Ferdinando Foresta
Environmentally Assessing Buildings Characterized by Complex Shape and Innovative Materials
This paper addresses the emerging problem consisting in a correct energy and environmental evaluation of buildings belonging to the new architectural tendency. In fact, innovative buildings are often characterized by new materials that, not rarely, are not contemplated in current environmental databases. Moreover, unconventional shapes of these buildings could require further manufacturing processes that involve additional energy consumption not included in the commercial environmental database. Through the work a spotlighting of the problem is presented with reference to a real innovative building.
Questa ricerca si inserisce nell’ambito della verifica della “sostenibilità ambientale delle realizzazioni antropiche” . Una preliminare fase di studio dei macroscopici aspetti economici, sociali, ambientali globali, ha spinto la mia indagine su un piano via via più intimo, individuando infine nell’uomo, nella sua integrità, l’elemento chiave per una corretta stima dei fenomeni di criticità energetico-ambientale. Procedendo, anche attraverso una fase sperimentale di cooperazione internazionale tra l’Università di Palermo e il mondo delle imprese di piccole comunità locali del Bangladesh, sono giunto alla definizione di SVILUPPO ZERO, che si presenta come una chiave di lettura dei temi (soci…
The Recent Change in the Italian Policies for Photovoltaics: Effects on the Energy Demand Coverage of Grid-Connected PV Systems Installed in Urban Contexts
In July 2013, the Italian photovoltaic (PV) support policies changed the feed-in tariff (FIT) mechanism and turned to a tax credits program, which is currently in force. The aim of this paper is to investigate how such a radical change has influenced the electricity demand coverage of the PV systems installed in urban contexts. A methodology, which connects the economic assessment to a detailed architectural and energy suitability analysis, was applied to some case studies to analyse the relationships between the physical parameters related to multi-storey buildings (roof shapes, number of floors and area of flats) and the most relevant economic and financial features affecting the viabilit…