Claudia Steinberg

Importance of students’ views and the role of self-esteem in lessons of creative dance in physical education

Abstract The purpose of this study was to capture the student’s views in lessons of creative dance. A qualitative empirical research design was carried out using video-stimulated recall interviews. The participants in this study were 88 children (63 female and 25 male) between the ages of 9 and 11 years (M = 10.5, SD = 1.2) in physical education lessons. A total of 16 teaching units in dance, which took place once a week within a period of 16 weeks were conducted. Of the 88 children, a total of 37 young male and female subjects (M = 10.5 years) were interviewed about their personal views subsequently to the lessons. Transcripts were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis …

research product

Körperlich-sinnliche Welterzeugung erforschen – Methodische Reflexionen zur Entwicklung eines analytischen Modells Kultureller Bildung im Tanz

Der Beitrag stellt ein praxeologisches Forschungsdesign vor, durch das Tanz(-vermittlung) in seinen Vollzugswirklichkeiten -empirisch beforscht werden kann. Das in dem Forschungsprojekt entwickelte Analysemodell kann Tanz(-vermittlung) als diskursiv gepragtes und materielles Geschehen entlang von acht Kategorien analytisch aufschlusseln und multi-dimensional perspektivieren. Bildungsrelevante Momente im Rahmen Kultureller Bildung werden damit als transsituativ und -sequenziell konzeptioniert.

research product

An evaluation study on the embedding of reflective practice in the further education programme KigaDance for nursery teachers

This article deals with the connection between theory and practice in the context of a further education programme (FEP) (KigaDance) for nursery teachers based on contemporary dance education. The ...

research product