Giovanni Leonardi
Falcon Conservation: azioni pratiche per la tutela del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii
Il progetto Falcon Conservation nasce nel 2014 e dal 2016 è supportato dalla fondazione Nando ed Elsa Peretti, con lo scopo di acquisire nuovi dati sulla biologia e la conservazione dei Rapaci ed in particolar modo del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii e del pellegrino Falco peregrinus brookei. Falcon Conservation si basa sulla ricerca scientifica e sulla Citizen Science ed ha tra gli obiettivi la divulgazione e il coinvolgimento degli studenti universitari e dell’opinione pubblica in genere. Le azioni pratiche del progetto si sono concentrate sul monitoraggio di popolazione in tre aree-campione che corrispondono alla Sicilia occidentale, centrale ed orientale. I censimenti sul campo sono s…
Perfluoroalkyl substances and immune cell counts in adults from the Mid-Ohio Valley (USA)
Highlights • The literature on PFASs and circulating levels of immune cells is scarce. • Study of the association between PFASs and white blood cells at two different time points. • Cross-sectional study on the association between PFASs and lymphocyte subsets. • Positive association between PFHxS and total lymphocytes, especially for cell count. • Positive, but less consistent, association between PFOA and PFOS and total lymphocytes.
Landscape-scale Spatial Distribution of the Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus feldeggii) Breeding Population in Italy
Falco biarmicus feldeggii is one of the most threatened taxa in Europe. Its global population is estimated at a few hundred pairs unequally scattered in a vast and fragmented area stretching from Sicily to the Caspian Sea. Most recent counts showed that Italy hosts a large part (>25%) of the whole population. Consequently, Italian authorities promoted a national action plan. In this framework, we carried out the first national survey for the Lanner Falcon in Italy (2003-2004). Our study area covered the whole breeding range, i.e., Sicily and the Italian peninsula (n = 2909 cells 10 × 10 km). When possible, we considered also additional information from previous regional investigations (1993…