxation times (particularly under poor solvent conditions) such macromolecules also are a challen…

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Structure of bottle brush polymers on surfaces: weak versus strong adsorption.

Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations are presented for a coarse-grained model of cylindrical molecular brushes adsorbed on a flat structureless substrate, varying both the chain length N of the side chains and the backbone chain length N(b). For the case of good solvent conditions, both the cases of weak adsorption (only 10 to 15% of the monomers being bound to the surface) and strong adsorption (~40% of the monomers being bound to the surface, forcing the bottle brush into an almost 2D conformation) are studied. We focus on the scaling of the total linear dimensions of the cylindrical brush with both chain lengths N and N(b), demonstrating a crossover from rod-like behavior (for not very la…

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Macromol. Theory Simul. 7/2007

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How to define variation of physical properties normal to an undulating one-dimensional object.

One-dimensional flexible objects are abundant in physics, from polymers to vortex lines to defect lines and many more. These objects structure their environment and it is natural to assume that the influence these objects exert on their environment depends on the distance from the line-object. But how should this be defined? We argue here that there is an intrinsic length scale along the undulating line that is a measure of its "stiffness" (i.e., orientational persistence), which yields a natural way of defining the variation of physical properties normal to the undulating line. We exemplify how this normal variation can be determined from a computer simulation for the case of a so-called b…

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Computer simulation of bottle-brush polymers with flexible backbone: good solvent versus theta solvent conditions.

By Molecular Dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained bead-spring type model for a cylindrical molecular brush with a backbone chain of $N_b$ effective monomers to which with grafting density $\sigma$ side chains with $N$ effective monomers are tethered, several characteristic length scales are studied for variable solvent quality. Side chain lengths are in the range $5 \le N \le 40$, backbone chain lengths are in the range $50 \le N_b \le 200$, and we perform a comparison to results for the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice (for which much longer chains are accessible, $N_b \le 1027$, and which corresponds to an athermal, very good, solvent). We obtain linear dimensions of …

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New Development of Monte Carlo Techniques for Studying Bottle-brush Polymers

Due to the complex characteristics of bottle-brush polymers, it became a challenge to develop an efficient algorithm for studying such macromolecules under various solvent conditions or some constraints in the space by using computer simulations. In the limit of a bottle-brush polymer with a rather stiff backbone (straight rigid backbone), we generalize the variant of the biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method, for simulating polymers with complex architecture, from star polymers to bottle-brush polymers, on the simple cubic lattice. With the high statistics of our Monte Carlo results, we check the theoretical predictions of side chain behavior and radial monom…

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One- and two-component bottle-brush polymers: simulations compared to theoretical predictions

Scaling predictions and results from self-consistent field calculations for bottle-brush polymers with a rigid backbone and flexible side chains under good solvent conditions are summarized and their validity and applicability is assessed by a comparison with Monte Carlo simulations of a simple lattice model. It is shown that under typical conditions, as they are also present in experiments, only a rather weak stretching of the side chains is realized, and then the scaling predictions based on the extension of the Daoud-Cotton blob picture are not applicable. Also two-component bottle brush polymers are considered, where two types (A,B) of side chains are grafted, assuming that monomers of …

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Intramolecular phase separation of copolymer "bottle brushes": No sharp phase transition but a tunable length scale

A lattice model for a symmetrical copolymer "bottle brush" molecule, where two types (A,B) of flexible side chains are grafted with one chain end to a rigid backbone, is studied by a variant of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), allowing for simultaneous growth of all side chains in the Monte Carlo sampling. Choosing repulsive binary interactions between unlike monomers and varying the solvent quality, it is found that phase separation into an $A$-rich part of the cylindrical molecule and a $B$-rich part can occur only locally. Long range order (in the direction of the backbone) does not occur, and hence the transition from the randomly mixed state of the bottle brush to the phas…

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Semi-flexible polymer chains in quasi-one-dimensional confinement: a Monte Carlo study on the square lattice

Single semi-flexible polymer chains are modeled as self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on the square lattice with every 90° kink requiring an energy eb. While for eb = 0 this is the ordinary SAW, varying the parameter qb = exp(−eb/kBT) allows the variation of the effective persistence length p over about two decades. Using the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), chain lengths up to about N = 105 steps can be studied. In previous work it has already been shown that for contour lengths L = Nb (the bond length b is the lattice spacing) of order p a smooth crossover from rods to two-dimensional self-avoiding walks occurs, with radii R ∝ p1/4L3/4, the Gaussian regime predicted by the Kratky–Porod m…

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Escape transition of a polymer chain from a nanotube: How to avoid spurious results by use of the force-biased pruned-enriched Rosenbluth algorithm

A polymer chain containing $N$ monomers confined in a finite cylindrical tube of diameter $D$ grafted at a distance $L$ from the open end of the tube may undergo a rather abrupt transition, where part of the chain escapes from the tube to form a "crown-like" coil outside of the tube. When this problem is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice applying a cylindrical confinement and using the standard pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), one obtains spurious results, however: with increasing chain length the transition gets weaker and weaker, due to insufficient sampling of the "escaped" states, as a detailed analysis shows. In order to solve…

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Effect of Chain Stiffness on the Adsorption Transition of Polymers

Polymers grafted with one chain end to an impenetrable flat hard wall which attracts the monomers with a short-range adsorption potential (of strength e) are studied by large scale Monte Carlo simulations, using the pruned–enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM). Chain lengths up to N = 25600 steps are considered, and the intrinsic flexibility of the chain is varied via an energy penalty for nonzero bond angles, eb. Choosing qb = exp(−eb/kBT) in the range from qb = 1 (fully flexible chains) to qb = 0.005 (rather stiff chains with a persistence length of about lp=52 lattice spacings), the adsorption transition is found to vary from about e/kBTc ≈ 0.286 to e/kBTc ≈ 0.011, confirming the theoretical…

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Fisher Renormalization for Logarithmic Corrections

For continuous phase transitions characterized by power-law divergences, Fisher renormalization prescribes how to obtain the critical exponents for a system under constraint from their ideal counterparts. In statistical mechanics, such ideal behaviour at phase transitions is frequently modified by multiplicative logarithmic corrections. Here, Fisher renormalization for the exponents of these logarithms is developed in a general manner. As for the leading exponents, Fisher renormalization at the logarithmic level is seen to be involutory and the renormalized exponents obey the same scaling relations as their ideal analogs. The scheme is tested in lattice animals and the Yang-Lee problem at t…

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Simulation of Copolymer Bottle-Brushes

The structure of bottle-brush polymers with a rigid backbone and flexible side chains is studied in three dimensions, varying the grafting density, the side chain length, and the solvent quality. Some preliminary results of theoretical scaling considerations for one-component bottle-brush polymers in a good solvent are compared with Monte Carlo simulations of a simple lattice model. For the simulations a variant of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) allowing for simultaneous growth of all side chains in the Monte Carlo sampling is employed. For a symmetrical binary (A,B) bottle-brush polymer, where two types (A,B) of flexible side chains are grafted with one chain end to the backb…

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Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates

This chapter deals with the mechanical properties of single polymer chains, aggregates, and supramolecular complexes. The topics discussed cover a broad range from fundamental statistical mechanics of the equilibrium elastic properties of single polymer chains to details of the behavior of binding pockets in biomolecular assemblies as observed by force spectroscopy. The first section treats the equilibrium mechanical properties of single polymer chains in various environments, investigated via extensive simulations employing coarse-grained models that have proven extremely successful in many branches of polymer physics, namely the bond-fluctuation model and the self-avoiding walk model. Apa…

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Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks: Complex Polymer Architectures

This chapter describes macromolecules with a complex structure, their defined aggregation in solution, their adsorption to surfaces, and their possible aggregation on surfaces. The term “complex structure” implies that the macromolecules show different, distinct structural elements or building blocks on a supra-atomic length scale. Key to understanding the complex structure of macromolecules, their aggregation, and adsorption to surfaces are intra- and intermolecular interactions such as van der Waals, electrostatic, π–π interactions, and hydrogen bonds.

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Dragging a Polymer Chain into a Nanotube and Subsequent Release

We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter $D$ is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position $x$ inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the averag…

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Stretching semiflexible polymer chains: Evidence for the importance of excluded volume effects from Monte Carlo simulation

Semiflexible macromolecules in dilute solution under very good solvent conditions are modeled by self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice ($d=3$ dimensions) and square lattice ($d=2$ dimensions), varying chain stiffness by an energy penalty $\epsilon_b$ for chain bending. In the absence of excluded volume interactions, the persistence length $\ell_p$ of the polymers would then simply be $\ell_p=\ell_b(2d-2)^{-1}q_b^{-1}$ with $q_b= \exp(-\epsilon_b/k_BT)$, the bond length $\ell_b$ being the lattice spacing, and $k_BT$ is the thermal energy. Using Monte Carlo simulations applying the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), both $q_b$ and the chain length $N$ are varied over a wide r…

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Semiflexible macromolecules in quasi-one-dimensional confinement: Discrete versus continuous bond angles

The conformations of semiflexible polymers in two dimensions confined in a strip of width D are studied by computer simulations, investigating two different models for the mechanism by which chain stiffness is realized. One model (studied by molecular dynamics) is a bead-spring model in the continuum, where stiffness is controlled by a bond angle potential allowing for arbitrary bond angles. The other model (studied by Monte Carlo) is a self-avoiding walk chain on the square lattice, where only discrete bond angles (0° and ±90°) are possible, and the bond angle potential then controls the density of kinks along the chain contour. The first model is a crude description of DNA-like biopolymer…

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A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for studying bottle-brush polymers

Obtaining reliable estimates of the statistical properties of complex macromolecules by computer simulation is a task that requires high computational effort as well as the development of highly efficient simulation algorithms. We present here an algorithm combining local moves, the pivot algorithm, and an adjustable simulation lattice box for simulating dilute systems of bottle-brush polymers with a flexible backbone and flexible side chains under good solvent conditions. Applying this algorithm to the bond fluctuation model, very precise estimates of the mean square end-to-end distances and gyration radii of the backbone and side chains are obtained, and the conformational properties of s…

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Standard Definitions of Persistence Length Do Not Describe the Local “Intrinsic” Stiffness of Real Polymer Chains

On the basis of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models for linear chains under good and Θ solvents conditions, and for bottle-brush polymers under good solvent conditions, different me...

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Semiflexible polymer brushes and the brush-mushroom crossover.

Semiflexible polymers end-grafted to a repulsive planar substrate under good solvent conditions are studied by scaling arguments, computer simulations, and self-consistent field theory. Varying the chain length N, persistence length lp, and grafting density σg, the chain linear dimensions and distribution functions of all monomers and of the free chain ends are studied. Particular attention is paid to the limit of very small σg, where the grafted chains behave as "mushrooms" no longer interacting with each other. Unlike a flexible mushroom, which has a self-similar structure from the size (a) of an effective monomer up to the mushroom height (h/a ∝ N(v), ν ≈ 3/5), a semiflexible mushroom (l…

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Semiflexible Macromolecules with Discrete Bond Angles Confined in Nanoslits: A Monte Carlo Test of Scaling Concepts

Single semiflexible polymer chains confined in a planar slit geometry between parallel nonadsorbing repulsive walls a distance D apart are studied by Monte Carlo simulations of a lattice model, for the case of good solvent conditions. The polymers are modeled as self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice, where every 90° kink requires a bending energy eb. For small qb = exp(−eb/kBT) the model has a large persistence length lp (given by lp ≈ 1/(4qb) in the bulk three-dimensional dilute solution, in units of the lattice spacing). Unlike the popular Kratky–Porod model of worm-like chains, this model takes both excluded volume into account and approximates the fact that bond angles between…

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