Magnetic characteristics of industrial dust from different sources of emission: A case study of Poland
Abstract Dust emission and deposition in topsoil have negative effect on individual components of the ecosystem. In addition to routine geochemical analyses, magnetic measurements may provide useful complementary information related to the type, concentration and grain-size distribution of the technogenic magnetic particles (TMPs) and thus the degree of contamination of the environment. The aim of this contribution is to use magnetic parameters in distinguishing dust from a wide range of sources of air pollution (power industry, cement, coke, ceramic industries and biomass combustion). We measured magnetic susceptibility, hysteresis parameters and thermomagnetic curves. Our results suggest …
Identification of magnetic particulates in road dust accumulated on roadside snow using magnetic, geochemical and micro-morphological analyses
The aim of this study is to test the applicability of snow surveying in the collection and detailed characterization of vehicle-derived magnetic particles. Road dust extracted from snow, collected near a busy urban highway and a low traffic road in a rural environment (southern Finland), was studied using magnetic, geochemical and micro-morphological analyses. Significant differences in horizontal distribution of mass specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) were noticed for both roads. Multi-domain (MD) magnetite was identified as the primary magnetic mineral. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of road dust from both roads revealed: (1) angular-shaped particles (diameter ∼1–300 μm) mo…
Quantification of pedogenic particles masked by geogenic magnetic fraction
AbstractPedogenic magnetic fraction in soils is attributed to fine-grained particles, i.e. superparamagnetic grains. In the case of a strongly magnetic geogenic fraction, pedogenic magnetic contribution is hard to detect. To the best of our knowledge, detailed research into the masking of pedogenic superparamagnetic grains and quantification of this effect has not yet been carried out. The principal aim of our research is to quantify the influence of coarse-grained ferrimagnetic fraction on the detection of the superparamagnetic grains. In order to describe the masking phenomenon, volume and frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility were determined on a set of laboratory prepared samples …